My entire collection of better stuff 10-2023 My collection 10-13-2023 Native American Artifacts My collection 10-13-2023 Native American Artifacts Click any product for further details or to place an order 50 best Hopewell Flint Ridge cores $1,000.00 77 Hopewell cores $639.00 Best 15 large Hopewell cores $375.00 Book, The Writings of Caleb Atwater, 1833 $325.00 Licking County Ohio, Full Groove Axe, Granite, 4 3/4 x 4 x 1 3/4 at poll. Honest use with no real damage except for plough marks. McKean Township, 1 mile north of Fredonia, Baughman farm $85.00 Licking County Ohio, Paleo Square Knife, Coshocton flint, 3 1/4 x 2 1/8 inches, McKean Township, 1 mile north of Fredonia, Baughman farm $55.00 6 items