Set of 4 WW2 era "Sew & Save" Poster Stamps (2 are Red Cross seals) $3.95
WW2 Patriotic $1.00
Red Feather Community Fund & WW2 Patriotic Lapel Tag $2.00
7 Red Feather Community Fund, some WW2 $4.50
Red Feather Community Fund Window Label $1.00
5 different Community Fund- Red Feather pins $10.00
64 different WW2 patriotic poster stamps 34.99
22 different (and different from the 64) WW2 Patriotic Poster Stamps $20.00
1976 28 different Bicentennial poster stamps, complete set of 4 issued by White Ace, and complete set of 24 issued by H. E. Harris $4.95
22 NRA (National Recovery Act) poster stamps and window labels, actually 16 different 19.95