Ray Mosbaugh wrote the All Fund Catalog which lists US fundraising seals issued for causes other than TB & Red Cross, and is divided into sections. The Religious & Philosophical section includes some very interesting seals. The entire All Fund Catalog is available on a computer CD in pdf files for $8.95 + $2 shipping and is available from me. I distribute all of the Christmas Seal & Charity Stamp Society literature.

Armenian Evangekical Church of New York
#140 Armenian Church of NY, Scarce, 14 different beginning in 1940, no gum or straight edge, Regular $11.75 for $7.50
#140.01-.41, less .05, .10, .11 & .12 Armenian Church of NY, Scarce, Regular $72.65, for $50.00

Elim Christian School for Exceptional Children, Deaf, Blind & Crippled
#630.1-.21 Elim, 21 different beginning in 1951, Regular $6.30 for $3.95
#630.1-.21 Elim, as above but straight edge, Regular $4.95, for $2.95

International Order of King's Daughters
#980.1-.37 International Order of Kings Daughters, Regular $13.30 for $7.95
#980.1-.37 International Order of Kings Daughters, blocks of 4, Regular $52.30 for $31.80
#980.1-.37 International Order of Kings Daughters, Straight Edge, Regular $6.65 for $3.95

Temperance - Council on Alcohol Problems
#1605 a1.01-.12, a3.01-.09 1953/1974 Council on Alcohol Problems, 21 different, regular $11.00 for $6.95
#1605 a1.01-.12, a3.01-.09 1953/1974 As above but straight edge, regular $5.50, for $3.49

Young Men's Christian Association, YMCA
1930.02, .12, C.01/C.09; 1940.01, .02 pane, .04 YMCA, Regular $17.25 for $9.95
#1930 C 5 different, First row #3, 3rd row #1, #2, #3, and 4th row #3, Straight Edge, Regular $2.35 for $1.25
#1930 1943 WW2 YMCA set of 4 1.00
#1930 sheet of 48 $10.00
Set of over 800 different British Religious Poster Stamps used as a church attendance premium, with Bible scenes and verses, VF, NH $200.00