Seal Designers and Other Dignitaries

Babe Ruth - In 1930 Babe Ruth was one of a number of dignitaries who volunteered to promote the annual Christmas Seal campaign by appearing in public and autographing Christmas Seal sheets, This autograph, together with the other 12 dignitaries autographs are the largest know group of it's kind. This collection also includes the National Tuberculosis Association letter concerning the dignitaries, and finally, the authentication certificate for Babe Ruth from T. G. Gagen, a man with decades of experience and a million dollar reputation in sports collectibles. The complete story on this collection was published on the Christmas Seal & Charity Stamp Society on their website
Price on request
All genuine, unless stated to be a facsimile.

1907 related - Priscilla Leonard was Emily Bissell's pen name. In 1927 she published a book of poetry, Happiness and other Verses, with an enlarged embossed facsimile of her 1907 type one seal on the cover, this rare first edition, printed by J. B Lippencott, Philadelphia, is 224 pages long; hard cover, fine condition with Emily Bissell autograph and genuine 1907 type 1 seal stuck in. The appendix, The Christmas Stamp in America, is an article on Bissell's 1907 Christmas Seal campaign. $199.00
1907 related - As above, very fine 1927 first edition, Happiness and other Verses, with 1907 Christmas Seal stuck in, but without Bissell autograph $99.00
1907 related - The People Against Tuberculosis, by Leigh Mitchell Hodges, 1942, special edition of 499 autographed by the author as well as Emily Bissell. This book is the original and most detailed version of the origin of US Christmas Seals. In 1907 the first US Christmas Seal was failing to get off the ground. Emily Bissell sought the help of a big city newspaper, the Philadelphia North American. Hodges worked for the paper and wrote a column called "The Optimist", which Bissell read. After Bissell's idea was initially shot down by the paper, she stopped to meet Hodges because she wanted to see what an optimist looked like. Hodges asked his secretary, if she was pretty. With the newspapers help, Bissell raised ten times what she was hoping for, ten times what was needed to save a small TB Sanatorium in the state of Delaware. $199.00
1907 related - As above, The People Against Tuberculosis, by Leigh Mitchell Hodges, 1942, special edition of 499 autographed by the author as well as Emily Bissell. Ex Library with bibrary markings $149.00
1907 related - type 1 seal stuck on facsimile autographed picture of Emily Bissell - not an actual autograph (printed from early autographed photograph in the 40's at the latest) 7 1/8 x 9 1/8 inches, with special label, given in appreciation of Iowa TB & Health Assoc $25.00
1907 related - 1942 Leigh Mitchell Hodges autograph on Christmas Seal and Charity Stamp Soc souvenir program, Miss Emily P. Bissell is listed as a speaker 39.00
1907 related - 1942 Leigh Mitchell Hodges on CS&CSS luncheon ticket stub, Bellevue Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, PA 39.00
1907 related - 1942 Leigh Mitchell Hodges on 50th anniversary PA TB Soc cacheted unaddressed, special metered cover 39.00
1907 related - Priscilla Leonard (Emily Bissell's pen name) 2 different artist signed (printed on) postcards - mint $20.00 each
1930 Guilio Gatte-Casazza, Impresario, on imperforate sheet, fresh but gum disturbed on top 2 rows 50.00
1930 Gene Tunney, World Champion Heavy Weight Boxer, on imperforate sheet with block of 6 seals removed from the middle of the no gum sheet, and a engraved Slania cinderella of Tunney mounted in the opening 100.00
1934 related - Autobiography of Edward L. Trudeau, MD. Signed hardcover book in excellent condition, spine of book a little faded, and the dust jacket is a bit frayed. The front flyleaf has a large penned gift inscription signed by Francis Trudeau, son of the author. This 1944 printing was published for the National Tuberculosis Association and has a double barred cross embossed on the front cover. The 1934 Christmas Seal pictured Dr. Trudeau's "Little Red" TB Cottage in the Adirondacks, and he was a pioneer in Fresh Air treatment of TB $49.95

1935 related - Tuberculosis, A Book for the Patient, by Fred G. Holmes, MD. Director of the NTA, Chief of Staff Good Sam, Phoenix. Nice letter signed to a friend entering TB treatment $45.00
1938 Lloyd Coe
1938 Edward Mansfield, portrait seal designer 7.50
1939 Enir Holboll, jr., son of Danish postal clerk who invented the TB Christmas seal, on hinged & stained CS&CSS Annual Get Together (NY) + his wife (they were married in NY for the World's Fair), Miss Denmark, Grethe Johansen on stained piece of NTA pamphlet with double barred cross 39.00
1940 F L Martini 12.00
1940 Felix Martini letter concerning rough sketch of 1040 Christmas Seal 25.00
1941 Stevan Dohanos 10.00
1942 Dale Nichols 15.00
1943 Andre Dugo, designer 10.00
1944 Spence Wildey, designer 7.50
1945 Park Phipps, designer 7.50
1946 Mary L. Estes, designer 7.50
1946 Estes and Coe on one card 12.50
1946 Leigh Mitchell Hodges on 1946 imperforate portrait block, where he was one of the 4 portraits 20.00
1946 Emily Bissell Laird (Emily Bissell's great grand daughter) autograph on 1946 portrait block of 16 5.00
1947 Raymond Lufkin, designer 7.50
1948 Barry Bart, designer 7.50
1949 Herbert Meyers, designer 7.50
1950 Andre Dugo 10.00
1951 Robert Stephens, designer 7.50
1952 Tom Darling, designer 7.50
1953 Elmer Jacobs 6.00
1954 Jorgen Hansen, designer 6.00
1955 Jean Simpson, designer 6.00
1956 Heidi Brandt, designer 5.00
1957 Clinton Bradley, designer 7.50
1958 Alfred Guerra, designer 7.50
1959 Katherine La Bruce Rowe, designer 6.00
1959 sheet with Red Schoendiest, National Chairman, baseball figure 25.00
1960 sheet with Philip R. Costigan, designer 5.00
1960 Stephen Dohanos, National Chairman 5.00
1961 Heidi Brandt, designer 5.00
1961 sheet with Heidi Brandt, designer 7.50
1962 Paul Dohanos, designer 7.50
1963 Judith Piussi, designer 6.00
1964 Gaetano di Palma, designer 6.00
1964 sheet with Betsy Palmer, facsimile, National Chairperson 5.00
1965 Fred T. Salomonsen, designer 6.00
1965 sheet with Fred T. Salomonsen, designer 7.50
1965 sheet with Scott Carpenter, facsimile, National Chair 7.50
1966 Heidi Brandt, designer 3.00
1966 sheet with Heidi Brandt, designer 5.00
1967 L. Gerald Snyder, designer 5.00
1967 sheet with L. Gerald Snyder, designer 7.50
1967 Robert Morse, facsimile, Nat. Chair 6.00
1968 Bill Eisele, designer 3.00
1969 Bernice Kochran, designer 3.00
1969 imperf sheet with Bernice Kochran 10.00
1970 L. Gerald Snyder, designer 7.50
1970 imperf sheet with L. Gerald Snyder 10.00
1971 James Clark, designer 5.00
1971 sheet with Jack Lemmon facsimile autograph, National Chairman 10.00
1972 Linda Layman 5.00
Don Harrington, 1940's foreign seal designer? 5.00
1975 Debble Carr 7.50
1978 Shari Lewis 7.50
1979 sheet Charles M Schulz, facsimile 7.50
1979 imperforate sheet Charles M Schulz, facsimile 10.00
1979 sheet Charles M Schulz, facsimile with genuine James Doolan (Scottie from Star Trec) 17.50
1980 sheet with Bob Hope facsimile 7.50
1980 imperf sheet with Bob Hope facsimile 10.00
1981 sheet with Bob Hope facsimile 7.50
1981 sheet with Brooke Shields facsimile 7.50
1981 imperforate sheet with Brooke Shields facsimile 10.00
1982 sheet with Jack Klugman facsimile 7.50
1982 imperforate sheet with Jack Klugman facsimile 10.00
1982 strip of 7 with John W Galbreth, industrialist and philanthropist 7.50
1982 sheet with Brooke Shields facsimile 7.50
1983 sheet with Morgan Fairchild facsimile 7.50
1983 sheet with Andy Williams facsimile 7.50
1984 sheet with Pearl Bailey facsimile 7.50
1985 sheet with Pearl Bailey facsimile 7.50
1986 sheet with Cybill Shepherd facsimile 7.50
1987 sheet with Cybill Shepherd facsimile 7.50
1988 sheet with Smother's Brothers facsimile 7.50
1990 sheet with C. Everett Coop facsimile 7.50
1991 sheet with Reba McIntyre facsimile 7.50
1992 sheet with Kristi Yamaguchi facsimile 7.50
1992 Kristi Yamaguchi, facsimile autograph on silver ink sheet with Mid Ohio fundraiser program 7.50
1996 imperf sheet with Tom Dalan facsimile 25.00