1932-4p3 ultramarine color omitted, imperforate pair
These scarce printer's proofs are usually identified by their wide margin or perforation. Wide margin corner blocks are available for three times the wide margin pair price. On many of these issues, wide margin blocks of ten are available for four times the wide margin pair price.
1909-1.3 & .4 Strobridge black proofs, set of 2 imperforate pairs, one showing the central red cross, red cross border, and holly berries; all in black. The other showing the rest of the design in black, issued without gum $350.00
1909-1.3 & .4 Strobridge black proofs, set of 2, as above but singles instead of pairs $175.00
1916-1.1 proof, spur on "h" of "Christmas" and minute red dots in "w" of "New" and "y" of "Merry", yellow green (SE 3.75) 7.50
1917-3p1 kid finish paper (SE 5.00) 10.00
1917-3p2 coarse kid paper (SE 5.00) 10.00
1917-3p3 faint linenized paper (SE 5.00) 10.00
1917-3p4 coarse linenized paper (SE 5.00) 10.00
1918-1p2 heavy coated paper, imperf pair 15.00
1918-1p5 faint linenized paper, imp pair, NG 20.00
1918-1p6 coarse linenized, imp pair, (NG 20.00) with gum, never hinged $40.00
1918-1p8 coarse linenized, perf.12x12:00 20.00
1919-2.2 uncoated paper, perforation 12 1/2 10.00
1919-2p1 roulette 9 1/2x perforation 12 1/2 10.00
1919-2p1x roulette x perf, sheet of 100 350.00
1920-1p2 kid finish paper, perforation 12x12 1/2, AVE (SE 10.00) 20.00
1920-1p3 kid finish paper, imperforate pair 35.00
1921-1p1 with sizing under red 10.00
1921-1p2 without sizing under red, perf.12 10.00
1921-1p3 kid finish paper, perf.12 (SE 10.00) 20.00
1921-1p5 kid finish paper, imperf pair, NG 10.00
1921p2 no sizing under red. perf.12 $15.00
1923p2 red design only, in orange red (single $10) pair 20.00
1923p3 complete design, imperforate pair 20.00
1923p4 whole design in black, perforated 10.00
1925-1p1 perforation 14:00 (NG 1.25) 2.50
1925-1p3 type 1 perforation 12 1/2, smooth gum 2.50
1927-1p1 wide margin pair 7.50
1928-1p2 perf 12, 5.00 - sold only as a set of 7 progressive color proofs 1928-1pcp2
As above, but no gum 2.50 - sold only as a set of 7 NG progressive color proofs 1928-1pcp2
1929-1.p1 perf 12, very dark blue VBg 2.00
1929-1.3 perf 12, blue darker than other Eureka printing, but not as dark as 29-1p1 (above) 2.00
1929-2p1 perforation 14, NG 1.00
1929p12, p15 and p16 see Essays
1930-4p2 advance sample, bluish grey 1.25
1930-4.p2x sheet of 100 without pm (printer's mark) formerly advance sample (NG 37.50) 75.00
1931-1A.p2 imperf pair, one seal with dash, one seal without dash 15.00
1932-4p3 ultra color omitted, imperf pair 3.50
1932UKp1 wide margin imperforate pair 2.00
1933NM unlisted wide margin imperforate pair, NG 3.00
1933UKp1 perforation 14 5.00
1934-2.4 stage four 5.00
1934UKp3 wide margin imperf pair, NG 3.75
1934UKp3 wide margin sheet of 100, marginal inscription different than regular issue, "The 1st TB Sanitarium in the US, Now more than 600", NG 75.00
1934UKp4 imperforate pair, ultra color omitted, NG 10.00
1934UKp6 perforation 14 (SE 2.50) 5.00
1934UKp7 wide margin imperforate pair, NG 5.00
1934UKp8 perforation 14 (SE 1.00) 2.00
1935UKp3 perforation 14 (NG .50) 1.00
1935NM unlisted wide margin imperf pair 5.00
1936-4p3 wide margin imperforate strip of 5 5.00
1936NMp8 perforation 12, pair, (NG 2.00) 3.00
1936-4p17 gray only imperf pair, NG, this isn't part of a pcp set. formerly listed in Green's as 37-4p2 but there is no gray in the 1937 seal 3.00
1937-4p1 wide margin imperforate pair, NG 5.00
1937-4p2a rejected light blue imperforate pair 3.00
1937p10 wide margin imperforate pair, NG 2.00
1937p10x1 wide margin imperf sheet, NG 37.50
1937p11 perforation 14, NG 1.00
1937p10x2 wide margin perf.14 pair, NG 2.00
1937p13 perforation 12 (NG 1.00) 2.00
1937p14 imperf vertical pair, printer's waste which came with hairnet envelope printing on back of some, but these are outside the hairnet printing area $5.00
1938-4NM unlisted wide margin imperf pair 5.00
1938p9 perforation 12, clean perfs, white gum (NG 1.00) 2.00
1938p9x1 wide margin sheet of 100, NG 50.00
1939p8 heavy ultra color, imperf pr, eyes solid blue, NG 5.00
1939p9 wide margin perf 12 1/2 pair, NG 5.00
1939p10 imperforate pair with guide lines, NG 5.00
1939p13x sheet of 100, perf 12 1/2, one corner seal missing. NO PRINTER'S MARK - RARE $100.00
1940NMp1 wide margin imperforate pair, NG 3.50
1940NMp2 perf 12 with vert and horiz screen 1.25
1940NMp2 wide margin imperf pair 5.00
1940-4pxa wide margin imperforate pair 2.50
1941-2.1 perf.12 1/2 from "S" some sheet mottled paper, a faint grayish speckled pattern .75
1941-4p1xA wide margin imperforate pair 5.00
1942-4p4 imperforate pair with guide lines (NG 5.00) 10.00
1942-4p5 wide margin imperf pr (NG 2.00) 4.00
1942-4p6 wide margin p.12 1/2 pr (NG 2.00) 4.00
1943-4p4 imperforate pair with guide lines 5.00
1943-4p5 wide margin imperf pr (NG 2.00) 4.00
1943-4p6 wide margin p.12 1/2 pr (NG 2.00) 4.00
1944-1pxA wide margin imperforate pair, NG 5.00
1944-4p3 wide margin imperforate pair with guide lines, NG 5.00
1944-4p4 wide margin imperforate pair, NG 5.00
1944-4p5 wide margin perf.12 1/2 pair, NG 2.00
1945-4p2 wide margin imperforate pair 5.00
1945 SPCSp3 perforation 11 3/4 1.25
1945NM unlisted, perforation 11 3/4 wide margin sheet of 100, NG 35.00
1945NM sheet, as above but deep colors, NG 35.00
1946SPCSp4 wide margin imperf pair, NG 2.50
1946SPCSp4 wide margin portrait block of 28, NG 25.00
1946SPCSp5 perforation 11 3/4 (NG .60) 1.25
1946SPCSp5 perforation 11 3/4 wide margin portrait block of 28, NG 25.00
1947NMp3 perforation 11 3/4 (NG 1.00) 2.00
1947NMp3 wide margin p.11 3/4 pr (NG 2.00) 4.00
1947NMp4 wide margin imperforate pair, NG 2.00
1948NMp4 perforation 12, NG 1.00
1948NMp4 wide margin perf.12 pair, NG 2.00
1948NMp5 wide margin imperforate pair, NG 2.00
1949NMp3 perforation 11 3/4, NG 1.00
1949NMp3 wide margin perf 11 3/4 pair, NG 2.00
1949NMp4 wide margin imperforate pair, NG 2.00
1950NMp3 perforation 11 3/4, NG 1.00
1950NMp3 wide margin perf 11 3/4 pair, NG 2.00
1951NMp4 perforation 11 3/4, NG 1.00
1951NMp4 wide margin perf 11 3/4 pair, NG 2.00
1951NMp5 wide margin imperforate pair 2.00
1952NMp5 perforation 11 3/4, NG 1.25
1952NMp5 wide margin perf.11 3/4 pair, NG 2.50
1953NMp7 perforation 11 1/2, NG 2.50
1953NMp7 wide margin perf.11 1/2 pair, NG 5.00
1953NMp8 wide margin imperforate pair, NG 5.00
1954-1p2 english finish, perforation 13, block 1.00
1954-1p3 red and green only, imperf block, NG 4.00
1954NMp4 wide margin p.11 3/4 block, NG 6.00
1954NMp5 wide margin imperf block, NG 6.00
1955 unlisted "Printone" English finish imperf pair, red and green only, NG 5.00
1955NMp3 perforation 11 3/4 1.00
1955NMp3 wide margin perf.11 3/4 pair 2.00
1955NMp4 wide margin imperforate pair 2.00
1956NMp2 wide margin imperf block, NG 5.00
1957-3px2 wide margin imp block, NG 5.00
1957NMp6 wide margin imperf block, NG 7.50
1958NMp4 wide margin imperf pair, NG 2.00
1960NMp4 wide margin imperf block, NG 7.50
1961NMp wide margin imperf block, NG 6.50
1962NMp1x sheet of 100 without pm or UL (union label), margins trimmed off, NG 35.00
1962 unlisted wide margin imperf block, NG 7.50
1963NMp1 wide margin imperf block, NG 3.00
1966NM1 set of 42 imperforate blocks of 8, with pages to mount them on and a description of this set and a notarized statement, NG 125.00
1966NM1 as above , a few blocks damaged 100.00
1966NM1 as above, 12 blocks damaged 75.00
1966NMp3x wide margin imperforate block of 8, faulty 8.00
1968 "B" wide margin imperf block of 8, NG 8.00
1970 wide margin imperforate sheet, NG 50.00
1971 wide margin imperf block of 8, NG 8.00
1972 wide margin imperf strip of 10, NG 7.50

Set of 17 wide margin Negative Maker's proof pairs, no gum 1937 imperf, 1938 perf, 1942 perf & imperf, 1943 perf, 1945 perf, 1946 perf, 1947 perf & imperf, 1948 perf & imperf, 1949 perf & imperf, 1952 perf & imperf, 1953 perf & imperf - regular (Cheap) price thirty-nine dollars for $19.50