All postmarked during the holiday season of the year of issuance. Before 1930 tied ons are almost always postcards; after 1930 they are usually covers. We also have some other tied ons, like US local and foreign TB seals
Rare Christmas Seal Tied ons. More Common Varieties Listed Below.
There are currently 86 known 1907 type 1 tied ons

1907 type 1 Philadelphia 12-25-1907 $1000.00

1907 type 1 North Wales, PA, with receiving mark for Lansdale, PA $1000.00
1907 type 2 WANTED
There are currently 41 known 1908 type 1 from bklt pane of 3
1908 type 1, from booklet pane of 3, 12-24-08 Berkley, CA 200.00
1908 type 1, from booklet pane of 3, late useage, 12-30-1909 San Francisco, CA 59.00
There are currently 8 known 1908 type 1A (ear of "8" separate from body of figure) UK unknown printer, roulette tied ons

1908-1A UK Unknown Printer, roulette, 12-23-1908 Cincinnati, OH. Green's Catalog value $1500.00 $975.00
1908-1A UK Unknown Printer, roulette, 12-24-1908 Cincinnati, OH. Green's Catalog value $1500.00 seal faulty $450.00
There are currently 24 known 1908 type 1B (ear of "8" connected to the body of figure) UK unknown printer, roulette tied ons
1908-1B UK Unknown Printer, roulette, 12-22-08 Portland, OR Green's Catalog value $1000.00 for $575.00

1908-1B UK Unknown Printer, roulette, (different than above) 12-22-08 Portland, OR Green's Catalog value $1000.00 for $575.00

1908-1B UK Unknown Printer, roulette, 12-24-08 Portland, OR Green's Catalog value $1000.00 for $575.00
1908-1B UK Unknown printer, roulette, de-facto tied, "Monday", 12-28-08 Portland, OR $275.00
There are currently 41 known 1908 type 2 from bklt pane of 3, tied ons
1908 type 2, from a booklet pane of 3, straight edge 2 sides from booklet pane of 3 (catalog value $200) 12-20-08 Albany, NY 135.00

1908 type 2, from a booklet pane of 3, straight edge 2 sides from booklet pane of 3 (catalog value $200) 12-23-08 NY, NY $135.00

1908 type 2, from a booklet pane of 3, straight edge 2 sides from booklet pane of 3 (catalog value $200) Albany NY 12-22-08 $135.00

1908 type 2, from a booklet pane of 3, straight edge 2 sides from booklet pane of 3 (catalog value $200) Albany NY 12-25-08 $135.00

1908 type 2, from a booklet pane of 3, straight edge 2 sides from booklet pane of 3 (catalog value $200) 1-1-09 Brooklyn, NY $135.00
1908 type 2, from a booklet pane of 3, straight edge 2 sides from booklet pane of 3 (catalog value $200) 12-24-08 Baltimore, MD. Seal only VF with corner off top of card $75.00

1908 type 2, jumbo Straight edge 3 sides from end of a booklet pane of 3 (catalog value $250) 12-08 Portland, OR $175.00
1909 New Hampshire Overprint tied on, US Local TB #14231 $195.00 - more US Local TB seals tied on, below
There are currently 59 known 1911 type 2 tied ons
1911 type 2, Green's Catalog value $250.- 12-18-11 Bend, OR $175.00

1911 type 2, Green's Catalog value $250.- South Milwaukee WI 12-21-11 $195.00

1911 type 2, Green's Catalog value $250.- Elgin, IL 12-21-1911, rare time Cummins cancel

1911 type 2, rare, Green's Catalog value $250. Seal trimmed to circular design, 12-22-1911 Texas cancel $85.00

1911 type 2, rare, Green's Catalog value $250.- tied Strum, WI, date not readable, not counted in tied on census $85.00
There are currently 11 known 1911 type 4 tied ons

1911 type 4 12-28 (dated 12-27-1911 in message) Los Angeles tied on. A similar 1911 type 4 tied on sold on eBay in 2014 for $3434.00, reported in Seal News April 2016, my cheap price $1750.00
1911 type 3 and 5 WANTED
1913 type 1 WANTED
There are currently 20 known 1913 type 2A tied ons
1913-2A Atlantic City, NJ 12-23-1913 (type 2A - with green circles around Red Crosses in side panels, and “green” “closed” or “filled” ribbon), Current catalog value $1000, Very Rare $675.00

1913-2A 12-24-13 Norwich CT town cancel (type 2A - with green circles around Red Crosses in side panels, and “green” “closed” or “filled” ribbon), Current catalog value $1000, Very Rare $675.00
There are currently 8 known 1913-2B tied ons

1913-2B tied on (type 2B - with green circles around Red Crosses in side panels, and “red” “open” ribbon), Current catalog value $1500, Very Rare $1350.00

1913-2B tied on December San Antonio, real photo flood postcard with printed date 12-4-13. 1913 is unreadable in postmark, but text of postcard mentions the recent flood (October 1 thru early December, 1913) (type 2B - with green circles around Red Crosses in side panels, and “red” “open” ribbon), Current catalog value $1500, Very Rare $950.00
There are currently 42 known 1925 type 2

1925 type 2, small envelope with 2 seals not tied on front and block of 4 seals tied on back, 12-5-25 Detriot, MI 250.00
1925 type 2, tied on postcard, 12- 22-25 Nashville, IL. 250.00
There are currently 55 known 1925 type 3
1925 type 3, clean postcard, Marshfield MN 12-19-25 $50.00
1925 type 3, clean postcard, Minneapolis MN 12-19-25 $50.00
1925 type 3, clean postcard, Moose Lake MN 12-21-25 $50.00
1925 type 3, clean postcard, IA 12-22-25 $50.00
More Common Christmas Seal Tied Ons
1908 type 1A, outer frame with square corners, apostrophe following "1908" is separate from the "8", perf 12 20.00
1908 type 1A, outer frame with square corners, apostrophe following "1908" is separate from the "8", perf 14 30.00
1908 type 1B, outer frame with square corners, apostrophe following "1908" is connected to the "8", perf 12 20.00
1908 type 1B, outer frame with square corners, apostrophe following "1908" is connected to the "8", perf 14 30.00
1908 type 2 25.00
1909 8.00
1910 10.00
1911 type 1 25.00
1912 15.00
1913 type 3 20.00
1914 15.00
1915 15.00
1916 15.00
1917 8.00
1917 on cover $14.00
1918 type 1 clean international postcard from NYC to Switzerland, 1918 month and day not present in cancel but rubber stamped 11-11-18, early usage $35.00
1918 type 2, barely tied on postcard 20.00
1919 type 1 with white plume to the left of Santas cap 8.00
1919 type 2 with white dot on front of cap, each 8.00
1920 type 1 with large loop and small tail in "9" in "1920" 8.00
1920 type 2 with small loop and large tail in "9" of "1920" 12.00
1921 type 1 with red shading on faces and chimney arranged in diagonal rows, heavy red line between top 2 rows of bricks 8.00
1921 type 2 as type 1 but red shading dots arranged in horizontal rows 8.00
1921 type 3 as type 1 but without the heavy red line between the top 2 rows of bricks 30.00
1922 thru 1924, each 8.00
1925 type 1 with res line around "1925" stops at the green line of the top of the bottom panel and does not join the red background below 15.00
1926 Morris, MN 12-24-26 on postcard 8.00
1926 12-9-26 NYC to Germany. Seal tied on back of registered cover, 7 cancels on back (5 diff) 25.00
1927 Christmas postcard 10.00
1927 "Special Delivery" (6 two cent stamps) Christmas card size cover, a little rough at top, with 5 1927 seals on back flap, one tied 12-22-1927 25.00
1927 international airmail cover to Belgium, stamped inaugural flight, comercial xmas seal and 1927 tied on back, 12-21-27 NY, NY $25.00
1928 tied on postcard $25.00
1929 small Christmas card envelope, cancelled Dec. 19, 1929 Glens Falls, NY 32.50
1930 on Booth Envelope, 12-24-30 Reading, MA $37.50
1930 Hotel Adams, Phoenix, AZ advertising cover, 01/02/1931 Phoenix, AZ, attractive with closed tears at top 25.00
1931 on cancelled airport dedication cover 4-13-31, resent 12-21-31 Chambersburg, PA (when seal was tied), post office stamped, Return to Writer... $35.00
1931 on colorful Felton Sebley Paint illustrated Advertizing cover, 12-12-31 Wilmington, DE, front only $15.00
1932 on postcard, 12-20-1932 Pasedena, CA 35.00
1932 on 3 cent postal stationary, 12-31 Keyport, NJ $35.00
1932 on event cover with rubber stamp cachet, 12-4-32 Philadelphia, 1st meeting of PA Assembly, William Penn $29.50
1932 two seals (both tied) on cover 12-21-32 Los Angeles, CA $40.00
1933 on Christmas picture postcard of Wilmington NC, from pioneer Christmas Seal dealer, A. W. Dunning, 12-25 year date off card $25.00
1934 smeary but readable cancel, Kingston, Jamaca Dec 1934 50.00
1934 clean small cover 12-20-34 Alameda, CA $35.00
1934 clean comercial cover 12-11-34 Akron, OH $35.00
1935 postcard 12-34 day and town unreadable, sent to Kansas $25.00
1935 from State TB Sanatorium with printed return address, 12-23-35 Sanatorium, TX, no flap, moderate gule burns penetrate front $29.50
1936 on small postal stationary 1-23-37 (late useage) Seal with "E" Eureka printer's mark 15.00
1936 slogan seal tied on 30.00
1937 5.00
1938 5.00
1938 on postal stationaty, Lannec portrait seal tied, 11-25-38, Patchogue, NY 15.00
1939 on cover, 10.00
1939 slogan seal tied on cover, Perth Amboy, NJ, 12-15-39 20.00
1940 5.00
1941 5.00
1942 small Christmas card envelope 8.00
1943 small Christmas card envelope 8.00
1943 pair tied on large Christmas card envelope, 12-20-43, NY, NY 8.00
1944--53, each 5.00
1946 Great Britain lookalike tied on printed British TB Association envelope 20.00
1954 small Christmas card envelope, tied on back, foriegn use 6.00
1955 tied on small Christmas card envelope, Jan 1956 3.00
1956-1958, each 5.00
1959 small Christmas card envelope 6.00
1960-64, each 5.00
1967 small Christmas card envelope 6.00
1969 3.50
1969 block tied on, signed by seal designer 3.50
1969 imperf block, tied on, signed by designer 4.00
1970 block tied on postal card 1.50
1970 PM block tied on postal card 2.00
1970 perforated multiple 1.50
1970 imperforate multiple 2.00
1971 thru 1974 3.50
1975-1976, 1978 each 2.50
1979 seal, US Locals #1475 and #3149cc (actually a national anniv label), both Xmas stamps 2.50
1980 2.50
1981 seals and experimental seals 3.50
1982 perf and imperf, set of 3 covers 5.00
1982 imperf on first flight cover 3.00
1982 imperf on international first flight 3.50
1983 seal and experimental 2.00
1983 imperf gutter pair and experimental on hand made envelope (made from 1978 sheet),
on secular of religious FDC 5.00
1983 imperf gutter pair on handmade envelope 2.75
1984 imperf complete set on 2 religious FDC 5.00
1984 perf complete set on 2 religious FDC 5.00
1984 imperf gutter pair and experimental on hand made envelope, secular Xmas FDC 5.00
1985 experimentals on cacheted Christmas FDC 3.50
1985 imperf package label and experimental on hand made envelope, secular Xmas FDC 5.00
1985 imperf and experimental silver and gold foil on handmade envelope, secular Xmas FDC 5.00
1985 experimental silver and gold foil on cacheted secular or religious Christmas FDC 2.50
1986 tied on 2.00
1986 various experimentals on cacheted religious or secular Christmas FDC 2.50
1986 imperf block on cacheted Xmas envelope, Sept. 18th Santa Claus, IN 2.00
1986 imperf vert or horiz gutter block on cacheted Christmas envelope,
Sept. 18th Santa Claus, IN 2.50
1986 imperf cross gutter block on cacheted Christmas envelope, Sept. 18th Santa Claus, IN 5.00
1987 2.00
1987 experimental block on cacheted envelope 2.50
1987 set of 10 covers with perf, imperf, experimental and Spanish text 25.00
1987 experimental with '32 US and '33 Korean lookalike on matching cacheted envelope,
sent to Korea 5-88 5.00
1988 pair with '87 experimental pair on cacheted secular Christmas FDC 2.50
1988 various experimentals tied on cacheted religious Christmas FDC 2.50
1988 Spring issue block on Christmas cacheted antique auto FDC 8-25-88 2.50
1988 Spring issue block (87N2) landscapes block tied 12-25-88 (SE 5.00) 7.50
1988 set of 6 cacheted Christmas covers 12-25-88 with complete set of experimental
1988-8T and -9T 15.00
1988 country heart experimental pair and '39 WA state Golden Jubilee event seal,
tied on WA Centennial FDC 2.50
1989 seal and '88 lookalike experimental on Christmas cacheted Stamp Expo FDC 2.50
1989 Spring issue block on Christmas cacheted envelope 3.50
1989 various experimentals on cacheted secular Christmas FDC 2.50
1989 Christmas flowers experimental on Xmas cacheted 1-18-90 Love stamp FDC 2.50
1989 Spanish text on Christmas cacheted 1-18-90 Love stamp FDC 2.50
1990 World Conference on Lung Health 3.00
1990 Easter egg pair (rabbit and rose) on Christmas cacheted lighthouse (4-26) FDC 2.50
1990 Spring self adhesive love on Christmas cacheted Indian headdress (8-17) FDC 2.50
1990 Spring landscape block on Christmas cacheted Indian headdress (8-17) FDC 2.50
1990 Spring flowers pair on Christmas cacheted sea lion (10-3) FDC- rare 1990-S8 seals 10.00
1990 silver and '89 experimental lookalike on Christmas cacheted FDC 3.00
1991 Spring quilt block on Christmas cacheted love heart (5-9) FDC 2.50
1991 Spring stained glass flowers pair and Easter egg pair on Christmas cahceted
love heart (5-9) FDC 2.50
1991-95 set of 50 WWII FDC on patriotic envelopes with matching (as close as possible)
WWII patriotic labels, plus matching year seals, some of these tied ons are the earliest known useage. 150.00
1993 single and imperf package label pair plus '92 experimental lookalike package label pair
on Christmas cacheted FDC 3.00
1994 seal with matching previous year design seal on cachered Christmas FDC 2.50
1995 test seal with matching previous year design seal on cacheted FDC 5.00
1997 seal with matching previous year design seal on Christmas cacheted, VAPEX cancel 3.50
2000-2x2 postcard from scarce sheet, with seal tied on 10-23-00 Granville, OH 5.00
group of 5 different Santa Claus Indiana Christmas Seal first day cover tied ons $14.95
US Local TB Tied On

1011 1910 tied on, 12-1910 Cleveland, OH, on postcard $450.00
1909 Wisconscin Local #3371 $25.00 each
1909 US Christmas Seal with "New Hampshire" overprint for local use, #1421 $195.00
#1 1908 Santa Post, (Larry Hixon number) not US Local TB, but early commercial Christmas Seal series printed by Dennison strictly to decorate letters and packages . Tied on nice Santa & Child picture postcard $20.00

Old #39 Santa Claus in oval frame, triangles in upper corners, "Merry Christmas" at bottom. Clean tied on postcard 12-25-1912 $20.00
Tied Ons, Santa Claus, IN. All With Cachets
Beginning in 1936 Santa Claus, IN. has been used as the first day city of Christmas seals.
In 1936 the postmaster would not allow the seals to be tied on, but a few were.
1936 not tied, 11-26, 4 color cachet 25.00
1937 25.00
1938 25.00
1938 with tear 20.00
1945 15.00
1946 15.00
1947 12.00
1948 12.00
1949 7.50
1952 7.50
1953 7.50
1955 7.50
1956 7.50
1957 7.50
1958 7.50
1959 7.50
1960 7.50
1961 7.50
1964 7.50
1967 7.50
1968 - 1969, each 5.00
1970 thru 1977, each 3.50
1979 2.50
1980-1981, each 3.50
1981 combo with test seal 10.00
1984-85, each 2.50
1986 3.50
1987 2.50
1988-90, each 3.50
1990 imperforate pair 6.00
1991 2.50
1991 imperforate block 5.00
1991 imperforate gift tag single 5.00
1992 3.50
1993 2.50
1993 imperforate block 6.00
1994 3.50
1994 imperforate pair 5.00
1994 kid art design experiment 8.00
1995 2.50
1995 imperf pair with simulated perfs 5.00
1996 2.50
1996 imperforate pair 5.00
1996 design experiment seal 5.00
1997 2.50
1997 various design experiments 3.50
1998 2.50
1998 various design experiments 3.50
1999 2.50
1999 various design experiments 3.50
2000 various seal varieties 2.50
2001 various seal varieties 2.50
2002 various seal varieties 2.50
2003 various seal varieties 2.50
2004 various seal varieties 2.50
2005 various seal varieties 2.50
2006 various seal varieties 2.50
2007 various seal varieties 2.50
SPECIAL - 1995/2007 21 different SC IN FDC's cacheted tied ons,
made by Joe Wheeler, many seal varieties, including 2005 error
and corrected cachet $31.50
SPECIAL - 1968/2007 82 different (all different from the set of 21 diff, above)
made by Joe Wheeler, many seal varieties, made by Joe Wheeler, many seal
varieties $127.50
SPECIAL - Large Group of All Different SC IN FDC's made up by Joe Wheeler
over a period of about 20 years @ $1.00 per cover, as a group. Joe
made lots of varieties each year, and was often too sick to distribute
them. I can send 200 to 400 different covers.
Postally Used Decorative "Booth Envelopes"
Some collectors used Booth Envelopes postally.
1939 with seal tied (1938 Booth Envelope) $25.00
1941 no seal $15.00
1944 with 12 seals untied, stuck on back (1928/1942) $25.00
1952 with seal tied (1948 booth enveope) $20.00
1957 with pair of seal tied (1945 booth envelope) $20.00
1959 with pair of seals tied (various booth envelopes) $20.00
1971 with block of 4 seals tied (1959 booth envelope) $15.00
Foreign TB Seals Tied On
Yes, I have some from Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, France, Italy, Mexoco, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, Sweden, and Venezuela. SOme are listed in their respective countries on this website, or just give me a call (740) 587-0276 John Denune
Christmas Cities- no seals tied on
Group of 8 covers sent to Linn's Stamp News December 24th or 25th, 1932. Circle date cancels, not
pictorial Christmas cancels. They all have an applied Christmas cachet. 6 come from Christmas cities
(Holly Bush, KY; St. Joseph, LA; Mary, KY; Mary Oaks, NC; Joseph, OR; Holiday, TX) 1932 was also
the centennial of George Washington's birth, so there are 2 additional covers that relate to him,
postmarked in Washington D.C., and Mt. Vernon, WA.; 8 cover in all,
no Christmas Seals are tied on $28.00
1934, December 25th, USS North Hampton steamship cancel, cacheted with special Christmas
cancel, no seal tied on $3.50
1960, December 25th, Bethlehem, KY, with rubber stamp Christmas cachet, no seal tied on $1.50
1962, December 8th, Holly, MI, Christmas stamp, and applied Christmas cachet,
no seal tied on $2.00
1959, December 25th, Santa Clause, IN, un cacheted, no seal tied on $1.00
1952, December 24th, Santa Claus, IN, Santa Claus pictorial cancel, and a crude hand drawn
Santa Claus cachet, no seal tied on $3.50
1940, December 25th, Santa Claus, IN, un cacheted, no seal tied on $1.00
(1940's?) Mint Linen postcard picturing a spot at Christmas Cove, ME, no seal tied on $1.50