1907 type 1 sheet of 228. six seals from the four corners are no gum. and rejoined with tiny hinge strips. Additional reinforcing at the right and left sides of sheet. Ave-EF centering, mostly never hinged, with much better than normal centering $2,000.00
1907 type 2 large multiple from the collection of Emily Bissell, but rough condition, and heavily hinged. block of 57. Containing 35 mostly ave, NH, 15 hinged ave-F, 7 damaged. $275.00
Nov. 26, 1908 Youth's Companion Magazine, which includes an article, The Christmas Stamp, by Priscilla Leonard, and pictures the then current 1908 seal. The article should have been titled, the Christmas Seal, because that is what we would call it today, and Priscilla Leonard was the pen name of Emily Bissell, designer and promoter of the 1907 first US Christmas Seal. $22.50
1908 type one and type two sheets Wanted
1909 fresh, quite a few average centered seals, as issued 60.00
1909 with "New Hampshire" overprint (US local #1421)This sheet was unknown in the finest collections until a few years ago. 350.00
1910 sheet of 100, well centered with many extremely fine,NH, top row and some other seals are average 750.00
1910 fresh never hinged, normal centering (mostly average seals) 500.00
1910 fresh never hinged, 2 damaged seals which I will replace,normal centering (mostly average seals) 450.00
1911 sheets Wanted
1912 reinforced, 1 damaged seal, fresh well centered 650.00
1912 two matching half sheets hinged back together, no gum $300.00
1913 type 1 and type 4 Wanted
1913 type 2A, F-VF, NH, Bottom left of upper ribbon with “American Red Cross” has closed curl (filled in green) 500.00
1913 type 2B, F-VF, NH, Bottom left of upper ribbon with “American Red Cross” has open curl (filled in red) 350.00
1913 type 3, mostly VF, no gum reconstructed sheet of 100 250.00
1913 type 3, NH, matching half sheets from right and left side of sheet), excellent condition 500.00
1913 type 3, half sheet of 50, excellent condition, NH, margins on 3 sides, a half sheet fits on an album page. 250.00
1913 type 3, half sheet of 50, no gum 125.00
1913 type 3 block of 40 with margins on 2 sides 200.00
1914 sheet of 100, fresh mint never hinged, F-VF 650.00
1914 sheet of 100, hinges in 4 corner SE seals, all perf 4 side seals are VF-EF, the SE seals around the perimeter are F-VF centering 650.00
1914 sheet of 100, no gum 300.00
1914E1 essay sheet of 25 F- VF+ 600.00
1914 Chicago Local, US National Lookalike, 413x 1914 sheet of 100 overall centering better than fine, fresh, never hinged, 7 seals have crease near perforations due to sloppy fold $3690.00
1915-1x sheet of 100, 3 small hinges, average to very fine $600.00
1915-1.1x better than normal centering, only a few seals aren't F or better, NH. This is the error sheet with the left two vertical rows of seals imperf between yielding ten HPIB error pairs Nice green offset ink freak on back. 2 damaged seals, paper adhering to 1 seal. several separations. Naturalprinter paper wrinkles effect about 10 seals. None of the faults listed here effect the error pairs. 675.00
1915-1.1x better than normal centering, only a few seals aren't F or better, NH. This is the error sheet with the left two vertical rows of seals imperf between yielding ten HPIB error pairs 675.00
1915-1.1x Error sheet, as last, better than normal centering, green shifted 2 mm to the right, 2 seals have edge damage 675.00
1915-1.1x error sheet, no gum, corner seal re-attached 335.00
1915-1.5 perf 12 Wanted
1916-1.2 perf 12 x 12 1/2, no gum, nice 250.00
1916-1.6x scarce perf 12 1/2 sheet of 100, F-VF, 6 hinges on back, tiny separation 650.00
1917-1.4x perf 12x12 ½ Wanted
1917-1.6x Rare plate A, perf 12 1/2, 2 light hinges, small separation, F-VF, some average, and others EF, catalog value $15 a seal 1175.00
1917-3x perf 12 fresh average sheet, plate C 50.00
1917-3x perf 12, no gum, plate C 25.00
1917-3.2x perf 12 x 12:00, plate C $100.00
1917-3.4x perf 12:00x12:00 Wanted
1918-1.2x1 sheet of 100, perf 12 x 12:00, disturbed gum on 25% of the sheet, some reinforcment, a few damaged seals, nice appearing (SCS) $450.00
1918-2px1 imperforate sheet, nice appearing, crease in top row effecting 10 seals, balance never hinged $800.00
1918-3x1 type 2 sheet of 100, nice $600.00
1918 - Plated sets of 10 booklets (type 1), as well as plated sets of 5 booklets (type 2) are a less expensive alternative to the rare sheets of 100. I also have imperforate 1918 sheets of 100 listed on Imperforate sheets page
1919-1x1 type 1, perf 12 55.00
1919-1x1 type 1, perf 12, glazed gum 30.00
1919-1x1 type 1, perf 12, no gum 15.00
1919-1.2x type 1, perf. 12 1/2 x 12 50.00
1919-1.2x type 1, perf. 12 1/2 x 12, with faults 30.00
1919-1.3x type 1, perf 12 thick paper, no gum or glazed gum, a few faulty seals, rare (.011 inches thick without gum) 90.00
1919-1.4x type 1, perf 12x12:00, glazed gum 30.00
1919-1.4x type 1, perf 12 x 12:00, no gum 15.00
1919-1.9 type 1, perf 12 1/2 x 12:00 200.00
1919-2x type 2. perf 12 ½ 50.00
1919-2.2x uncoated paper, perf 12 1/2, rare, no gum 350.00
1919-2.3x thick paper, perf 12 1/2, rare 350.00
1919-2p1x roul 9 ½x perf 12 ½ 350.00
1920-1x1 type 1, perf 12, four circles in margin 45.00
1920-1x1 type 1, perf 12, no gum 22.50
1920-1.2x type 1, perf 12 x 12 1/2 70.00
1920-1.2x type 1, perf 12 x 12 1/2, disturbed gum, corner seal faulty 50.00
1920-2Ax type 2, plate A, fresh, natural gum skip, best in stock 50.00
1920-2Bx type 2, plate B 70.00
1920-2Bx type 2, plate B, 5 seals creased 50.00
1920-2Bx type 2, plate B, No Gum, reinforced 40.00
1921-1x type 1, heavy hing reinforced 50.00
1921-2x type 2, light hinge reinforced, some missing gum 50.00
1921-2x type 2, paper adhering on back 50.00
1921-2x type 2, perf 12 1/2, no gum 25.00
1922-1x perf 12 ½ SqBg, 5 faulty seals 50.00
1922-1x perf 12 1/2, no gum 30.00
1922-1.2x perf 12 SqBg 200.00
1922-1.6x perf 12 ½, VBg 150.00
1922-1.6x perf 12 ½, VBg, tear effecting several seals 125.00
1922-1.6x perf 12 ½, VBg, glazed gum, but still identifiable as VBg 100.00
1922p1x2 perf 12, perf margin on 3 of 4 sides 150.00
1922p1x2 perf 12, perf margin on 2 of 4 sides 125.00
1922p1x2 perf 12, perforated margin removed 100.00
1922p1x2 perf 12, perforated margin removed, no gum 50.00
1923-1x perf 12 ½ VBg 25.00
1923-1x perf 12 1/2, very fresh, tiny invisible hinge reinforcments at two limp folds in perfs 12.50
1923.2x perf 12, VBg 125.00
1923.3x perf 12, HBg 200.00
1923.3x perf 12, no gum 62.50
1923.4x perf 12 ½x12, VBg 375.00
1923.6x perf 12x12:00 VBg 150.00
1923.8x perf 12:00x12 VBg 150.00
1924-1xA perf 12 ½, plate A 50.00
1924-1xB perf 12 ½, plate B 50.00
1924-1xB perf 12 ½, plate B, no gum 25.00
1924-2x perf 12 ½ "D" 50.00
1924-2x perf 12 ½ "D", a few damaged edge seals, no gum 20.00
1924-3x perf 12 ½ "U" 50.00
1924 E6 Scalloped Cape Essay sheet of 100 $135.00
1924 E6 Scalloped Cape Essay sheet of 100, no gum $75.00
1925-1x perf 12 ½, VBg 20.00
1925-1x perf 12 ½, VBg, no gum 10.00
1925-1.2x perf 12, VBg 200.00
1925-1.2x perf 12, VBg, no gum 100.00
1925-1.3x perf 12x12 ½ 35.00
1925-1.3x perf 12x12 ½, no gum 17.50
1925-1.4 perf 12:00x12 ½ Wanted
1925-2x perf 12 ½, smooth gum 37.50
1925-2x perf 12 ½, smooth gum, no gum 18.75
1925-3x perf 12 1/2 50.00
1926-1xA perf 12 ½, no printer's mark 50.00
1926-1xA perf 12 ½, no printer's mark, no gum 25.00
1926-1xB perf 12 ½, with printer's mark 65.00
1926-2xA perf 12 ½, without printers mark 50.00
1926-2xA perf 12 ½, without printers mark, no gum 25.00
1926-2xB perf 12 ½, with printers mark 65.00
1926-2xB perf 12 ½, with printers mark, no gum 32.50
Less expensive varieties of 1927-31 have been so popular that most of them now have small faults, reinforcments, etc.
1927-1x perf 12, HBG 3.00
1927-1.1 perf 12, smooth gum 60.00
1927-2x perf 12 ½ 5.00
1927-3x perf 12 ½, "U" 10.00
1927px perf 12 ½ Sg, no printer's mark, last listing in 1983 Green's under 1927 (NG 37.50) 75.00
1928-1xA perf 12 ½, VBg 4.00
1928-1xB perf 12 ½, VBg 4.00
1928-1xD perf 12 ½, VBg 5.00
1928-2xA perf 12 ½ 5.00
1928-2xB perf 12 ½ 10.00
1928-3x perf 12 ½ 5.00
1929-1.1 perf 12, VBg, scarce, nice condition 25.00
1929-1.1 perf 12, VBg, scarce, no gum 12.50
1929-1.2x perf 12 ½x12, VBg, scarce, nice condition 75.00
1929-1.2x perf 12 ½x12, VBg, scarce, nice condition 75.00
1929-1.2x perf 12 ½x12, VBg, scarce, no gum 37.50
1929-1.p1 perf 12 scarce dark blue proof 75.00
1929-2px perf. 14, without wide margins 75.00
1929-2p1x perf 14, NG 37.50
1929-3x perf 12 ½, small faults 5.00
1929-4x perf 12 ½ 30.00
1929-4x perf 12 1/2, no gum 15.00
1930-2.1x some red buttons, small faults, hinged, reinforced 12.50
1930-2.1x all red buttons 100.00
1930-3xA perf 12 ½, Nashau paper 10.00
1930-3xB perf 12 ½, gummed products 10.00
1930-4xA perf 12 ½ 10.00
1930-4.p2x formerly advance sample 35.00
1930 US National Christmas Seal sheet with "Cambridge" overprint, US Local #281x 25.00
1931-1A.px perf 12, VBg 10.00
1931-1BxC perf 12 ½, HBg, plate C 2.00
1931-1BxD perf 12 ½, HBg, plate D 3.00
1931-1BxE perf 12 ½, HBg, plate E 2.50
1931-1B.1xC perf 12x12 ½, HBg, plate C 25.00
1931-1B.1xD perf 12x12 ½, HBg, plate D 25.00
1931-1B.2x perf 12:00x12 ½, HBg 175.00
1931-1B.3xD perf 12, HBg, plate D 75.00
1931-1B.5 perf 12 1/2 uncut sheet of 60 (6 booklet panes). This sheet has 50 HP-IB, reinforcing on one side doesn't effect pairs, one pair with small fault $325.00
1931-2x perf 12 ½, smooth gum 2.00
1931 US National Christmas Seal sheet with "Cambridge" overprint, US Local #282x 20.00
1932-1x perf 12 ½x12 ¾, 5.00
1932-1x perf 12 ½x12 ¾, fresh, unfolded, small fault on seal #1 2.00
1932-1.2x 37.50
1932-2x perf 12 2.50
1932-3x perf 12 ½, plate A 2.00
1932-3.1x perf 12 ½, plate B 3.00
1932-4x perf 12 ½ 3.50
1932 US National Christmas Seal sheet with "Cambridge" overprint, US Local #283x, plate a 35.00
1933-1x perf 12 3.50
1933-1x long coat variety, plate variety on seal #15 $5.00
1933-2x perf 12 ½ 2.00
1933-2 no printer's mark 10.00
1933-3xA perf 12 ½ 2.00
1933-3xB perf 12 ½, without printer's mark 5.00
1933-3xC perf 12 ½ 3.50
1933-3xD perf 12 ½ 5.00
1933-4xA perf 12 ½ 1.50
1934-1x perf 12 ½x12 ¼ 1.50
1934-2xA perf 12 ½ 2.50
1934-2xB edge damage on left 20.00
1934-2.1xB perf 12 ½, stage 3 2.75
1934-2.1xC perf 12 ½, stage 3 3.50
1934-2.1xE perf 12 ½, stage 3 10.00
1934-2.4x Wanted
1934-3x perf 12 ½ 2.50
1934-4x perf 12 ½ 2.00
1934UKp6x perf 14 proof 250.00
1934UKp8x perf 14 proof 150.00
1935-1x perf 12 ½x12 ¼ 2.00
1935-1x bird on mailbox variety 5.00
1935-2xA perf 12 ½ 200
1935-2 perf. 12 1/2 RARE, No Printer's Mark $35.00
1935-3x2 perf 12 ½, 3 slogan seals, positions #10, 91, and 100 with brown outline at hilltop near base of double barred cross omitted 2.00
1935-3x3 perf 12 ½, All 4 slogan seals, positions #1, 10, 91, and 100 with brown outline at hilltop near base of double barred cross omitted, and heavy green outlines around crosses 10.00
1936-1x perf 12 ½x12 "E" 2.00
1936-2xA perf 12 ½, "S" 10.00
1936-2xB perf 12 ½, "S", printer's mark B 7.50
1936-2xC perf 12 ½, "S", printer's mark C 2.50
1936-3xA perf 12 ½, "D" 3.00
1936-3xB perf 12 ½, "D", with "gripper" 15.00
1936-3.2x missing candle flame on seal #67 2.50
1936-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 2.00
1937-1x perf 12x12 ½, "E" 2.00
1937-2x perf 12 ½, "S" 2.25
1937-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 2.50
1937-4xA perf 12 ½, "U" 3.00
1937-4xC perf 12 ½, "U" 2.50
1937-4xD perf 12 ½, "U" 2.50
1938-1x perf 12 ½x12, "E" 2.00
1938-2x perf 12 ½, "S" 2.25
1938-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 2.50
1938-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 2.25
1939-1x perf 12 ½x12, "E" 2.50
1939-2xC perf 12 ½, "S" 2.50
1939-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 2.25
1939-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 2.25
1940-1x perf 12 ½x12, "E" 1.50
1940-1.1x perf 12 ½x12 ¾, "E" 1.00
1940-2xA perf 12 ½, ultramarine "S" 1.50
1940-2xB perf 12 ½, "S" 2.50
1940-3 perf 12 ½, "D", medium green 2.50
1940-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 2.50
1941-1x perf 12 ½x12, "E" 2.50
1941-1.1x no footprints in the snow 10.00
1941-2xA perf 12 ½, "S" 1.50
1941-2xB perf 12 ½, "S" and "U" 15.00
1941-2.1xA perf 12 ½, mottled paper 30.00
1941-2.1xB perf 12 ½, mottled paper,trace of "U" 50.00
1941-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 1.50
1941-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 2.00
1942-1x perf 12x12 ½, "E" 1.50
1942-2x perf 12 ½, "S" 1.50
1942-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 2.00
1942-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 2.00
1943-1x perf 12 ½x12, "E" 2.00
1943-2x perf 12 ½, "S" 1.50
1943-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 2.50
1943-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 3.00
1944-1x perf 12 ½x12, "E" 2.50
1944-2x perf 12 ½, "S" 1.50
1944-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 1.50
1944-4xA perf 12 ½, strong large "U" 5.00
1944-4xA perf 12 ½, weak large "U" 2.50
1944-4xA perf 12 ½, very weak large "U" 5.00
1944-4xB perf 12 ½, without printer's mark, NG 5.00
1945-1x perf 12 ½x12, "E" 1.50
1945-2xperf 12, "S" 1.50
1945-3x perf 12, "D" 2.00
1945-4x perf 12, "U" 2.50
1946-1x perf 12 ½x12, "E" 1.50
1946-2x perf 12 ½, "S" 1.50
1946-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 2.50
1946-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 2.50
1947-1x perf 12x12 ½, "E" 2.50
1947-2x perf 12 ½, "S" 2.00
1947-3x perf 12 ½, "D", red 1.75
1947-3.3x perf 12 ½, "D", vermilion 2.50
1947-4xA perf 12 ½, "U" 1.75
1948-1x1 perf 12x12 ½, "E" 2.25
1948-1x2 perf 12x12 ½, without printer's mark 20.00
1948-2x perf 12 ½, "S" 3.00
1948-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 4.75
1948-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 1.50
1949-1x perf 12x12 ½, "E" 1.50
1949-2x perf 12 ½, "S" 1.75
1949-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 4.75
1949-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 5.00
1950-1x perf 12 ½x12, "E" 1.50
1950-2x perf 12 ½, "S" 1.75
1950-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 2.00
1950-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 2.50
1950-5x perf 12 ½, "F" 2.50
1951-1x1 perf 12 ½x12, "E" 2.50
1951-2x perf 12 ½ "S" 2.00
1951-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 2.75
1951-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 3.00
1951-5x perf 12 ½, "F" 2.00
1952-1x1 perf 12 ½x12, "E" without union label 2.00
1952-1x2 perf 12 ½x12, "E" with union label 2.00
1952-1x4 perf 12 ½x12, "E" partially removed union label over double barred cross 5.00
1952-2x perf 12 ½, "S" 1.50
1952-3x1 perf 12 ½, "D" without union label 3.50
1952-3x2 perf 12 ½, "D" with union label 10.00
1952-4x1 perf 12 ½, "U" without union label 14.50
1952-4x2 perf 12 ½, "U" with union label 8.00
1952-5x2 perf 12 ½, "F" with union label 5.00
1953-1x perf 13, "E" 1.50
1953-2 perf 12 ½, "S" 1.50
1953-3x perf 12 ½, "D" 1.50
1953-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 1.50
1953-5x perf 12 ½, "F" 5.00
1954-1xA perf 13, "E" with union label 3.00
1954-1xB perf 13, "E" without union label 10.00
1954-1p2x English finish sheet of 100 12.00
1954-2x perf 11, "D" 3.75
1954-3x perf 12 ½, "S" 2.50
1954-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 3.00
1954-5x perf 12 ½, "F" 9.50
1954-6xA perf 12 ½, "W" with union label 5.00
1955-1x perf 13, "E" 2.50
1955-1p1x white tasteless gum sheet of 100 5.00
1955-2x perf 11, "D" 2.00
1955-3x perf 12 ½, "S" 1.50
1955-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 8.00
1955-5x perf 12 ½, "F" 8.00
1955-6x perf 12 ½, "W" 2.50
1956-1.1x perf 12 ½x12, "E", reinforced 12.50
1956-1.2xA perf 12 ½, horiz rows of perfs change to 13 on right and left sides of sheet (right and left vert rows of seals), white gum, reinforced 5.00
1956-1.2xB perf 12 ½, horiz rows of perfs change to 13 on right and left sides of sheet (right and left vert rows of seals), yellow gum 2.00
1956-1.2xC perf 12 ½, horiz rows of perfs change to 13 on left side of sheet (left vert rows of seals), white gum 2.50
1956-1.2xD perf 12 ½, horiz rows of perfs change to 13 on left side of sheet (left vert rows of seals), yellow gum 2.00
1956-1.2xE perf 12 ½, horiz rows of perfs change to 13 on right side of sheet (right vert rows of seals), scarce 10.00
1956-2x perf 11, "D" 1.50
1956-3x perf 12 ½. "S" 5.00
1956-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 10.00
1956-5x perf 12 ½, "F" 2.50
1956-6xA perf 12 ½, "W" 2.50
1956-7x1 perf 11, "B" 5.00
1957-1x perf 13, "E" 1.50
1957-2.1x perf 11, "D" 2.75
1957-2.2x perf 10 ½x11, "D" 9.50
1957-2.3x perf 10 ½, "D" 45.00
1957-2.5x English finish, perf 10 ½, "D" 12.00
1957-3x perf 12 ½, "S" 3.50
1957-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 5.00
1957-5x perf 12 ½, "F" 5.00
1957-6x perf 12 ½, "W" 10.00
1957-7x perf 11, "B" 2.50
1957-8x perf 12 ½, "R" 2.00
1958-1x perf 13, "E" 1.50
1958-2.1 x perf 11, "D" 5.00
1958-2.3x English finish sheet with right row damaged 10.00
1958-3x perf 12 ½, "S" 5.00
1958-4x perf 12 ½, "U" 10.00
1958-5x perf 12 ½, "F" 1.50
1958-6x perf 12 ½, "W" 3.00
1958-7.1x perf 11, "B" 10.00
1958-7.2x perf 10 ½x11, "B" 17.50
1958-8x perf 12 ½, "R" 2.25
1959-1x perf 13, "E" 1.50
1959-2x perf 11, "D" 2.00
1959-2.1x perf experiment sheet with every other vertical row of perfs omitted (NG $10) 19.50
1959-3x perf 12 ½, "F" 2.00
1959-4x perf 12 ½, "W" 5.00
1959-5x perf 12 ½, "R" 5.00
1959-6.1x perf 11 "B" 10.00
1959-6.2x perf 10 ½x11, "B" 5.00
1960-1.1x1 perf 12 ½, "E" horiz rows of perfs change to 13 on right and left sides of sheet (right and left vert rows of seals) 1.50
1960-1.1x2 perf 12 ½, "E" horiz rows of perfs change to 13 on left side of sheet (left vert rows of seals) 4.50
1960-1.1x3 perf 12 ½, "E" horiz rows of perfs change to 13 on right side of sheet (right vert rows of seals) 7.50
1960-1.2x perf 12 ½x 12 "E" 10.00
1960-2x perf 11, "D" 1.50
1960-2.1x perf experiment sheet (NG 17.50) 32.50
1960-3x perf 12 ½, "F" 2.00
1960-4x perf 12 ½, "W" 2.50
1960-5x perf 11x10 ½, "B" 2.00
1960-6x perf 12 ½, "R" 2.00
1961-1.1x1 perf 12 ¾x 12 ½, "E" horiz rows of perfs change to 13 on the right and left side of the sheet (right and left vert rows of seals) 3.50
1961-1.1x2 perf 12 ¾x 12 ½, "E" horiz rows of perfs change to 13 on left side of sheet (left vert rows of seals) 3.50
1961-1.1x3 perf 12 ¾x 12 ½, "E" horiz rows of perfs change to 13 on right side of sheet (right vertrows of seals) 3.50
1961-1.2x perf 12 ½x12, "E" 37.50
1961-1.4x advance sample, blue very dark 10.00
1961-2x perf 11, "D" 2.25
1961-3x perf 12 ½, "F" 2.50
1961-4x perf 12 ½, "W" 2.00
1961-5x perf 12 ½, "R" 2.00
1961-6x perf 11x 10 ½, "B" 2.00
1962-1x perf 13, "E" 4.75
1962-2x perf 11, "D" 2.75
1962-3x perf 12 ½, "F" 10.00
1962-4x perf 12 ½, "W" 10.00
1962-5x perf 12 ½, "R" 1.50
1962-6.1x perf 10 ½x11, "B" 19.50
1962-6.2x perf 11, "B" 1.50
1963-1x1 perf 12 ½, "E" 1.50
1963-1x2, no printer's mark, with union label (NG & some reinforcement $10.00) 20.00
1963-1x3 Wanted
1963-2x perf 11, "D" 2.50
1963-3x1 perf 11 ½, "F" 2.50
1963-3x2 Wanted
1963-3.3x dry gum sheet 17.50
1963-4x perf 12 ½, "W" 10.00
1963-5x perf 12 ½, "R" 2.00
1963-6x perf 11, "B" 2.00
1964-1x1 perf 12 ½, "E" 1.50
1964-1 "E" freak sheet with double "E" $3.00
1964-2x perf 11, "D" 2.50
1964-3x1 perf 12 ½, "F" 2.50
1964-4x1 perf 12 ½, "W" 5.00
1964-5x1 perf 12 ½, tiny "R" (NG 1.75) 3.75
1964-5x2, perf 12 ½, larger "R" (NG 3.00) 7.50
1964-6 perf 11, "B", yellow gum, hi-brite 2.50
1964-6.1x dry gum sheet 10.00
1964-6.2x perf 11, "B", white gum, dead paper 2.00
1965-1x perf 13, "E" 1.00
1965-2x perf 11, "D", yellow gum 1.00
1965-2.3x perf 11, "D", white gum 2.00
1965-3x perf 12 ½, "F" 1.50
1965-4x perf 12 ½, "W" 1.50
1965-5x perf 11, "B" 2.50
1965-5.2x dry gum sheet 2.00
1966-1x perf 12 ½, "E" 1.00
1966-2x perf 11, "D", white gum 1.50
1966-2.2x perf 11, "D", yellow gum 2.50
1966-3x perf 12 ½, "F" 1.00
1966-4x perf 12 ½, "W" 1.50
1966-5x perf 10 ½x11, "B" 8.00
1966-5.1xA dry gum, olive green 2.50
1966-5.1xB dry gum, pale olive green 2.50
1967-1x1 perf 13, "E" without folding dots 2.50
1967-1x2 perf 13, "E" with folding dots 1.00
1967-1x2 perf 13, "E" with fading folding dots 5.00
1967-1x3 perf 13, "E" with four folding dots 10.00
1967-2x perf 11, "D" 2.50
1967-3.1x perf 12 ½, "F" 1.50
1967-3.2 perf 12 ½, "F" dry gum 15.00
1967-4x perf 12 ½, "W" 1.50
1967-5.1x perf 10 ½, "B" 10.00
1968-1x1 perf 13, "E", without folding dots 2.00
1968-1x2 perf 13, "E" with folding dots 1.00
1968-1x2 constant flaw, black dot in upper left of PM seal 5.00
1968-1x3 Wanted
1968-1x4 Wanted
1968-2x perf 11, "D" 2.00
1968-3x perf 12 ½, "F" 2.50
1968-3.1x perf 12 ½, "F" dry gum sheet 2.50
1968-4x perf 12 ½, "W" 1.50
1968-5.1x perf 10 ½, "B", reinforced 7.50
1968-5.2x perf 10 ½x11, "B" 24.50
1968-5.3x perf 11x10 ½, "B" 25.00
1969-1x1 perf 13, "E" without folding dots 2.00
1969-1x2 perf 13, "E" with folding dots 1.00
1969-1x3 perf 13, "E" left folding dot only 10.00
1969-1x4 perf 13, "E" right folding dot only 10.00
1969-2x perf 12 ½, "F" 1.00
1969-2.1x perf 12 ½, "F" dry gum sheet 1.50
1969-3x perf 12 ½, "W" 2.50
1969-4.1x perf 10 ½x11, "B" 1.50
1969-4.2x perf 11, "B" 2.00
1970-1x 1perf 12 ½, "E", no ® after "breath" 1.00
1970-1x2 advance sample perf 12 ½, except horizontal perfs in columns 5 & 6 are perf 13, and vertical perfs in rows 5 & 6 are perf 13 "E", NG $5.00
1970-1x3 perf 12 ½, "E" with ® after "Breath" reinforced 5.00
1970-2x1 perf 12 ½, "F" 2.00
1970-2.1x perf 12 ½, "F" dry gum sheet 10.00
1970-3x perf 12 ½, "W" 2.50
1970-4.1x perf 11, "B" 1.00
1970-4.2x perf 11x10 ½, "B" 8.75
1971-1x1 perf 12 ½, large "E" 1.00
1971-1x2 perf 12 ½, small "E" 1.00
1971-1x3 perf 12 ½, without printer's mark 3.50
1971-2x1 perf 12 ½, large "F" 1.75
1971-2.1x perf 12 ½, "F" dry gum sheet 10.00
1971-3x perf 11, "B" 1.00
1972-1x1 perf 13, "E" 1.00
1972-1.T1 self adhesive mini sheet, simulated perf over roulette 5.00
1972-1.T2 self adhesive mini sheet, simulated perf over roulette 6.00
1972-1.T3 mini sheet of 4 package labels, distributed in southern California 7.50
1972-2x perf 12 ½, "F" 2.25
1972-3x perf 11, "B" 1.00
1973-1x1 perf 12 ½, "E" 1.00
1973-1x2 perf 12 ½, "E" mini sheet of 50 (10x5) (NG 5.00) 10.00
1973-2x perf 12 ½, "F" 1.00
1973-2.1 dry gum 10.00
1973-3x perf 11, "W" 2.25
1973-4x1 perf 11, "B" 1.50
1973-4x2 perf 11, no PM 10.00
1974-1x perf 12 ½, "E" 1.00
1974-2x perf 12 ½, "F" 2.00
1974-2.1x perf 12 ½, "F" tropical dry gum 10.00
1974-3x perf 11, "B" 1.50
1975-1x1 perf 12 ½, "S" LPIU Scranton 4 union label 1.00
1975-1x2 perf 12 ½, "S" Scranton 7 union label 9.50
1975-1x3 perf 12 ½, East Stroudsburg union label 10.00
1975-2x perf 12 ½, "F", white gum 1.50
1975-2.1x perf 12 ½, "F" dry gum sheet 5.00
1975-2.2x perf 12 ½, "F", yellow gum 1.50
1975-3x perf 11, "B" 1.00
1975-4x simulated perf over roulette, one of the modern rarities $100.00
1976-2.1x perf 12 ½, "F" dry gum sheet 5.00
1976-5 experimental roulette sheet 10.00
1976-6 experimental roulette sheet Wanted
1977-1x perf 13, "S", yellow gum, reinforced 1.50
1977-1.1x perf 13, "S", white gum, reinforced 1.50
1977-2x1 perf 12 ½, "F" 1.00
1977-2x2 perf 12 ½, "F" magenta cross in margin 5.00
1977-2.1x perf 12 ½, "F" dry gum sheet 10.00
1977-3x perf 11, "B" 1.50
1978-1x perf 13, "S" 1.00
1978-2x perf 12 ½, "F" 1.00
1978-2.1x perf 12 ½, "F" tropical dry gum 10.00
1978-3x perf 11, "B" 1.00
1979-1x perf 13, "S" 1.00
1979-2x perf 12 ½, "F" 1.50
1979-2.1x perf 12 ½, "F" dry gum sheet 3.00
1979-2.3x perf 12 ½, "F" English finish 15.00
1979-3x perf 11, "B" 1.00
1980-1x perf 13, "S" coated paper 1.00
1980-1.2x perf 13, "S" English finish 1.50
1980-2x perf 12 ½, "F" 1.00
1980-2.1x perf 12 ½, "F" dry gum sheet 5.00
1980-2.2x perf 12 ½, "F" English finish 1.50
1980-3x1 perf 11, small "B" 1.00
1980-3x large "B" 10.00
1981-1x perf 13, "S" 1.00
1981-2x perf 12 ½, "F" 2.00
1981-2.1x perf 12 ½, "F" tropical dry gum 10.00
1981-3x perf 11, "B" 1.75
1982-1x perf 13, "S" 1.00
1982-2xA perf 12 ½, "F" 1.00
1982-3x perf 11, "B" 1.00
1983-1x perf 13, "S" 1.00
1983-2x perf 11, "F" 2.00
1983-2.2x perf 11, "F" tropical dry gum 10.00
1983-3x1 perf 11, "B" 2.00
1983-3x2 perf 11, "B", clip mini sheet of 30 (5x6) 5.00
1983-3x3 perf 11, "B", mini sheet of 35 (7x5) 10.00
1984-1x1 perf 13, "S" 1.00
1984-2x perf 11 1/2, "F" 2.00
1984-2x2 "F", mini sheet of 30 (5x6), dry gum 10.00
1984-3x perf 11, "B" 1.00
1985-1x1 perf 13, "S", sheet of 42 $1.50
1985-1x2 perf 13, "S", mini sheet of 30 (5x6) 4.75
1985-2x1 perf 11 ½, "F" dry gum sheet 3.50
1985-2x2 perf 11 ½, "F", mini sheet 5x6 5.00
1985-3x perf 11, "B" 1.00
1985-4x perf 12 ½, "M" 1.50
1985-T9 perf 12 ½, mini sheet 5x6, extra column of package labels 2.00
1985-T10 perf 12 ½, mini sheet 7x4, no printer's mark 2.50
1986-1 perf 12 ½, "S" clip mini sheet of 35 (7x5) 2.50
1986-1x2 perf 12 ½, "S" clip mini sheet of 30 (5x6) 5.00
1986-1x4 perf 12 ½, "S", mini sheet of 28 (7x4) 10.00
1986-2x1a perf 12 ½, "F", 7mm cross 2.00
1986-2x1b perf 12 ½, "F", 7mm cross, thin paper 2.00
1986-2x2 perf 12 ½, "F", 9mm cross, thin paper 3.75
1986-2x3 perf 12 ½, "F" sheet of 30 (5x6), 7mm cross 4.75
1986-2x7 perf 12 ½, "F" clip mini sheet of 30 (5x6), dry gum 5.00
1986-2x8 perf 12 ½,"F"clip mini sheet of 35(7x5) 1.00
1986-3x1 perf 12 ½, "M" 1.00
1986-3x2 perf 12 ½, "M", clip mini sheet of 35 (7x5) 1.00
1987-1x1 perf 12 ½, "S" 1.00
1987-1x2 perf 12 ½, "S", mini sheet of 35 (7x5) 1.50
1987-1x3 perf 12 ½, mini sheet of 30 (5x6) no printer's mark (same as 87-T6x2) 4.00
1987-2x1 perf 11 ½, "F", blue gum 1.50
1987-2x3 perf 11 ½, "F", gloss gum 2.50
1987-2x4 perf 11 ½, "F", mini sheet of 35 (7x5) 5.00
1987-3x1 perf 14 ½, "C" 10.00
1987-3.2 perf 14 ½, "C", mini sheet 7x5 5.00
1987-3x3 perf 14 1/2, "C", with skip perfs 14.50
1987-T4, perf 12 ½, mini sheet of 56 (8x7), seals reduced in size, no printer's mark 2.25
1987-T5 perf 12 ½, mini sheet of 54 (9x6), no gift tags, no printer's mark 2.50
1987-T6x2 perf 12 ½, mini sheet of 30 (5x6), no printers mark (same as 87-1x3) 4.00
1987-T7 perf 12 ½, mini sheet of 30, gift tags at bottom of sheet, no printer's mark 2.50
1987-T8 perf 12 ½, mini sheet of 18 (3x6), gift tags only, no printer's mark 4.00
1988-1x1 perf 12 ½, "S" 2.00
1988-1x2 perf 12 ½, "S" coated paper 2.50
1988-2x1 perf 11 ½, "F" 1.00
1988-2x2 perf 11 ½, "F", mini sheet of 35 (7x5), bright paper 3.50
1988-2.4x perf 11 ½, "F", blue gum 3.50
1988-3x1 perf 12 ½, "C" 1.75
1988-3x2 perf 12 ½, "C", mini sheet of 35 (7x5) 2.00
1988 perf 12 ½, "C" semi gloss paper 2.00
1988-3x3 perf 12 ½, "C", coated paper 2.00
1989-1x1 perf 12 ½, English finish sheet 3.00
1989-1x2 perf 12 ½, "S", mini sheet of 35 (7x5) 5.00
1989-1x3 perf 12 ½, advance sample, no printer's mark 10.00
1989-1x4 perf 12 ½, "S", coated paper 1.00
1989-1x5 perf 12 1/2, "S", sheet of 35, coated paper 20.00
1989-2x1 perf 11 ½, "F" 1.00
1989-2x2 perf 11 ½, "F", mini sheet of 35 (7x5) 2.00
1989-3x1 self adhesive pane of 12 with brown backing paper 1.75
1989-3x2 as above but white backing 5.00
1990-1x1 perf 12 ½, "S", no perfs in margin 3.00
1990-1x3 perf 12 ½, "S", mini sheet of 36 (6x6), no perfs in margins 5.00
1990-1x4 perf 12 ½, "S", mini sheet of 36 (6x6), perfs go thru margin 1.00
1990-1x5 perf 12 ½, "S", mini sheet of 30 (6x5) 1.75
1990-1x6 perf 12 ½, "S", mini sheet of 15 (5x3) 5.00
1990-2x1 perf 12 1/2, "F" 1.00
1990-2x2 perf 12 ½, "F", mini sheet of 36 (6x6) 2.00
1990-2.3x perf 10, "F", mini sheet of 36 (6x6) 10.00
1990-2.4x perf 10 ½x10, "F"
1990-2 "F" unlisted mini sheet of 36 (6x6) perf 10x10 1/2 15.00
1990-3x perf 10 ½x10, "C" 1.00
1991-1x perf 12 ½, "S" 1.00
1991-2x2 perf 10 ½x11, "F", with logo 1.00
1991-2.5x perf 10 ½x11, "F", dry gum 3.50
1991-3x perf 11, "C" 1.00
1992-1x1 perf 12 ½, "S", mini sheet of 36 (6x6) "8007" 1.00
1992-2x1 perf 10x10 ½, "F", "8000" 1.00
1992-2x2 perf 10x10 ½, "F", dull gum, "8001" 5.00
1992-2x3 perf 10x10 ½, "F", mini sheet of 36 (6x6), "8007" 1.00
1992-2x4 perf 10x10 ½, "F", mini sheet of 36 (6x6), "8005" 1.00
1992-3x "C" sheet of 42 (7x6) 10.00
1993-1x1 perf 12 ¼, "F", narrow top margin 1.00
1993-1x3 perf 12 ¼, "F", wide top margin 1.00
1993-1x6 perf 12 ½, test sheet, gift tags at right 4.75
1993-2x1 perf 12 ½, "C" 1.00
1994-1x perf 12 ½, "F" 1.00
1994-2x perf 12 ¼x12 ½, "C" 1.00
1994-3x simulated perf over roulette 8.00
1994-T8x self adhesive 3.00
1995-1x perf 12 ½, no printer's mark, GCIU union label 1.75
1995-2x perf 12 3/4x12 1/4, no union label 2.00
1995-3x1 Coloform, roulette 13 7.50
1995-6x1 Webcraft, no printer's mark, roul 9 x 13 1/2, seal size 27.75x17.5mm 3.00
1995-6x3 Webcraft, no printer's mark, roul 9 x 13 1/2, skinny sheet (5x11), with wide text seal 24.50
1995-6x4 Webcraft, no printer's mark, roul 9 x 13 1/2, seal size 26x17.5mm 2.00
1996-1x perf 11 ½, no printer's mark, GCIU union label 1.00
1996-1.3x perf 11 ½, no printer's mark, GCIU union label, silver ink 7.50
1996-4x self adhesive 4.75
1996-5x simulated perf over roulette 10.00
1997-1x perforated 1.50
1997-2x roulette over simulated perfs 1.00
1997-3x self adhesive with simulated perfs 1.75
1997-4x self adhesive without simulated perfs 5.00
1998-1x perf sheet, GCIU union label 1.50
1998-2x1 simulated perf over roulette 1.50
1998-2x2 simulated perf over roulette, sheet of 36 (4x9) 3.75
1998-3x1 serpentine die cut, self adhesive 1.75
1998-3x2 serpentine die cut, self adhesive, as 98-3 except roulette between rows 4 & 5 7.50
1998-3x3 sheet of 63 (5x9+3x6) self adhesive with gift tags and return address labels at bottom 4.00
1998-4x sheet of 54 (4x9+2x9) self adhesive with gift tags and return address labels at bottom 6.00
1998-5x sheet of 36 (4x9), self adhesive 7.50
1998-7x die cut self adhesive 1.75
1998-8x die cut self adhesive sheet of 15 (3x5), attached to fundraising letter 7.50
1999-1x simulated perf. over roulette, sheet 1.50
1999-2x1a Children's toys, rocking horse, train, etc., self adhesive, sheet of 45, 5x9, "History..." backing 1.50
1999-2x1b Children's toys, rocking horse, train, etc., self adhesive, sheet of 45, 5x9, "Healthy Lungs..." backing 1.50
1999-2x2 sheet w/ address labels 10.00
1999-2x3 sheet w/ recipes 5.00
1999-3x1 Children's toys, rocking horse, train, etc. Shallow serpentine die cut, self adhesive, sheet of 45, 5x9, "Healthy Lungs..." backing, test # "99-11-4F" 2.50
1999-3x3 Children's toys, rocking horse, train, etc. Shallow serpentine die cut, self adhesive, sheet of 45, 5x9, "Healthy Lungs..." backing, test # "99-11-4T" 3.50
1999-4x Children's toys, rocking horse, train, etc. perforated 9 1/2, sheet of 45, 5x9, 10.00
2000-1x1 Watercolor snow scenes, roulette sheet of 48, 6x8 1.50
2000-1x2B Watercolor snow scenes, roulette sheet of 48, 6x8 1.50
2000-2x1A Watercolor snow scenes, self adhesive, sheet of 48, 6x8, "History..." backing 1.00
2000-2x1B Watercolor snow scenes, self adhesive, sheet of 48, 6x8, "Healthy Lungs..." backing 1.00
2000-2x2 watercolor snow scenes, self adhesive sheet of 52, 6x8, plus 4 extra seals on the back of 2 different postcards with enlarged seal designs, "Healthy Lungs..." backing 14.50
2000-3x1 Watercolor snow scenes, "SEASON'S GREETINGS 2000" in bold text, gift tags have pale green tinted background and oval frame on vignette, self adhesive, sheet of 48, 6x8, "Healthy Lungs..." backing, test #"00-N10-4" in lower right corner, 1 roulette fold 2.25
2000-3x2 Watercolor snow scenes, "SEASON'S GREETINGS 2000" in bold text, gift tags have pale green tinted background and oval frame on vignette, self adhesive, sheet of 48, 6x8, "Healthy Lungs..." backing, test #"00-N10-4" in lower right corner, 2 roulette folds 2.75
Unlisted National, pane of 2 large package labels
2001-1x1 sheet of 48, simulated perf over roulette 1.50
2001-1x2B sheet of 60 including 12 personalized return address labels at bottom of sheet, simulated perf over roulette 7.50
2001-1x3 sheet of 48 self adhesive with book plates and book mark at bottom 5.00
2001-2xA sheet of 48, self adhesive, serpentine die cut, "History..." backing 1.00
2001-2xB sheet of 48, self adhesive, serpentine die cut, "Keep..." backing 1.00
2001-3x1 sheet of 48, self adhesive, with 3 book plates and 2 calendar bookmarks at bottom 3.75
2001-3x2 sheet of 48, self adhesive, with wider gift tags 3.75
2001-3x3 sheet of 40, self adhesive $9.50
2001-3.1xA National, Spanish text, La Historia... back $9.50
2001-3.1xB National, Spanish text, ...Pulmones... back $9.50
Unlisted National, picture frame with star $4.50
2001-4x "Fighting Big Tobacco..." in margin, glossy sheet of 48, self adhesive, shallow serpentine die cut 5.00
2001-5x1 glossy sheet of 48, self adhesive, shallow serpentine die cut 9.50
2001-5x2 glossy sheet of 48, self adhesive, shallow serpentine die cut 7.50
2002-1x sheet of 60, roulette 1.50
2002-1.2x re-moist sheet of 50 10.00
2002-1.6x re-moist sheet of 36 with calendar at bottom $1.75
2002-1.6x1A blank special occasion sheet $5.00
2002-1.6x1B personalized special occasion sheet $5.00
2002-1.6x2 Birds & Chipmunk special occasion sheet of 20 with 12 return address labels at bottom, re-moist 2.75
2002-1.6x3 Birds & Chipmunk special occasion sheet of 20 with 16 return address labels at right, calendar at bottom 4.50
2002-2x self adhesive sheet of 40 1.00
2002-2.3 self adhesive silver foil sheet of 40 1.75
2002-2.4 self adhesive sheet of 42 2.75
2002-2.6x1 self adhesive sheet of 25 with calendar at bottom $1.75
2002-2.6x2 self adhesive sheet of 35 with calendar at bottom $1.75
2002-2.6x3 self adhesive sheet of 32 $1.75
2002-2.8x self adhesive sheet of 25 with holiday gift list at bottom $1.75
2002-5x1 self adhesive sheet of 48, roulette between rows 2 & 5 $4.50
2003-1x Cardinals, Holly & Chickadees, National Design, roulette sheet of 60 (10x6) re-moist gum 1.50
2003-1.3x Spanish re-moist sheet of 60 9.75
2003-2x Cardinals, Holly & Chickadees, National Design, serpentine die cut, self adhesive sheet of 42 (6x7) 1.50
2003-4x Cardinals, Holly & Chickadees, National Design, serpentine die cut, silver border self adhesive sheet of 42 (7x6) 1.50
2003-4.1x 2003 Cardinals, Holly & Chickadees, National Design, serpentine die cut, silver foil border adhesive sheet of 42 (7x6), slightly darker variety 1.75
2003-4.3x Spanish silver foil self adhesive sheet of 42 9.75
2003-5x silver foil sheet of 42 with horizontal gutter between rows 4 & 6, separating it into a pane of 24 at top and 18 at bottom 9.75
2003-6x Cardinals, Holly & Chickadees, National Design, serpentine die cut, silver border self adhesive sheet of 56 (8x7) 2.75
2003-7x1 Cardinals, Holly & Chickadees, National Design but seals slightly larger, serpentine die cut with one row of horizontal roulette in center of sheet, silver border self adhesive sheet of 40 (5x8) 2.75
2003-7x2 Cardinals, Holly & Chickadees, National Design but seals slightly larger, serpentine die cut with two rows of horizontal roulette in center of sheet, silver border self adhesive sheet of 40 (5x8) 4.75
2003-8x1A Greeting Stickers self adhesive sheet of 25 + 12 return address labels at bottom 1.50
2003-8x1A Greeting Stickers self adhesive sheet of 25 + 12 return address labels at bottom with smaller size lettering 1.50
2003-8x2 Greeting Stickers self adhesive sheet of 25 + 12 "Merry Christmas" or "Happy New Year" labels at bottom 1.50
2003-8.3x Spanish special occasion sheet 7.50
2003-9.2x Holiday Stickers & Gift Tags from Holiday Gift Pack, pane of 15 gift tags + pane of 24 die cut seals 1.00
2003-9.4x1, x2, & x3 Jumbo Holiday Gift Tags form Holiday Gift Pack, 3 panes of 4 jumbo gift tags 6.75
Holiday Gift Pack Booklet Collection, Containing over 75 panes of 4 or 8 gift tags. 2002T8.5, 2002T8.7, 2003-9x, 2003-9.4x1-x3, 2004-9x1-x3, 2005-8x1, 2008-1.8x1-x4, 2009-1.8x1-x2, 2010-1.8x1-x4, 2011-1.9x1-x2 $19.50
2003-T1x Christmas tree design re-moist roulette, sheet of 48 (6x8) 4.75
2003-T1.1x Comet and Tree design, re-moist sheet of 60 4.75
2003-T1.2x Comet & Tree design self adhesive sheet of 42 (6x7) 4.75
2003-T1.3x Comet & Tree design, self adhesive sheet of 45 (9x5) 4.75
2003-T1.4x1 Comet & Tree design self adhesive sheet of 48 (6x8), with 17 special occasion seals at bottom 2.75
2003-T1.4x2 Comet and Tree design, self adhesive sheet of 48 with 17 greeting stickers at right 9.75
2003-T1.5x2 Comet and Tree design, self adhesive sheet of 48 "#03-01-5-AK" 9.75
2003-T1.5x4 Comet and Tree design, self adhesive sheet of 24 + 21 greeting stickers at bottom "#03-01-6-AK" 9.75
2003-T1.7x Comet and Tree design, self adhesive silver foil sheet of 42 9.75
2003-T1.8x Comet & Tree design re-moist roulette Greeting Stickers sheet of 19 + 9 gift tags at bottom 4.75
2003-T1.9x1 Comet & Tree design self adhesive Greeting Stickers sheet of 21 with 12 return address labels at bottom 4.75
2003-T1.9x2 Comet & Tree design self adhesive Greeting Stickers sheet of 21 with 12 "Merry Christmas" or "Happy New Year" labels at bottom 4.75
2003-T2x Birds with Wreath Design, self adhesive sheet of 42 (6x7) 4.75
2003-T2.2x Birds & Wreath design, silver foil sheet of 42 19.50
2003-T3x Birds, Sleigh & Lamp Design, self adhesive sheet of 42 (6x7) 4.75
2003-T3.2x Birds, Sleigh & Lamp design, silver foil sheet of 42 9.75
2003-T3.6x1 Birds, Sleigh & Lamp design, greeting stickers with address labels at bottom 9.75
2003-T3.6x2 Birds, Sleigh & Lamp Design, self adhesive Greeting Stickers sheet of 25 + 12 "Merry Christmas" & "Happy New Year" seals at bottom 4.75
2003-T4x Blue Christmas design, self adhesive sheet of 42 19.50
2003-T4.2x Blue Christmas Design, self adhesive sheet of 42 (6x7), silver border 4.75
2003-T4.6x1 Blue Christmas design, greeting stickers with address labels at bottom 9.75
2003-T4.6x2 Blue Christmas Design, self adhesive Greeting Stickers sheet of 25 + 12 "Merry Christmas" & "Happy New Year" seals at bottom 4.75
2003-T5x Candy Canes design, self adhesive sheet of 42 10.00
2003-T5.2x Candy Canes design, silver foil self adhesive sheet of 42 19.50
2003-T5.6 Candy Canes design, sheet of 20 greeting stickers 19.50
2003-T6x Snowman, Birds, Santa & Angel Design, self adhesive sheet of 48 + 16 special occasion seals at bottom 4.75
2003-T7x Nativity Design, self adhesive sheet of 54 + 5 special occasion seals at bottom 2.75
2003-T8x Chanukah Design, self adhesive sheet of 48 (6x8) 2.75
2003-S1x Bunny, Frog & Flowers, self adhesive die cut sheet of 49 (7x7) 4.50
2003-S1.3x Bunny, Frog & Flowers, self adhesive serpentine die cut sheet of 48 (6x8) 12.50
2003-S1.4x Bunny, Frog & Flowers, self adhesive serpentine die cut sheet of 84 (12x7) 9.50
2003-S1.6x1 Bunny, Frog & Flowers, self adhesive special occasion sheet of 25 with calendar 4.50
2003-S1.7 Bunny, Frog & Flowers, special occasion sheet of 35 with calendar at bottom 10.00
2003-S2x Beatrice Potter Benjamin Bunny, self adhesive die cut sheet of 49 (7x7) 6.75
2003-S2.6x Beatrice Potter Benjamin Bunny, self adhesive special occasion sheet of 25 with calendar 4.50
2003-S3x Beatrice Potter Peter Rabbit in bed, in flower pot & with carrot, self adhesive die cut sheet of 49 (7x7) 6.75
2003-S3.6x Beatrice Potter Peter Rabbit in bed, in flower pot & with carrot, self adhesive special occasion sheet of 25 with calendar 4.50
2003-S4x Billy Bunny self adhesive die cut sheet of 49 (7x7) $12.50
2003-S4.6x Bill Bunny self adhesive special occasion sheet of 25 with calendar 9.75
2003-S5x Baby Animals, self adhesive die cut sheet of 49 (7x7) 12.50
2003-S5.3x Baby Animals, with purple background, sheet of 60 (6x7 + 18 special occasions at bottom) 12.50
2003-S5.6x Baby Animals, self adhesive special occasion sheet of 25 with calendar 9.75
2003-S6x1 Birds & Slogans special occasion die cut sheet of 23, + pane of 20 return address labels with bookmarks at bottom, + bookplate pane of 4 $6.75
2003-S6x2 Birds & Slogans special occasion die cut sheet of 23, with bookplates at bottom, + pane of 20 return address labels with bookmarks at bottom 8.75
2003-S6.2x Birds & Slogans, Spanish text, + pane of 20 return address labels with bookmarks at bottom, + bookplate pane of 4 12.50
unlisted Spring floral hearts, blank address label sheet, with 24 seals at right, 5 diff, contribution message at top removed 20.00
2004-4x1 Silver border, sheet of 56, included in the 12 packet set for $69, offered above
2004-4x2 Silver border, sheet of 42 (6x4 + 6x3) with gutter between 4th and 5th row $1.75
2004-6x Greeting Stickers,
2004-6.x3 Spanish Greeting Stickers, sheet of 25
2004-9x1-x3 Jumbo Gift Tags, from "Holiday Gift Pack", 3 different panes of 4 2.75
2004-9.3 Spanish Jumbo Gift Tags, from "Holiday Gift Pack", 3 different panes of 4 $9.75
Holiday Gift Pack Booklet Collection, Containing over 75 panes of 4 or 8 gift tags. 2002T8.5, 2002T8.7, 2003-9x, 2003-9.4x1-x3, 2004-9x1-x3, 2005-8x1, 2008-1.8x1-x4, 2009-1.8x1-x2, 2010-1.8x1-x4, 2011-1.9x1-x2 $19.50
2004-T1 Stocking, Wreath, and Candy Cane, * .2 Stocking, Wreath, and Candy Cane on silver foil,sheet of 56 3.75
2004T1.6 Greeting Stickers, sheet of 25 different * .8 Gift Tags Only, 7 designs, imperforate ungummed sheet of 15 4.75
2004-T2.2 Snownan Birds, Santa & Angel on silver foil, 4 designs, sheet of 56 3.75
2004T2.6 Greeting Stickers, sheet of 25 different 2.75
2004T2.8 Gift Tags Only, 4 designs, calendar with enlarged seal design 1.25
2004-T3 Partridge & Rocking Horse on silver foil, 5 .6 Greeting Stickers, sheet of 25 different *calendar with enlarged seal design 1.25
2004-T4 Cardinals & Winter Birds on silver foil, 4 designs, * .6 Greeting Stickers, With Address Labels, sheet of 25 2.75
2004-T5 Santa, Snowmen & Toys on silver foil, 5 designs, * .6 Greeting Stickers, With Address Labels, sheet of 25 2.75
2004-T6 Rag Doll, Teddy Bear, and Rocking Horse on silver foil, 4 designs, sheet of 56 4.75
2004T6.6 Greeting Stickers, *calendar with enlarged seal design 1.25
2004-S1x Baby Animals, as 2002-S4, sheet of 48 (6x8), designed by Kerry Dering. $5.75
Baby Animals enamel pendant, mother rabbit with 2 children, all clothed. $3.75
2004-S1.2x Baby Animals, as 2002-S4, sheet of 49 (7x7), designed by Kerry Dering. $5.75
2004-S1.6xA special occasion blank sheet $7.50
2004-S1.4x Baby Animals, as 2002-S4, sheet of 42 (6x7) with gift tags at right and 18 special occasion seals at bottom, designed by Kerry Dering. $5.75
2004-S1.5 Spanish text $12.75
2004-S2x Chick with eggs, lamb, and bunny, yellow borders. This one has white EASTER LILIES! Sheet of 42 (6x7) with gift tags at right and 18 special occasion seals at bottom. Designed by Mark Maffin. $5.75
2004-S3x Butterflies and Bird Houses. Sheet of 42 (6x7) with gift tags at right and 18 special occasion seals at bottom. Designed by Lauren Haggerty. $5.75
2004-S4x Ducklings and Bunnies. Sheet of 48 (6x8). Designed by Lisa McCue, Fuzzytails. $5.75
2004-S4.6x Ducklings and Bunnies. Special occasion sheet of 24 + 15 return address labels at bottom. With kitten and puppy added to designs. $3.75
2004-S5x Bunnies with pink & blue borders. Sheet of 49 (7x7) Designed by Lisa McCue, Fuzzytails. $5.75
2004-S5.6x2 Bunnies with pink & blue borders. Special occasion sheet of 19 + 15 return address labels at bottom. $3.75
2004-S6x Bunnies with pink & green borders. Sheet of 49 (7x7) Designed by Christopher Santoro. $5.75
2004-S6.6x Bunnies with pink & green borders. Special occasion sheet of 24 + 15 return address labels at bottom $3.75
2004-S7 Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit, sheet of 49 similar to 2003-S3 $7.50
2004-S7.6 Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit, sheet of 21 special occasion $3.75
2004-S8 new design, Bunnies with Lilac & Blue borders, by Jordan Bryan, sheet of 49 $7.50
2004-S8.6 Bunnies with Lilac & Blue borders special occasion sheet $3.75
2004-S12 Birds and Slogans Greeting Stickers, similar to 2003-S3, pane of 22 $4.75
2004-S12.2x Birds and Slogans Greeting Stickers, Spanish text; pane of 20 Spanish address labels with 3 bookmarks at bottom; and pane of 4 Spanish bookplates $14.50
2004-S12.3 Birds & Slogans Greeting Stickers, similar to 2003-S3, silver foil pane of 19 $4.75
2004-S12.6 Birds and Slogans pane of 20 address labels with 3 bookmarks at bottom + Birds and Slogans pane of 4 bookplates $2.75
2004-S20x ladybugs, dragon flies, and butterflies, sheet of 36 address labels with 12 special occasions at bottom $7.50
2004-S20.3x ladybugs, dragon flies, and butterflies, Spanish text $9.50
2004-S21x flowers & Bluebirds; pane of 26 special occasion; 2004-S21.6x pane of 20 address labels with 3 bookmarks at bottom; and pane of 4 bookplates $10.25
2004-S22x Birds & Flowers; pane of 23 special occasion;
2004-S22.6x pane of 20 address labels with 3 bookmarks at bottom; and pane of 4 bookplates $11.75
2005-1.1 silver foil sheet of 56 $2.75
2005-6x1 special occasion sheet 2.25
Holiday Gift Pack Booklet Collection, Containing over 75 panes of 4 or 8 gift tags. 2002T8.5, 2002T8.7, 2003-9x, 2003-9.4x1-x3, 2004-9x1-x3, 2005-8x1, 2008-1.8x1-x4, 2009-1.8x1-x2, 2010-1.8x1-x4, 2011-1.9x1-x2 $19.50
2005-1x2 sheet of 42, 6x4 + 6x3, with horizontal gutter $5.00
2005-T4 self adhesive silver foil sheet of 56 5.00
2005-S1 Butterflies & Birdhouse, sheet of 42, 7x6 $4.00
2005-S2 Rabbit, Bunnies & Easter Basket, sheet of 49, 7x7 $4.00
2005-S3 Easter Egg, Basket, Birdhouse & Butterfly, sheet of 49, 7x7 $4.00
2005-S4 Rabbits, Duck & Flowers, sheet of 49, 7x7 $4.00
2005-S5 Easter Rabbits Decorating Eggs, sheet of 49, 7x7 $4.00
2005-S6 Rabbits, Chicks, Easter Eggs & Basket, sheet of 49, 7x7 $4.00
2006-1x1 Santa, Snowmen & Toys sheet of 56 without gift tags 1.75
2006-1x2 sheet of 42 (6x4 + 6x3) with horizontal roulette gutter separating the sheet into 2 smaller sheets, gift tags at right. 4.75
2006-1x3 sheet of 64 without gift tags (8x2 + 8x3 + 8x3) with 2 horizontal roulette gutters separating the sheet into 3 smaller sheets. 3.75
2006-1.8x1 Gift Tags Only, 4 designs, sheet of 8 .50
2006-1.8x2a sheet of 4 1.00
2006-1.8x2b sheet of 4 1.00
2006-T1 Silent Night Ornament, Angel, Gift, Snowman & Wreath. x) sheet of 56 3.75
2006-T2 Reindeer, Santa, Penguin, Snowman & Cat x) sheet of 56 3.75
2006-T3 Dove, Houses, Snowflake & Children x) sheet of 56 3.75
2006-T4 Santas, Toys & Girl with Light x) sheet of 56 3.75
2006-T5x2 Old Christmas Seal Designs sheet of 56, no gift tags 3.75
2006-S1 packet containing Butterflies& Birdhouse sheet of 42 (#2006-S1x), Special Occasion sheet (#2006-S1.6x), note paper booklet, and calendar 7.50
2007-1x1 National sheet of 56 (8x7) Silent Night Ornament, Angel, Gift, Snowman & Wreath with silver foil border 2.75
2007-1x2 National sheet of 50 (10x5) Silent Night Ornament, Angel, Gift, Snowman & Wreath with silver foil border $2.75
2007-1x3 National sheet of 64 (8x8) Silent Night Ornament, Angel, Gift, Snowman & Wreath with silver foil border $2.75
2007-1x6 coil single, doorway only. Wide seal, 22 x 24mm, "SEASON'S GREETINGS" in caps, only found on the back of some full packs containing sheets, calendar, booklet, etc. Full Packet with single 2007-1.6 $6.00
2007-1.6x1 special occasion sheet (21 + 12) 2.25
2007-1.6x2 special occasion sheet (21 + 8) 5.00
2007-1.6x3 special occasion sheet (15 + 9 + 7)) 5.00
2007-1.6x4 special occasion sheet (9 + 7) 5.00
2007-1.8 gift tag booklet pane 1.25
2007T1x Penguins and gifts, sheet of 56, (8x7) $5.00
2007T1.6 special occasion sheet $5.00
2007T2x Santa, Bears, Reindeer, Penguin & Snowman, sheet of 56, (8x7) $5.00
2007T2.6 special occasion sheet $5.00
2007T3x Snowman, Child, Church & Santa, sheet of 56, (8x7) $5.00
2007T3.6 special occasion sheet $5.00
2007T4x Snowmen, Penguin, Bear & Santa, sheet of 56, (8x7) $5.00
2007T4.6 special occasion sheet $5.00
2007-S1x Spring Issue, Chicks, Bunny, Lamb & Goose sheet of 42 $3.50
2007S1.6x Special Occasion sheet 2.50
2007S2x Spring Issue, Birds & Flowers sheet of 42 $4.50
2007-S2.6x Special Occasion sheet $3.50
2007S3x Spring Issue, Rabbits, Baskets & Eggs sheet of 42 $4.50
2007-S3.6x Special Occasion sheet $3.50
2007S4x Spring Issue, Umbrella, Chicks, Bunnies & Eggs sheet of 42 $4.50
2007-S4.6x Special Occasion sheet $3.50
2008-1x1A sheet of 56 1.75
2008-1x1A sheet of 56, black printing on back, scarce 4.50
2008-1x2 sheet of 64 2.50
2008-1.6x1 special occasion Sheet 2.00
2008-1.6x3 special occasion Sheet (9+24) 4.50
2008-1.6x4 special occasion Sheet (9+9) 3.50
2008.7 gift tag sheet 2.75
Holiday Gift Pack Booklet Collection, Containing over 75 panes of 4 or 8 gift tags. 2002T8.5, 2002T8.7, 2003-9x, 2003-9.4x1-x3, 2004-9x1-x3, 2005-8x1, 2008-1.8x1-x4, 2009-1.8x1-x2, 2010-1.8x1-x4, 2011-1.9x1-x2 $19.50
2008 ALA sheet of 4 punch out Christmas ornaments, and self adhesive picture frame, plus individual 2008 ALA ornament sticker, and very similar 2007 ALA ornament sticker $4.75
2008-T1 and T1.6 special pccasion sheet $10.00
2008-T2 and T2.6 special pccasion sheet $10.00
2008-T3 and T3.6 special pccasion sheet $10.00
2008-T4 and T4.6 special pccasion sheet $10.00
2008-S1x1 Spring Issue, sheet of 42 $2.25
2008-S1x2 Spring Issue, sheet of 49 $5.00
2008-S1.6x1 Spring Issue, Lamb, Bunnies, Chicks, Swan, special occasion sheet 1.75
2008-S1.6x2 Spring Issue special occasion sheet of 34 (18 diff) 5.00
Unlisted 2008 Spring, sheet of 4 postcards $10.00
2008-S2 Spring Issue, Birds, Tulips & Iris, sheet of 42 $3.50
2008-S2.1 Spring Issue, silver foil sheet of 42 $6.50
2008-S2.6 special occasion sheet 2.00
2008-S3 Spring Issue, Hatching Chick, Flowers, Bear, Bee and Cat, sheet of 42 $6.50
2008-S3.6 special occasion sheet 3.50
2008-S4 Spring Issue, Watercolor flowers, sheet of 42 $6.50
2008-S4.6 special occasion sheet 3.50
2008-S5 Spring Issue, Rabbits, Blue jay, Kitten, sheet of 42 $6.50
2008-S5.6 special occasion sheet 3.50
2008-S6 Spring Issue, Rabbits & Ducks, sheet of 42 $6.50
2008-S6.6 special occasion sheet 3.50
2009-1x1 Santa, Birds, Dog, Snowman & Reindeer Fishing, sheet of 56 1.75
2009-1x3 Santa, Birds, Dog, Snowman & Reindeer Fishing, sheet of 64 1.75
2009-1x6 Santa, Birds, Dog, Snowman & Reindeer Fishing, sheet of 56, large seals 4.75
2009-1.6x1 special occasion sheet of 24 with 21 return address labels 1.75
2009-1.6x3 special occasion sheet of 7 with 24 return address labels 1.75
2009-1.6x4 special occasion sheet of 24 with 21 return address labels, larger size 3.75
Holiday Gift Pack Booklet Collection, Containing over 75 panes of 4 or 8 gift tags. 2002T8.5, 2002T8.7, 2003-9x, 2003-9.4x1-x3, 2004-9x1-x3, 2005-8x1, 2008-1.8x1-x4, 2009-1.8x1-x2, 2010-1.8x1-x4, 2011-1.9x1-x2 $19.50
2009-T1x Santa, Snowmen, Reindeer & Bear with Sled, sheet of 56 5.00
2009-T2x Old Seal Designs with Santas and Snowman, sheet of 56 5.00
2009-T2.1x Old Seal Designs, sheet of 45 5.00
2009-T3x Christmas Tree Ornaments, Star, Bell, Heart, sheet of 56 5.00
2009-T4x Santa's Flying Reindeer; Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, sheet of 56 5.00
2009-T5x Bridge, Ornament, Sleigh, Winter Scene, sheet of 56 5.00
2009 ALA Spring Issue Sheets
2009-S1x1 Spring Issue, Birds, Tulips, Iris $4.50
2009-S1.6x1 special occasion sheet $3.00
2009-S1x2 Birds, Tulips, Iris $8.50
2009-S1.6x2 special occasion sheet $6.50
2009-S2x Rabbits, Blue jay, Kitten $4.50
2009-S2.6 special occasion sheet $3.00
2010-1x1 Christmas sheet of 56 1.75
2010-1x3 Christmas sheet of 64 1.75
2010-1x5 Christmas sheet of 56 with gift tags, scarce 10.00
2010-1.6x1 special occasion sheet 1.75
2010-1.6x2 special occasion sheet 1.75
2010-1.7 gift tags only sheet 3.50
Holiday Gift Pack Booklet Collection, Containing over 75 panes of 4 or 8 gift tags. 2002T8.5, 2002T8.7, 2003-9x, 2003-9.4x1-x3, 2004-9x1-x3, 2005-8x1, 2008-1.8x1-x4, 2009-1.8x1-x2, 2010-1.8x1-x4, 2011-1.9x1-x2 $19.50
2010-S1x1 Spring Issue sheet of 42 $3.50
2010-S1x2 Spring Issue sheet of 56 $6.00
2010-S1.6x1 Special Occasion sheet, 19+15 $3.50
2010-S1.6x2 Special Occasion sheet, 19+21 $6.00
2010-S2x1 Spring Issue sheet of 42 $3.50
2010-S2x2 Spring Issue sheet of 56 $3.50
2010-S2.6x1 Special Occasion sheet, 19+15 $3.50
2010-S2.6x2 Special Occasion sheet, 19+21 $3.50
2010-S3x Spring Issue sheet of 42 $3.50
2010-S3.6x1 Special Occasion sheet, 18+15 $3.50
2010-S4x Spring Issue sheet of 42 $3.50
2010-S4.6x1 Special Occasion sheet, 17+15 $3.50
2011-1x1 Christmas sheet of 56 $1.75
2011-1x3 Christmas sheet of 64 $1.50
2011-1.6x1 special occasion sheet (20+12) $1.50
2011-1.6x2 special occasion sheet (22+24) $4.50
2011-1.6x3 special occasion sheet (6+24) $2.25
2011-1.6x4 special occasion sheet (6+9), gift tags at top $4.50
2011-1.7 gift tags only sheet 2.50
Holiday Gift Pack Booklet Collection, Containing over 75 panes of 4 or 8 gift tags. 2002T8.5, 2002T8.7, 2003-9x, 2003-9.4x1-x3, 2004-9x1-x3, 2005-8x1, 2008-1.8x1-x4, 2009-1.8x1-x2, 2010-1.8x1-x4, 2011-1.9x1-x2 $19.50
2011T1x Christmas Design Experiment, Snowmen, Santa, Reindeer $4.50
2011T1.6x matching special occasion sheet 2.75
2077T1.7 Gift tag only silver foil sheet $2.75
2011T2x Christmas Design Experiment, Puppy, Snowman, Santa, Sled $4.50
2011T3x Christmas Design Experiment, Bells, Church, Candles, Ornaments, Christmas Tree $4.50
2011T3.6x matching special occasion sheet 2.75
2011T4x Christmas Design Experiment, Ski, Penguins, Santa, Moose $4.50
2011T4.6x matching special occasion sheet 2.75
2011 Spring Issues, 15 different sheets $43.50
2012 Christmas Seal sheet of 56 (8x7) 2.75
2012 Christmas Seal sheet of 64 (8x8) 2.00
2012 special occasion sheet 1.75
2012 combo gift tag special occasion sheet 2.25
2012 Christmas gift tag only sheet, silver foil 1.75
2012-S1 Spring Issue, Rabbit with Umbrella, Ducks, Easter Basket, sheet of 42 $3.00
2012-S1.6 special occasion sheet 3.50
2012-S2 Spring Issue, Rabbit, Bird, Cat, Dog, sheet of 42 $3.00
2012-S3 Spring Issue, Duck, Bunny, Bears, Easter Baskets, sheet of 42 $3.00
2012-S4 Spring Issue, Rabbit, Flowers, Duck Bird, sheet of 42 $3.00
2012-S5 Spring Issue, Bird House, Flowers, Watering Can, Rabbit, sheet of 42 $3.00
2013 Christmas Seal sheet of 56 $2.75
2013 Christmas Seal sheet of 64 $1.75
2013 Gift Tag only, sheet of 15 $1.75
2013 special occasion sheet 2.25
2013 Spring sheet of 42 puppy, kitten, bunnies, bird & flowers 2.50
2013 puppy, kitten, bunnies, bird & flowers special occasion sheet 2.50
2015 Christmas seal sheet of 42, 6x7 dog, snowman, polar bears, penguin & Santa, silver foil $3.50
2015 gift tag sheet of 15 $2.50
2015 test sheet #1 of 42, 7x6, lighthouse, stockings & mailbox $3.50
2015 test sheet #2 of 42, 7x6, basket, Santa & polar bear on sled, silver foil $3.50
2016 Christmas seal sheet of 42, 7x6 Cardinal, snowman, wreath, Lighthouse $2.75
2016 Christmas seal sheet of 56, 8x7 Cardinal, snowman, wreath, Lighthouse $2.25
2016 special occasion sheet, "Sample A. Sample" 2.25
2016 special occasion sheet with gift tags at top $1.75
2016-T1 Christmas Design Experiment sheet of 42, Cat, Fireplace, Ornaments, Ice Skates $3.50
2016-T2 Christmas Design Experiment sheet of 42, Snowman, Sleigh, Santa, Polar Bear $3.50
2016-T3 Christmas Design Experiment sheet of 42, Ice Skate, Polar Bear, Snowman $3.50
2016-T4 Christmas Design Experiment sheet of 42, Dog, Pick Up Truck, Santa, Sleigh $3.50
2016-S Spring Issue sheet of 36, Basket, Garden Gate, Rabbit, Butterfly $3.50
2017 Christmas seal sheet of 42, 7x6 Cat, Fireplace, Ornaments, Ice Skates $2.75
2017 Christmas seal sheet of 56, 8x7 Cat, Fireplace, Ornaments, Ice Skates $2.25
2017 special occasion sheet, "Sample A. Sample" 2.25
2017 special occasion sheet with gift tags at top $1.75
2017 gift tag sheet of 15 $2.50
2017-T1 Christmas Design Experiment sheet of 42, Dog, Angel, Santa, Reindeer $4.50
2017-T2 Christmas Design Experiment sheet of 42, Stocking, Santa, Dog, Skates $4.50
2017-T3 Christmas Design Experiment sheet of 42, Birds, Fireplace, Snowman, Sleigh, Lamp $4.50
2017-T4 Christmas Design Experiment sheet of 42, Santa, Stocking, Snowman, Sleigh Dog $4.50
2017-T5 Christmas Design Experiment sheet of 42, Ski, Sled, Dog, Santa, Truck $6.50
2017-S1 Spring Issue sheet of 36, Birds, Butterflies, Bees, Flowers $3.50
2017-S2-S4 Spring Issue, Three diff scarce sheets of 36, Dog, Lamb, Cat, Birds, Balloon $15.00
2018 Spring Issue sheet of 36, Dog, Rabbit, Balloon, Squirrel $4.50
2018 sheet of 42 1.75
2018 sheet of 56 2.75
2018 2 different gift tags, and special occasion sheets with return address labels 3.50