Printed on 8 1/2 x 11" Premium Paper for 3 Ring Binders

Print Your Own Christmas Seal Albums
Download these files, or contact me for a copy of my Christmas Seal Albums on FREE computer CD 740-587-0276
Advanced Beginner Album
43 pages, provides spaces, as required, for singles, pairs, blocks, slogan and portrait blocks, booklet panes of 1918, 1930, 1931, 1939, the 1938 deluxe pane, and full sheets from 1907 through 2012. Spaces for both types of 1907 seals are provided. $10.00
The Advanced Beginner Album can be filled thru 2013 for $154.00 with the following sets 1907-65 which includes only one 1907 $101.50, 1907 type 1 $10.00, 1966-81 $10.50, 1982-2013 $17.50, 1935-40 & '46 slogan and portrait sets $7.00; 1918, 1930, 1931, 1939 booklet panes $5.00, 1938 deluxe pane $2.50
Set of Scott type CLEAR mounts for Advanced Beginner Album - including nineteen 8 1/2x11" top loading sheet protectors. Feel safe letting your non stamp collecting friends, relatives, and even my wife, leaf through your collection. This set includes enough mounts for every item in the 41 page album, and then protect your collection even more by sliding your mounted pages (back to back) into PVC free top loading sheet protectors $20.00
Comprehensive Christmas Seal Album
170 page specialized album providing spaces for type and perf varieties for singles, pairs, blocks and sheets (as required) 1907 through 2009. Also included are spaces for slogan blocks, portrait blocks, booklet panes, specimen overprints, some perforated proofs and essays, local overprints, US lookalikes from Canada, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Ryukyu, Nicaragua, modern Spanish text, silver foil, etc. $33.00
Christmas Seal Design Experiment & Spring Issue Album
81 pages, 1979 thru 1998 including spaces for singles, pairs, blocks, and full sheets, as required 14.00
Progressive Color Proof & Imperforate Album
177+ pages, provides spaces, as required, for PCP's from 1927 thru 1994 (last year issued). PCP's usually contain 7 stages and show colors separately and in combination, leading up to the complete design. This album also provides spaces for imperforate pairs, blocks, and sheets, as required, from 1917 thru 1995 40.00
Canadian National TB Seal Album
51 pages, 1927 thru 2001, provides spaces, as required, for singles, pairs, blocks, and sheets, as well as French and English text, slogan blocks, and booklet panes $12.50
Blank bordered "Christmas Seals" pages
punched or unpunched, are available; 10 for $2.50, 50 for $10.00; Completely blank album pages, punched or unpunched, are available; 10 for $1.50, 50 for $6.00
Collections To Fill My Albums
Offered in "Christmas Seal Albums" section, above.
1907-65 single, pair or block, as required (includes only one 1907, a type 1) This set includes a 1908 from a scarce booklet pane of 6, and a scarce VF 1911 coil, all seals Never Hinged $101.50
1907-65 as above but SE or NG $50.25
1907-65 the early seals thru 1916 with small faults, later seals are SE $29.95
1907 type 2, with "Happy New Year" added, F, NH $10.00

1924-65 single, pair or block, as required $3.00
1966-81 single, block or sheet, as required, the 1976 sheet is imperforate $10.50
1982-2013 strip, block or sheet, as required $17.50
2014-date available here:
Portrait and slogan block sets 1935-40 and 1946,1938 deluxe pane, booklet panes 1918, 1930, 1931, and 1939 $14.50
US lookalikes, as required, singles, pairs and blocks; Bermuda 1946-60, 1962, Puerto Rico 1956-59 SE except '58, Ryukyu1952, Nicaragua 1963SE. This collection is complete for these countries except for Newfoundland 1946, Nicaragua 1964and Bermuda 1961, which can be ordered from the "US Lookalike" section. Regular 17.95 $13.46
Modern Spanish text, 1982-94; silver and gold foil and silver ink 1985-93, all as required, regular32.00 $24.00
1928, 1930-35, 1937-53 twenty-four different perforated progressive color proof sets of 7 stages each, 3 of the sets in this group are no gum or straight edge $27.50
1929-69 forty-one different imperforate pairs, blocks of 4, 8 or 20, as required, 1942 and 1962 are now no gum, all others are never hinged $14.70
1970-80 eleven different imperforate pairs, blocks or sheets, as required, VF $23.90
1981-87 eight different imperforate pairs or blocks of fourteen, as required, VF $4.50
Mounted US Christmas Seal Collections
USA 1907 thru 1918. Very nicely mounted in custom computer album made by an old member of the CS&CSS, with most all perforation and type varieties, and including some proofs and freaks. All seals are in mounts. $1175.20 at my regular (cheap) prices. Yours for $846.00
USA 1907 thru 1984 nicely mounted volume on 1992 White Ace pages (non White Ace binder) $99.15 at my regular (cheap) prices, yours for $69.50
Worldwide Mounted TB Seal Collections
Perforated proofs and essays, 1918/1960, 60 seals, regular 125.55 for $98.66
This collection includes:
1918-3 type three essay 5.00
1919-2.p roulette 9 1/2x perf.12 ½, SE 5.00
1920-1.p2 kid finish paper 5.00
1921-1.p2 perf.12 proof 10.00
1922.p1 perf.12 smooth gum proof (WX30c) 2.00
1923-5.p complete design in black, SE 3.75
1924 E6 scalloped cape essay 3.50
1925-1.p1 perf.14 proof 2.50
1927 E1 solid runners essay 1.50
1928 E1 perf.12 essay 1.50
1929-1.p1 deep ultra, formerly advance sample 2.00
1929-2.p1 perf.14 proof 2.00
1929 E14 yellow jackey essay 2.50
1932 Hygeia essay, SE 2.50
1932 E10 dot for mouth essay 1.00
1934UK.p6 perf.14 proof 5.00
1934 E2 gold foil essay 5.00
1935UK.p3 perf.14 proof 1.00
1936.p8 perf.12 proof pair 4.00
1937.p11 perf.14 proof, NG 2.00
1937.p13 perf.12 proof 2.00
1938.p9x1 perf.12 proof 2.00
1938 E2 deluxe seal essay 12.50
1940NM.p2 perf.12, vert & horiz screen, proof 1.25
1940 E2 no green in margin essay, NG 2.50
1940 E4 no green in margins between seals, NG 2.50
1944SP enlarged design essay, purple sky, NG 2.50
1944SP enlarged design essay, blue sky, NG 2.50
1945SPCS.p3 perf.12 proof 1.25
1946SPCS.p5 perf.12 proof 1.25
1947NM.p3 perf.11 1/2 proof 2.00
1948NM.p4 perf.11 1/2 proof. NG 1.00
1949NM.p3 perf.11 1/2 proof 2.00
1950NM.p3 perf.11 1/2 proof 2.00
1951NM.p4 perf.11 1/2 proof 2.00
1952NM.p5 perf.11 1/2 proof, NG 1.25
1953NM.p7 perf.11 1/2 proof 5.00
1954NM.p4 perf.11 1/2 proof block, NG 6.00
1954-1.p2 english finish proof block, issued without gun, perf.13 1.00
1955NM.p3 perf.11 1/2 pair 1.00
1957-2.1 english finish paper, block .40
1958-2x2 english finish paper, pair .40
1959-2 perforation experiment, HPIB 1.50
1960-2.1 perforation experiment HPIB block 3.00