1946 US Christmas Seal portrait block of 16 with Emily Bissell
Christmas Seal Dealers
John Denune - This is Me. If you find something offered somewhere else, and can't find it at my website. please email me and I will look, as I probably have them.
George Baxley, Ryukyu Christmas Seals for Sale
Please compare my prices to this dealer, "Europe's Largest Christmas Seal Dealer" - http://www.christmasseal.dk/english/site.html
Christmas Seal and Cinderella Stamp Collector Clubs
The Christmas Seal & Charity Stamp Society New Site, created by me.
The Christmas Seal & Charity Stamp Society, Wikipedia article, by me.
History of Christmas Seals
e-Bay Guide to Christmas Seals, by John Denune
Wikipedia Christmas Seal article
U Tube, geneology gems, the history of Christmas seals
The Story of the (US) Christmas Seal
Philippine Christmas Seal History
Poster Stamps, By Roger & Bonnie Riga
World TB Day, March 24th, Royal London Hospital Archives
Red Cross SIte - History of Christmas Seals
Tubercular Architecture of the South
Fundraising Seal issuing Societies
Call (217) 787-5864 to have your name added to the American Lung Association Christmas Seal mailing list.
The International Union Against Tuberculosis
The Int. Union against TB does not issue seals, but some of it's member societies do. The Union holds an annual "Christmas Seal" contest.
History of The Canadian Lung Association - Video