1929//1934 four different "Talking Points" pamphlets (16-24 pages each), fine condition, some a little dirty or written on, all with seal design, on cover, or inside cover 20.00
1932 four page pamphlet, "Christmas Seal Service Report" with seal design, child, David & Goliath 3.50
1933 with seal design. This is slightly smaller than a bussiness card and was promoting a December 3, 1933 broadcast $5.00
1936 leaflet with large seal design "Saranac Lake Society for the Control of TB 3.50
1943 four page pamphlet, "Home for Christmas" with design of the 1943 Christmas Seal border 1.50
1944 four page WW2 pamphlet "Christmas V Mail from the TB Front...we're up against a sneaky foe" 2.00
1945 four page pamphlet, "A Family Affair" with Christmas Seal design, football player in early leather helmet 2.00
1940's? tissue paper insert, large double barred cross "Fight TB- Buy & Use Christmas Seals 1.00
1966 Crusade of the Christmas Seal, a 13 page history 1.50
1969 This is Mr. TB Germ 1.00
1970 Christmas Seal Cookie Recipes, 52 pages, Kansas TB & Health 3.50
1970-1 Facts in Brief, pamphlet 1.00
1975-6 ALA Facts in Brief, 15 pages 1.50
1976 Pictorial History of the Christmas Seal, a map style pamphlet / poster picturing 240 worldwide Christmas seals in color 3.50
Help Fight TB, a Story for You, 21 pages, NTA children's pamphlet 1.50
1994 History of the American Lung Association, by Frances R. Ogasawara. 162 page book, mint condition $19.95