Ray Mosbaugh wrote the All Fund Catalog, which lists US fundraising seals issued for causes other than TB & Red Cross, and is divided into sections. The Catholic section includes some very interesting seals. The entire All Fund Catalog is available on a computer CD in pdf files for $8.95 + $3.25 shipping and is available from me. I distribute all of the Christmas Seal & Charity Stamp Society literature. New Catholic Seal Catalog now available Here
Alaska Missions, 1032 8th Ave., Fairbanks, AK
1.1 ( ) Eskimo child 1.00
1.2 ( ) Eskimo child .50
1.4 ( ) Eskimo child, no gum .50
Alaskan Shepherd, Catholic Bishops of Northern Alaska
Native mother and daughter .50
Archconfraternatity of Christian Mothers, 220 37th St., Pittsburgh, PA
3.1 1946 Nativity "Keep Christ in Christmas" 1.00
3.1 1946 as above, but dark blue 1.00
Association of Marian Helpers, Marian Fathers, Stockbridge, MA
10.1 ( ) Christ, "Let Us Build Him a Shrine" 6.00
10.2 ( ) Christ, with text in Polish .75
Ave Maria Radio League, Franciscan Friars of Atonement, Graymoor, NY
On behalf of St. Christopher's Inn
14.2 ( ) Mary, "Listen to Ave Maria Radio Hour" .50
Benedictine Chinese Mission, 1641 Allport St., Chicago IL
18.1a-j 1936 pane of 10, No Gum 3.00
Boy's Town, Omaha, NE
Most common Boystown Sheets, in groups of 20 or more different sheets purchased at one time, are available for $3 a sheet, 3.50 if you pick the year
Boy's Town collection 1936 (1st issue), 1949 (2nd issue) thru 1971, 41 seals $7.50
22.1 1936 boy, die cut heart shaped 2.50
22.2a 1949 type 1, large snowflakes, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy...", EF centering 2.00
22.2a 1949 type 1, large snowflakes, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy...", VF centering 1.50
22.2a 1949 type 1, large snowflakes, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy...", F centering 1.00
22.2b 1949 type 2, no line between sky & snow, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.2c 1949 type 3, definite line between sky and snow, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.3 1950 Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.4 1951 Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.4pcp 1951 set of 7 progressive color proofs 1.00
22.4pcpx set of 7 progressive color proof sheets of 100 50.00
22.5a 1952 type 1, tail of "9" extends below other numerals, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.5b 1952 type 2, all numerals of date even at bottom, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.6a 1953 type 1, top of "3" round, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.6apcp 1953 set of 7 progressive color proof imperforate pairs 1.75
22.6apcpx 1953 set of 7 progressive color proof imperforate sheets of 100 60.00
22.6b 1953 type 2, top of "3" flat, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.7a 1954 type 1, light green frame, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.7b 1954 type 2, dark green frame, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.7bcp 1954 set of 7 progressive color proof imperforate pairs 1.25
22.7bpcpx 1954 set of 7 progressive color proof imperforate sheets of 100 25.00
22.8a 1955 type 1, text at bottom 14 1/2 mm, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.8b 1955 type 2, text at bottom 17 1/2 mm, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.9a 1956 type 1, red panel at bottom 24 mm, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.9b 1956 type 2, red panel at bottom 23 mm, Boy carrying boy, "He ain't Heavy..." .15
22.10a 1957 type 1, "1917" under "erb", Boy carrying boy & building, pair .30
22.10a 1957 type 1, "1917" under "erb", Boy carrying boy & building, straight edge pair .20
22.10b 1957 type 2, "1917" under "Ne", Boy carrying boy & building, pair .30
22.10b 1957 type 2, "1917" under "Ne", Boy carrying boy & building, straight edge pair .20
22.11a 1958 type 1, "N" even with "B", Boys with sled, and church, pair .30
22.11a 1958 type 1, "N" even with "B", Boys with sled, and church, straight edge pair .20
22.11b 1958 type 2, "N" even with "o", Boys with sled, and church, pair .30
22.11b 1958 type 2, "N" even with "o", Boys with sled, and church, straight edge pair .20
22.11bp 1958 type 2 imperforate pair 3.00
22.11bp 1958 type 2 imperforate gutter strip of 4 9.00
22.12a 1959 type 1, detail in choir robes, boys choir and hockey, pair .30
22.12a 1959 type 1, detail in choir robes, boys choir and hockey, straight edge pair .20
22.12b 1959 type 2, "detail missing from choir robes, boys choir and hockey, pair .30
22.12b 1959 type 2, "detail missing from choir robes, boys choir and hockey, straight edge pair .20
22.12bp 1959 type 2 imperforate pair 3.00
22.13 1960 birds on branch, lighted Christmas tree at night, pair .30
22.13 1960 birds on branch, lighted Christmas tree at night, straight edge pair .20
22.14a 1961 type 1, line between snow and "Boystown...", buildings at boystown, 5 seals .75
22.14b 1961 type 2, "less red in sky, buildings at boystown, 5 seals .75
22.14c 1961 type 3, "no line, buildings at boystown, 5 seals 1.00
22.14w 1961 window label 3.50
22.15a 1962 type 1, boy praying, tractor & Christmas tree, pair .30
22.15a 1962 type 1, boy praying, tractor & Christmas tree, straight edge pair .20
22.15b 1962 type 2, boy praying, tractor & Christmas tree, pair .30
22.15b 1962 type 2, boy praying, tractor & Christmas tree, straight edge pair .20
22.16 1963 church and horse drawn sleigh, pair .30
22.16 1963 church and horse drawn sleigh, straight edge pair .20
22.17a 1964 type 1, boy in bed, boy with sled, pair .30
22.17a 1964 type 1, boy in bed, boy with sled, straight edge pair .20
22.17ax 1964 type 1, scarce dry gum sheet of 50 37.50
22.17b 1964 type 2, boy in bed, boy with sled, pair .30
22.17b 1964 type 2, boy in bed, boy with sled, straight edge pair .20
22.17bpcp 1964 set of 7 progressive color proof imperforate pairs 3.00
22.17bpcpx 1964 set of 7 progressive color proof imperforate sheets 50.00
22.18 1965 type 1, 2 boys at window, and boy carrying boy, pair .30
22.18 1965 type 1, 2 boys at window, and boy carrying boy, straight edge pair .20
22.18bpcp 1965 type 1, set of 7 progressive color proof imperforate pairs 1.50
22.18bpcpx 1965 type 1, set of 7 progressive color proof imperforate sheets 25.00
22.18 1965 type 1a, scarce dry gum, 2 boys at window, and boy carrying boy, pair 3.00
22.18 1965 type 1a, scarce dry gum, 2 boys at window, and boy carrying boy, straight edge pair 1.50
22.18 1965 type 2, 2 boys at window, and boy carrying boy, pair .30
22.18 1965 type 2, 2 boys at window, and boy carrying boy, straight edge pair .20
22.19 1966 boys, ice skates, and apples, pair .30
22.19 1966 boys, ice skates, and apples, straight edge pair .20
22.19x1a 1966 scarce dry gum pair 3.25
22.19x1a 1966 scarce dry gum straight edge pair 1.25
22.20 1967 boy carrying boy .15
22.20x1a 1967 scarce dry gum 1.35
22.20x1a 1967 scarce dry gum straight edge .70
22.21 1968 boys, stained glass window, and choir, pair .30
22.21 1968 boys, stained glass window, and choir, straight edge pair .20
22.21x1a 1968 scarce dry gum pair 3.00
22.21x1a 1968 scarce dry gum straight edge pair 1.50
22.22 1969 boys decorating Christmas tree, pair .30
22.22 1969 boys decorating Christmas tree, straight edge pair .20
22.23 1970 boys and street light, pair .30
22.23 1970 boys and street light, straight edge pair .20
22.23x1a 1970 scarce dry gum pair 3.00
22.23x1a 1970 scarce dry gum straight edge pair 1.50
22.23x1a 1970 scarce dry gum sheet of 50, reinforces 37.50
22.24 1971 boy mailing letter, pair .30
22.24 1971 boy mailing letter, straight edge pair .20
22.24a1x 1971 scarce dry gum sheet of 50 37.50
22.25 1972 boys decorating Christmas tree. pair .30
22.25 1972 boys decorating Christmas tree. straight edge pair .20
22.26 1973 boys building snowman, pair .30
22.26 1973 boys building snowman, straight edge pair .20
22.27 1974 church with star, pair .30
22.27 1974 church with star, straight edge pair .20
22.28 1975 boy, church, and star, pair .30
22.28 1975 boy, church, and star, straight edge pair .20
22.29 1976 boys and church, pair .30
22.29 1976 boys and church, straight edge pair .20
22.30 1977 childrens art, set of 9 $1.00
22.30 1977 childrens art, straight edge set of 9 .50
1978 onward are sold as common sheets in groups of 20 or more different sheets purchased at one time, they are available for $3 a sheet, 3.50 if you pick the year
Boy's Town Spring Seals
23.1x 1951 scarce, sheet of 25 different, some reinforcing can be expected 15.00
23.1xpcp 1951 set of 9 sheets of 25 75.00
23.2x 1952-59 sheet of 25 different, as 23.1, but date omitted, some reinforcing can be expected 3.50
23.3x 1959 sheet of 25 different, "22" on seal #14 is red, some reinforcing can be expected 3.50
23.4x 1960 sheet of 25, similar to #23.3, but only 6 different seals, some reinforcing can be expected 3.50
23.5x 1962 sheet of 25, 11 different, some reinforcing can be expected 3.50
23.6x 1963 sheet of 25, 13 different, some reinforcing can be expected 3.50
23.7x 1965 sheet of 25, as 23.6x, but printer's mark followed by "L", some reinforcing can be expected 3.50
23.8x 1966 sheet of 25, as 23.6x, but printer's mark Scranton, some reinforcing can be expected 3.50
23.9x 1967 sheet of 25, 15 different, some reinforcing can be expected 3.50
23.10x 1976 sheet of 25, 16 different, some reinforcing can be expected 3.50
Boy's Town Back of the Book
Honorary Citizen of Boy's Town Membership Card, most years 1953 thru 1980 2.50 each (1.50 each as a long run)
1976 greeting card with seal designs $2.50
Calvery Hospital, 1600 MaCombs Rd., Bronx, NY
25A 1971 four different sunshine seals 2.00
25B.1 1972 Mr Yuk, 32mm .25
25B.2 1972 Mr. Yuk, 48mm .50
25B.x 1972 full sheet of 10 5.00
Cardinal Spellman Philatelic Museum, Regis College, Weston, MA
25C.1 1954 Mary with Outstretched Arms .50
Carmelite Fathers, San Antonio, TX
28.1x1 1930 booklet pane of 10 different religious designs 5.00
28.1x2 1930 booklet pane of 10 different religious designs 5.00
28.1x3 1930 booklet pane of 10 (5 different x2) religious designs 5.00
buy all 3 and get the booklet covers free
Catholic Digest, St. Paul, MN
32.1 1940 Catholic Digest, A Brail Edition for the Blind .25
32.2 1941 Catholic Digest, A Brail Edition for the Blind .35
Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America, Maryknoll, NY
36.1 1915 Pagoda and Trees, no gum 15.00
36.2 1923 Cross, Gloria in Excelsis Deo 7.50
36.3 1925 Children and Star, Christmas Joy to All 6.00
36.4a 1926 Mother and Children, red 5.00
36.4b 1926 Mother and Children, green 5.00
36.5 1928 Star over Chinese Landscape 5.00
36.6 1929 "PX" emblem in circle 3.00
36.7 1930 Christ holding Orb 2.00
36.8 1932 Star over Pagoda 1.00
36.9 1939 "PX" emblem in circle 1.00
unlisted 1970's block of 4 1.00
unlisted 1970's pair with butterfly and bird .50
Catholic Korean Relief - listed in supplement
38.1 ( ) sheet of 10 gift tags and 5 seals, blue background 10.00
38.2 ( ) sheet of 10 gift tags and 5 seals, yellow background 8.00
38.3 ( ) roulette sheet, 15 different gift labels, 12 addressed to family members, yellow background 10.00
38.4 ( ) roulette sheet, 15 different gift labels, 12 addressed to family members, blue background 8.00
38.7 ( ) sheet with straight edge on all 4 sides, "Merry Christmas" added to each seal, yellow background 7.50
38.8 ( ) sheet with straight edge on all 4 sides, "Merry Christmas" added to each seal, blue background 7.50
38.9 ( ) sheet, as 38.3, but perforation 12 1/2 5.00
38.10 ( ) sheet, as 38.3, but perforation 12 1/2, blue background 5.00
38.11 1966 Nativity, pair, perforation 10 1/2 .50
38.12 1966 Nativity, pair, roulette 8 1/2 .50
38.13 1966 Nativity, pair, roulette 8 1/2 .50
38.14 1966 Nativity, pair, roulette 5 1/2 .50
38.15 1968 Crucifixion and Resurrection, pair .50
38.18 1969 Nativity, pair .50
Catholic Medical Mission Board, 10 W. 17th St., NY, NY
44.1 1932 Christ ministering to the sick, perforation 14 .35
44.2 ( ) Christ ministering to the sick, perforation 12 .35
44.4 ( ) Christ ministering to the sick, perforation 11 1/2, "W" in place of "West" .35
44.5 ( ) Christ ministering to the sick, perforation 12 1/2, rose and blue .35
Catholic Near East Welfare Association, 300 Madison Ave., NY, NY
48.1 ( ) Papal Coat of Arms, no gum 5.00
Catholic University of Peking, 176 West Adams, Chicago, IL
52.2a 1940 booklet pane of 10 different, red on gold 3.00
52.2b 1940 booklet pane of 10 different, blue on silver 3.00
52.3 ( ) booklet pane of 10 different, green on gold 3.00
52.4a ( ) booklet pane of 10 different, blue on gold 3.00
52.4b ( ) booklet pane of 10 different, blue on silver 3.00
52.5a ( ) booklet pane of 10 different, red on gold 5.00
52.5b ( ) booklet pane of 10 different, red on silver 5.00
52.6 ( ) booklet pane of 10 different, blue on silver 3.00
Catholic Hospital Association of the US and Canada, St. Louis 4, MO
56.5 1929 Head of Woman & Latin Cross "RRR" 50.00
56.6 15th Anniversary Convention "RRR" 15.00
56.14 23rd Convention 1938, faulty 10.00
56.15 24th Convention 2.50
56.17 1941 26th Annual Meeting 1.50
56.18 1942 27th Annual Meeting 1.00
Catholic Was Veterans of the USA, 1012 14th St. NW, Washington 5, DC
60.1 1935 Cross, We Must Fight Communism... 2.00
60.3 1953 Cross, Keep Christ in Christmas .35
60.3a 1953 error Horizontal Pair Imperforate Between 2.00
60.4 1954 Christ in Manger, Keep Christ in Christmas .35
60.6 1958 as 1957, but dull gum .35
Catholic War Veterans, Various Local Units or Posts
64.1 1948 Oppose Secularism, Communism... 1.00
64.2 1950 On Guard Against Communism .35
64.3 1951 Shepherds, roulette 13 1.2 .50
64.4 1952 Christ in Manger and Wise Men .75
64.5 1953 Mary and Jesus, light blue, dark blue and gold .75
64.6 1953 Shepherds, as 64.3 but perforation 12 1/2 .35
64.7 1954 Shepherds, as 64.3 but Roulette 6 1/2 .35
64.8 1955 Mary, Pray the Rosary Daily, brown and yellow-green, no gum .50
64.9 1956 On Guard Against Communism .75
64.10 1956 Holy Family, no gum .50
64.12 195_ Mary and Jesus, as 64.5 but light and dark blue, no gum .35
64.13 195_ Mary, similar to 64.8, no gum .75
64.14 195_ Globe of Earth, Pray for Peace, as 64.11 but light blue and dark blue .75
64.15 195_ Mary, Pray the Rosary Daily, as 64.8 but light blue and dark blue .75
64.16 195_ Mary, Christ, and Children .75
Catholic Youth Stamp Club
76.1 Silhouettes of Boy and Girl 1.00
Central Association of the Miraculous Medal
80.1a 1932 Merry Christmas, green on silver 5.00
80.1b 1932 Joyous Christmas, red on silver 5.00
Rare Office seals, set of 5 25.00
80.2 1937 24 different Madonna seals in unexploded booklet of 4 panes 15.00
80.3 1938 24 different Madonna seals in unexploded booklet of 4 panes 15.00
80.4 1939 24 different Madonna seals in unexploded booklet of 4 panes 15.00
80.5 1940 24 different Madonna seals in unexploded booklet of 4 panes 15.00
Chapel of Divine Love
84.1 1940 Church with name at top .50
84.1 1940 Church with name at top, no gum .25
84.1x 1940 Church with name at top, booklet pane of 10 4.00
84.1x 1940 Church with name at top, booklet pane of 10, no gum 2.00
Christ Child Society
88.2 1926-27 Group of 4 Holy figures .35
88.3 1928 Christ Child 1.75
88.3 1928 unlisted error, Horizontal Pair Imperforate Between 35.00
88.4 1929 as 1928, but horizontal broken gum 5.00
88.5 1929 Group of 4 Holy figures, as 88.2 but deeper colors .35
88.6 1940 Christ Child, as 88.3 but deeper colors .25
88.6p 1940 imperfroate pair, unlisted 5.00
88.7 1950 Christ Child with name in circle .25
88.8 1951 Group of 4 Holy figures, as 88.2 but red, blue, green, and yellow 1.00
Church of the Little Flower
92.1a 1927 St. Teresa "RRR", No Gum 15.00
92.1b 1927 St. Teresa "RRRR", faulty proof 10.00
92.1d 1927 St. Teresa "RRR" 20.00
92.2a 1928 St. Teresa "RRR" 30.00
92.2b 1928 St. Teresa "RRR" 30.00
92.2a & b 1928 gutter pair with both "RRR" types 75.00
92.3 1929 St. Teresa standing 2.00
92.4 1930 bust of St. Teresa 2.00
Claretian Fathers, Chicago IL
96.1 ( ) St. Jude, brown 1.00
96.2 ( ) St. Jude, green 1.00
96.3 ( ) St. Jude, grey brown 1.00
96.4a 1941 Christ with right hand raised .50
96.4b 1941 Christ with right hand raised .50
96.4c 1941 Christ with right hand raised .50
96.5 1943 Mary & Christ .50
96.6 1945 Christ & Cross 1.00
96.7 1949 Map of 23 Countries .35
96.8 1951 full length St. Jude .25
Claretian Fathers, San Antonio, TX
98.1 1937 Blessed Anthony M. Claret+, straight edge .35
Columbian Fathers, Columbans, NE
100.1a 1961 Bring Christ to all Nations, black and light green .25
100.1a&b 1961 jumbo seal + 6 small seals, black and light green 5.00
100.2a 1961 Bring Christ to all Nations, black, yellow and blue .25
100.1a&b 1961 jumbo seal + 6 small seals, black, yellow and blue 5.00
Commissarait of the Holy Land, Franciscan Monastery, Washington, DC
101.1 ( ) St. Francis, pane of 9 2.25
101.1 ( ) St. Francis, set of 4 different panes of 9 15.00
Confraternity of the Precious Blood
102.1a & b WW2 era I gave a Missal to a Service Man, pair 1.00
102.2 1942 I gave a Missal to a Service Man, similar to 102.1a .35
Consolata Fathers, Washington, DC
103.2 1969 Saints and Madonnas, broken sheet, set of 35 7.50
Croatian Franciscan Fathers T.O.R., 705 Shaw Ave., McKeesport, PA
114.1 1953 Cardinal Stepinac .75
114.2 1954 Help Croatian Bishops .75
114.3 1956 Cardinal Stepinac .75
114.4 1957 Cardinal Stepinac .75
114.5 1958 Cardinal Stepinac .75
114.6 1959 Cardinal Stepinac .75
114.7 1960 Flag of Croatia .75
114.8 1961 Cardinal Stepinac .50
114.9 1962 Cardinal Stepinac .50
114.10 1963 Cardinal Stepinac .75
Daughters of Mary, Cragsmoor, NY
120.1 1939 Mary Standing in oval frame .50
Divine Word Missionaries, Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520 (also Techny, IL)
122.1 1969 strip of 5, Nativity themes, Keep Christ in Christmas 1.35
122.2 1972 strip of 5, Nativity themes, Keep Christ in Christmas 1.35
Divine Word Seminaries
123.2 ( ) Keep Christ in Christmas .35
Dominican Fathers, 1909 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60608
123A Unlisted ( ) St. Jude, straight edge .35
Father Cox Relief Fund, Pittsburgh, PA
Cox, known as Mayor of Shantytown in Pittsburgh because he was so active in helping the homeless, lead a hunger march to Washington, which started January 6, 1932, and grew to 25,000. Dubbed "Cox's Army", Father Cox hated communists and felt the need to reclaim the issue of homelessness and hunger in America from the communists. Cox's march was funded by store owners in the Pittsburgh area. President Hoover personally met with Father Cox and heard his proposals.
124.1 1931 Father Cox Relief Fund, Worker locked out of shop 2.50
124.1 1931 Father Cox Relief Fund, Worker locked out of shop, straight edge 1.25
Fathers of Our Lady of Mercy (Order of Our Lady of Mercy), Leroy, NY
128.1 1958 same as 435.1, Apparition of Mary .50
128.2 1959 Mary, Protect our Youth .50
128.3 ( ) Praying Hands .50
128.5 ( ) Risen Christ .35
128.6 ( ) Christ and 2 angels .35
128.7 ( ) Risen Christ .35
128.8a & b 1968 Christ and Cross, pair .50
128.9a & b 1969 Christ and Cross, pair .50
128.10 ( ) Christ .35
129.1 1968 Wise Men on Camels .35
129.2a & b (1967) Mary holding Christ Child, Holy Family, 2 seals .40
129.3a-f (1968) set of 6 different, Nativity Themes 1.75
129.4a-b 1973 Nativity Themes, 2 seals .40
129.5a-b 1975 Holy Family, Wreath, 2 seals .40
130.1 ( ) Jesus & Angel .50
130.2 ( ) Our Lady of Fatima .50
130.3 ( ) Christ is Risen .50
130.4 ( ) Open Book .50
Felician Sisters, Floral Park, Long Isl., NY
132.1 1955 Coat of Arms .35
Franciscan Fathers TOR, Loretto, PA.
133.1 ( ) St. Francis and Christ Child .35
133.2 ( ) St. Anthony .35
133.3 ( ) St. Francis, Christ, Cow & Donkey .35
133.4 ( ) St. Anthony & Christ Child .35
133.5 ( ) Children & Nativity with Saint .35
133.6 ( ) Children & Nativity with Saint .35
133.6A ( ) St. Francis giving a blessing .35
133.9 ( ) St. Patrick & Cross .35
133.9a&b ( ) St. Patrick & Cross, block of 7 with jumbo seal 3.50
133.10x ( ) sheet of 25 previous designs 6.00
133.11x ( ) sheet of 25 previous designs with slogan seals 6.00
133.12 ( ) St. Patrick & Cross .35
133.12a&b ( ) St. Patrick & Cross, block of 7 with jumbo seal 3.50
133.13 ( ) St. Partick & Cross .35
133.13a&b ( ) St. Patrick & Cross, block of 7 with jumbo seal 3.50
133.14 ( ) St. Francis, Christ Child & animals .35
133.15x ( ) sheet of 25, St. Francis (as .14), with new design, and text seal in center 6.00
133.16 ( ) "May St. Patrick Bless You", 4 leaf clovers .35
133.21x sheet of 16 Christmas Themes 6.00
Franciscan Friars of Atonement, Graymoor, NY
136.1a 1929 St. Anthony & Christ, type 1 without apostrophe .75
136.1b 1929 St. Anthony & Christ, type 2 with apostrophe .35
136.2a 1930 St. Anthony & Christ, type 1 with crossed lines on orange disc background, perf 14 .35
136.2b 1930 St. Anthony & Christ, type 1, perforation 11 1/2 x 14 .35
136.2c 1930 St. Anthony & Christ, type 2 crossed lines on orange disc background omitted .35
136.3a 1931 Statue and Church, perforation 12 .35
136.3b 1931 Statue and Church, perforation 12 1/2 .35
136.4 1932 Statue and Church, blue and green on yellow paper .35
Franciscan Missionary Union, 1615 Vine, Cincinnati, OH
140.1 1925 Anthony and Child .75
Franciscan Missionary Union, 1434 W. 51st St., Chicago, IL
142.1a 1923 St. Francis Blessing a Kneeling Man .75
142.1c 1923 St. Francis Blessing a Kneeling Man 1.00
142.2 1927 2 arms and "Sacred Heart" 1.50
Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement, Graymoor, Garrison, NY 10524
144.1 1930 Our Lady of Atonement, Mary & Christ stained glass window, same as 376.1 1.50
Geisler Company, Chicago, IL.
Primarily designed for Catholic Organizations, but have been used by other groups.
150.1 1956 Mary and Manger, "Keep Christ in Christmas" .25
150.2a 1959 Holy Family, "Keep Christ in Christmas", blue and black .25
150.2a&b 1959 block of 7 3.50
150.3a 1960 Holy Family, "Keep Christ in Christmas", red and black .25
150.4a 1961 Mary & Christ in Crib, "Keep Christ in Christmas" .25
150.5a 1962 Mary & Christ Silhouette, "Keep Christ in Christmas" .25
150.5a&b 1959 block of 7 3.50
Good Samaritan Hospital, St. Louis, MO
151.1 1910 Christ in circle on 6 pointed star, "RRR", small fault 35.00
151.2 ( ) Christ in circle on 6 pointed star (SE 1.75) 3.50
151.2 ( ) tied on postcard, 12-23-1913 Rochester, NY $35.00
Hanna Boys Center, Sonoma, CA
153.1 1958 Man and Boy Shaking Hands, red & black .75
153.2a 1959, similar to 153.1, but smaller size seal .35
153.2a-c 1958 block of 10 5.00
153.3a 1960, similar to 153.1, but smaller size seal, green & black .25
153.3a-c 1960 block of 10 5.00
153.4a 1961, similar to 153.1, but smaller size seal, red & black .25
153.4a-c 1961 block of 10 5.00
153.5 1962 Boy & Christmas Statues .25
153.6 1963 Head of Boy .25
153.7 1964 Children Caroling .25
153.8a 1965 Boy and Candle, red & black .25
153.8a & b 1965 Boy & Candle, block of 7 with large seal, red & black 5.00
153.8c 1965 Boy and Candle, green & black .25
153.8c & d 1965 Boy & Candle, block of 7 with large seal, green & black 5.00
153.9a 1966 Choir Boy & Candle, red & black .25
153.9a-b 1966 Choir Boy & Candle, block of 7 with large seal, red & black 3.00
153.9c 1966 Choir Boy & Candle, green & black .25
153.9c-d 1966 Choir Boy & Candle, block of 7 with large seal, green & black 3.00
153.10a 1967 Boy in Nightgown with Candle, red & black .25
153.10a-b 1967 Boy in Nightgown with Candle, block of 7 with large seal, red & black 3.00
153.10c 1967 Boy in Nightgown with Candle, green & black .25
153.10c-d 1967 Boy in Nightgown with Candle, block of 7 with large seal, green & black 3.00
153.11a 1968 Boy with Dog, red & black .25
153.11a-b 1968 Boy with Dog, block of 7 with large seal, red and black 3.00
153.11c 1968 Boy with Dog, blue & black .25
153.11c-d 1968 Boy with Dog, block of 7 with large seal, blue and black 3.00
153.12a 1969 Boy, "Our 20th Year", red & black .25
153.12a-b 1969 Boy, "Our 20th Year", block of 6 with large seal, red & black 3.00
153.12c 1969 Boy, "Our 20th Year", green & black .25
153.13a-d 1970 Boy with Drill Press, Cow, Cat & Dog (4) 1.50
153.14a 1974 Boy, "Our 25th Year" .25
153.15 1975 1966 Choir Boy & Candle, green & black, very similar to 1966, but different sheet size .25
153.16 1976 Children Caroling, similar to 1964, but test at left side of seal .25
153.17a-b 1977 Boy awake & Boy Sleeping (2) .45
153.18 1978 Boy & Dog .25
153.19a-b Boy "Our 30th Year", and Boy in Nightgown (2) .45
153.20 1980 Boy in Wreath .25
Hungarian Catholic League of America, 30 E. 30th St., NY, NY
154.1 (1954-55) Cardinal Mindszenty, (no gum .25) .50
154.2 (1956) Bell in Belfry, Sword & Cross .35
Holy Trinity Fathers, Pikesville Baltimore 8, MA
160.1 1958 Christ behind globe of the Earth .35
160.2a (1969) Christ, "Hope of the World" .35
160.2x (1969) sheet of 20 with large slogan seal 6.00
Knights of Columbus, National Catholic War Council, New Haven, CT 06507
168.1 ( ) Priest Blessing Soldiers, small faults 1.00
Knights of Columbus,Long Island Chapter, 81 Hanson Pl., Brooklyn 17, NY
170.1 1946 Charity Ball 3.75
170.2 1946 Hospital Bed Fund 1.50
170.3 1947 Sailing Ship, blue and brown 1.50
170.4 1949 Hand Up 1.00
170.5 1950 Sailing Ship, light blue and brown 1.25
170.7 Sailing Ship, dark brown & blue on coated paper 3.00
170.8 1953 Map of Long Island .75
170.10 1954 Sailing Ship, green & red .75
170.11 1956 "Keep Christ in Christmas", no gum .75
Knights of Columbus, 214 E. Sheridan Ave., DuBoise, PA
172.1 1960 Bishop & 2 boys .75
Knight of Columbus, St. Anthony's School for Exceptional Children
Diocese of Pittsburgh, Oakmont, PA
173.1 1957 Bishop Wright and Children, "R" 5.00
173.2 1958 Bishop Wright and Children, "R" 5.00
173.3 1959 Bishop Wright with boy and Girl .75
173.4 1960 Bishop Wright, School, Students .75
173.5 1961 Bishop Wright, School, Students .75
173.6 1962 Bishop Wright, School, Students .75
173.7 1963 Bishop Wright with Students .75
173.7x 1963 booklet pane of ten 5.50
173.8a-b 1964 Nun feeding child in highchair, Bishop Wright with students (2), regular paper 1.50
173.8a-bx 1964 booklet pane of 10, 2 different seal designs, regular paper 5.50
173.8a-b 1964 Nun feeding child in highchair, Bishop Wright with students (2), Hi-Brite paper 2.25
173.8a-bx 1964 booklet pane of 10, 2 different seal designs, Hi-Brite paper 7.75
173.9a-b 1965 Nun feeding child in highchair, Bishop Wright with students (2) 1.50
173.9a-bx 1965 booklet pane of 10, 2 different seal designs 5.50
173.10a-b 1966 Nun feeding child in highchair, Priest with students (2) 1.50
173.10a-bx 1966 booklet pane of 10, 2 different seal designs 5.50
173.10xx 1966 unexploded bklt of 100 40.00
173.11a-b 1967 Nun feeding child in highchair, Priest with students (2) 1.50
173.11a-bx 1967 booklet pane of 10, 2 different seal designs 5.50
173.12a-b 1968 Nun feeding child in highchair, Priest with students (2) 1.50
173.12a-bx 1968 booklet pane of 10, 2 different seal designs 5.50
173.12xx 1968 unexploded bklt of 100 40.00
173.13 1969 John Cardinal Wright .75
173.13x 1969 booklet pane of 10 5.50
173.14 1970 Nun .35
173.14x 1970 booklet pane of ten 2.75
173.15 1971 Nun .35
173.15x 1971 booklet pane of ten 2.75
173.15xx 1971 unexploded bklt of 100 20.00
173.16 1972 Nun .35
173.16x 1972 booklet pane of ten 2.75
173.16xx 1972 unexploded bklt of 100 20.00
173.17 1973 Nun .35
173.17x 1973 booklet pane of ten 2.75
173.17xx 1973 unexploded bklt of 100 20.00
173.18 1974 Nun .35
173.18x 1974 booklet pane of ten 2.75
173.19 1975 Bishop .35
173.20 1976 Bishop .35
173.20x 1976 booklet pane of 10 2.75
173.20xx 1976 unexploded bklt of 100 20.00
173.21 1977 Bishop .35
173.21 1977 booklet pane of 10 2.75
173.21xx 1977 unexploded bklt of 100 20.00
173.24 1979 Bishop .35
173.24x 1979 booklet pane of 10 2.75
173.24xx 1979 unexploded bklt of 100 20.00
173.25 1980 Bishop .35
173.25x 1980 booklet pane of 10 2.75
173.25xx 1980 unexploded bklt of 100 20.00
173.26 1981 Bishop .35
173.26x 1981 booklet pane of 10 2.75
173.27 1982 Bishop .35
173.27x 1982 booklet pane of 10 2.75
1984 Bishop .35
1984 booklet pane of 10 2.75
2003 Bishop .35
2005 Bishop .35
2005 sheet of 24 $6.00
2007 Bishop .35
2007 sheet of 8 2.50
2009 Bishop .35
2009 sheet of 8 2.50
2010 Bishop .35
2010 sheet of 8 2.50
2011 Bishop .35
2011 sheet of 8 2.50
2012 Bishop .35
2012 sheet of 8 2.50
2013 Bishop .35
2013 sheet of 8 2.50
2014 Bishop .35
2014 sheet of 8 2.50
Unlisted K of C, 1959 Cadillac - Mercedes raffle ticket 1.50
Manresa Council, Azusa, CA
175.1 1962 Nativity design after old German woodcut 1.50
League for Religious Assistance to Poland, 1200 N. Ashland, Chicago, IL
176.2 1944 Church in Ruins, English text 1.00
La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, MA
178.1 1955 Shrine to Apparition of La Salette .75
Little Flower Monastery, Newton, NJ
181.1 ( ) die cut gold foil, Mary "R" 10.00
Loyola University, Chicago, IL
182.1 1945 75 years of service .75
Lux Vera Magazine, 2342 N. 36th St., Milwaukee, WI
184.3a-c 1932 "Happy, Merry Christmas & Seasons Greetings" (3) 2.25
184.4 1939 Bells and Holly .75
184.5a-c ( ) Merry Christmas, Bells, Camels (3) 2.25
184.6a ( ) holly & bell 1.00
Marianist Missions, PO Box 3726, San Francisco, CA
185.1 ( ) Mary, "Help Marianist Missions" .35
Marian Philatelic Society, 424 Crystal View Ave., West Orange, CA 92667
186.1 1963 Mary, "Our Lady of Philately" .35
Unlisted 1954 National Marian Congress 2.00
Missionary Association of Catholic Women, 2342 N. 36th St., Milwaukee, WI
Booklet Panes of many of these are in stock beginning with #188.1
188.1a 1918 Lamb on Altar, advance copy dark grey 5.25
188.1b 1918 Lamb on Altar, light grey 3.00
188.2 1919 Lamb on Altar, green 2.25
188.3 1920 Lamb on Altar, blue 1.00
188.4a 1921 Christ emerging from Tomb, perforation 12 3.00
188.4b 1921 Christ emerging from Tomb, roulette 9, "RRR", No Gum 17.50
188.5a 1922 Christ in rectangle, perforation 12 1/2 4.50
188.5b 1922 Christ in pointed oval, perforation 12 1/2 4.50
188.5c 1922 Christ in star, perforation 12 1/2 4.50
188.6a 1923 Christ in rectangle, perforation 12 3.00
188.6b 1923 Christ in pointed oval, perforation 12 3.00
188.6c 1923 Christ in star, perforation 12 3.00
188.6d 1923 "Greetings" over Star, perforation 12 3.00
188.6e 1923 yellow house and 3 pine trees, perforation 12 3.00
188.6f 1923 Basket of Holly, perforation 12 3.00
188.7b 1924 Lantern & Candle 3.00
188.7d 1924 House & 3 Pines 3.00
188.7e 1924 St. Teresa 3.00
188.7f 1924 Christ Child 3.00
188.8a 1925 Bells 1.00
188.8b 1925 Basket 1.00
188.8c 1925 Moon 1.00
188.8d 1925 St. Anthony 1.00
188.9 1926 Church in Winter .75
188.10 1927 Christ and Dove 1.00
188.11 1928 Christ Standing on Yellow Straw .75
188.12 1929 Christ in Blue Robe .75
188.13a-d 1930 Christ, Lantern, Bell & St. Teresa (4) 1.50
188.14a-d 1931 Holy Family, Star, Basket, WInter Scene (4) 1.50
188.15a-d 1932 Christ in Manger, Angels, Christ sitting in Straw, Bells (4) 3.00
188.16a-d 1933 Holy Family, Angel, Merry Christmas, Doorway (4) 3.00
Mother Mary Mission, Phoenix City, AL
192.1 1960 African American Male Child, "Negro Missions" 1.00
Mother of Mothers Shrine, North Riverside, IL
193.1 ( ) Statue of Mary & Jesus 1.50
195.1 ( ) "I support Interracial Justice" 1.50
National Conference of Catholic Charities, Washington, DC
200.1 1921 Standing Madonna "RRR", corner crease 15.00

200.1 1921 Standing Madonna "RRR", tied on postcard 12-1921 Bennington, VT 125.00

200.1 1921 Standing Madonna "RRR", tied on postcard 12-1921 Granville, NY 125.00
200.4 1924 Nurse & Group of Children "RRR", No Gum, or on postcard, but not tied 15.00
200.4 1924 Nurse & Group of Children "RRR", faulty 7.50
200.5 1925 Christ Standing "RRR" No Gum, or on postcard, but not tied 15.00
200.5 1925 Christ Standing "RRR", faulty 7.50
200.7a 1927 Mary & Christ Child "RRR", faulty 7.50
204.1 1910 Angel over Man in Chains "RR", No Gum 2.50
204.2 1910 "RRR" corner missing 7.50
National Council of Catholic Men
205.1 1966 "The Catholic Hour" gold and red 3.00
National Eucharistic Congress, New Orleans, LA
206.1 (1938) Cross at left, "Attend the National Eucharistic Congress" "R" 11.25
National Scapular Center, Downers Grove, IL
207A pane of 10 different $6.00
National Shrine of St. Joseph, Depere WI, Norbertine Fathers
208.1 ( ) Holy Family .50
10 different seals issued by this Shrine, most are pictured in the catalog 3.75
National Shrine of St. Jude, 221 W. Madison St., Chicago, IL
212.1a-c 1956 Anthony, Mary & Jude 2.00
212.1x 1956 booklet pane of 9 with 3 different seals 4.50
National Shrine of St. Odilia, Onamia, MN
213.1 ( ) St. Odilia .75
213.2 ( ) St. Odilia 1.50
National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC
220.1a ( ) church .75
220.1b ( ) church 2.25
Unlisted combo perf - roulette varieties, each 2.50
220.1bx ( ) pane of 10 18.00
220.2a 1961 cathedral .75
220.2b 1961 cathedral, No Gum 2.50
Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 111 W Raymond St., Indianapolis, IN
228.1 1954 Mary .35
Our Lady of Guadelupe Church, 5023 S 24th St., Omaha, NE
230.1 1942 church, straight edge .35
Our Lady Queen of the Angels Mission, Los Angeles, CA
232.1a-c 1932 Los Angeles mission building (3) 4.50
Our Lady of the Snows Shrine, Belleville, IL
234.1 ( ) shrine 1.50
234.1 ( ) block of 9 with unlisted center slogan seal 15.00
Our Lady's Press Mart, PO Box 123, Passaic, NJ
One on many commercial organizations that design and print seals for groups wanting to have a fundraising seal campaign. These were primarily designed for Catholic groups, but may have been used by others.
235.10 ( ) "...Blessed be the Immaculate Heart..." .50
235.11 ( ) "...Do not Buy or Read Indecent Literature..." 1.00
235.13 ( ) church, "Go to Mass on Sunday" .35
235.14 ( ) cross, "Receive Communion Sunday" .35
235.16 ( ) Receive Communion Sunday, large 1.00
Order of St, Ursuline, Wilmington, DE
236.1 1939 shield 3.00
236.2 1940 set of 7 foreign missions 5.00
236.3 1941 girl and Christ, red .75
Parent Teachers Association, St. Benedict High School
240.1 1937 dove 1.00
240.2 ( ) WW2 Patriotic, dove, "America Demands Peace" .50
240.2x ( ) WW2 Patriotic sheet of 120 $25.00
240.3 ( ) 5 cent fellowship stamp, with dove 1.00
Patna (India) Mission Service, 1110 S May St., Chicago, IL
244.1 1930 Help Save Souls in Patna, "RRR" straight edge, no gum, damaged 15.00
244.2 1931 Christ and native .35
244.3 1932 Christ and native .75
244.4 1933 Christ and map of India .30
244.5 1934 Christ on map of India .30
244.6 1935 Christ on map of India .30
244.7a-b 1936 (2) Mary and Christ, gold foil .75
244.8a-b 1937 (2) Nativity, gold foil .75
244.8ax 1937 pane of eight 2.50
244.8bx 1937 pane of eight 2.50
244.9a-d 1938 (4) Madonna and Christ Child, gold foil 1.20
244.9ax-dx 1938 four different full panes of 8 each 9.00
244.10a-c 1939 (3) Madonna and Christ Child, embossed .60
244.11a-c 1940 (3) Madonna and Christ Child, embossed .60
244.12a-f 1941 (6) Madonna and Christ Child 1.20
244.13a-j 1942 (10) Christ in Manger 5.25
244.14a-f, h-i 1943 (8) Madonna and Christ Child 3.50
244.15 1944 three kings and camels .25
244.15p 1944 unlisted proof on white paper 35.00
244.16a-c 1945 (3) Nativity .60
244.17a-c 1946 (3) Holy Family .60
244.18a-c 1947 (3) Madonna and Christ Child .60
244.19a-c 1948 (3) Madonna and Christ Child .60
244.20a-c 1949 (3) Christ and Lamb .60
244.21a-c 1050 Nativity .60
244.22a-c 1951 (3) Madonna and Christ Child .60
244.23 1952 Madonna and Christ Child .25

Patna Mission booklet pane collection 244.8-.23 (less .9, .11, .14) 1937-52 (less 1938, 40, 43) 1,150 seals, some panes are separating, regular price over $220, yours for $95.00
Old Patna set of 45 different 7.50
Holy Childhood 1918-27
Pontifical Association of the Holy Childhood, 800 Allegheny Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15233
248.2a 1917-18 Christ, no gum 10.00
248.2 tied on postcard, 12-22-1917, Buffalo, NY, ink stain on postcard above stamp - not too bad 50.00
248.3 1919 Christ 12.00
248.4a 1920 Christ, no gum 7.50
248.4p 1920 imperforate proof "R" 18.75
248.5 1921 Christ 9.00
248.6 1922 Christ 9.00
248.7 1923 Christ 6.00
248.8 1924 Christ 3.00
248.9 1925 Nun .75
248.10 1926 Christ .75
248.11 1927 Christ .75
Holy Childhood 1928-40
248.12 1928 Christ .45
248.13 1929 Christ .30
248.14 1930 Christ .35
248.15 1931 Christ .35
248.15a 1931 error, Horizontal Pair Imperforate Between 15.00
248.16 1932 Christ .35
248.17 1933 Christ .35
248.18 1934 Christ .25
248.18p 1934 imperforate pair 3.00
248.18a 1934 error, Horizontal Pair Imperforate Between 15.00
248.19 1935 Christ .25
248.19a 1935 error, Horizontal Pair Imperforate Between 15.00
248.20 1936 Christ .25
248.21 1937 Christ .25
248.22 1938 Christ .25
248.22a 1938 error, Horizontal Pair Imperforate Between 18.75
248.23 1939 Christ .25
248.24 1940 Christ .25
248.24a 1940 error, Horizontal Pair Imperforate Between 22.50
Holy Childhood 1941-54
248.25 1941 Holy Family .25
248.26 1942 Kids .25
248.27 1943 Kids .25
248.28 1944 Kids .25
248.29 1945 Nativity .25
248.30 1946 Nativity .25
248.31 1947 Nativity .25
248.32 1948 Nativity .25
248.33 1949 Nativity .25
248.34 1950 Holy Family .25
248.35 1951 Kids .25
248.36 1952 Nativity .25
248.37 1953 Christ .25
248.38 1954 Holy Family .25
248.39 1955 Christ .25
248.40 1956 Nativity .25
248.41 1957 Nativity .25
248.42 1958 Lamb .25
248.43 1959 Mary .25
248.43p 1959 imperforate pair 1.50
248.43p 1959 imperforate gutter pair 2.50
248.44 1960 Kids .25
248.45 1961 Star .35
248.46 1962 Mary .25
248.47 1963 Christ .25
248.47pcp 1963 set of 3 stages 1.50
248.48 1964 Christ .25
248.49 1965 Holy Family .25
248.49p 1965 imperforate pair 1.25
248.50 1966 (2) Jesus and Mary .45
248.50p 1966 (2) imperforate pair 2.25
248.51 1967 (2) Christ and Children .45
248.52 1968 (10) Asian Nativity 1.50
248.52p 1968 (2) imperforate pair 1.25
248.52.3 1968 error 2.25
248.52 1968 (2) unlisted freak, pair 1.25
248.53 1969 (10) ten different Madonnas 1.50
248.53px 1969 imperforate pane 4.50
248.54 1970 (10) ten different Madonnas 1.50
248.55 1971 (4) Nativity, block of 4 .60
248.55p 1971 (4) imperforate block 1.50
248.56 1972 (4) four different children .60
248.57 1973 (2) Mary and Jesus, pair .35
248.58 1974 (4) four different Madonnas .60
248.59 1975 (4) four different Madonnas .60
248.60 1976 (4) four different Madonnas .60
248.60 1976 (4) imperforate vertical strip of 4 1.50
248.61 1977 (4) Madonnas, etc .60
248.62 1978 (4) four different madonnas .60
248.63 1979 (4) four different paintings .60
248.63p 1979 (4) imperforate block of 4 1.50
Holy Childhood Collections
248.12-24 1928-40, 13 seals, regular 3.90 for $2.95
248.12-24 1928-40, 13 seals, straight edge 1.35
248.25-38 1941-54, 14 seals, regular 3.50 for $2.25
248.25-38 1941-54, 14 seals, straight edge .95
248.39-53 1955-69 35 different seals from booklet panes of ten, regular 6.75 for $4.50
Holy Childhood Booklet pane Collection, 1959-1970, 16 different bklt panes, regular price nearly $35, yours for $25
Complete Unexploded Booklets 1959 through 1969, regular price over $225.00 for $112.50
Holy Childhood Booklet Cover Collection, 1959-1970 37.50
Holy Childhood Sheet Collection, 248.20, 22-.25, 28, 31-38, 60 (15 sheets), regular price $61, yours for $45.00
249 ( ) sheet of 50 different mission scenes, each with "Holy Childhood" at top 37.50
249 ( ) booklet cover 7.50
249 ( ) single seal .75
250 1961-63 complete booklet of 14 panes with covers, no gum 21.00
Pioneer Mission Club, Milwaukee, WI
Sold to benefit St. Mary's Mission House, Techny, IL
254.1 ( ) Pioneer Mission booklet pane of 10 different 2.25
254.1 ( ) unexploded booklet of 100 15.00
Sacred Heart Apostolic School, Geneva, IL
262.1 1925 Sacred Heart with pie graph of worlds religions with half "Pagan" 1.25
Sacred Heart Mission House, Girard, PA
264.1 1924 Christ .75
Sacred Heart Monastery, Aurora, IL
266.1 1925 Mary holding Christ .45
St. Anthony's Guild, Franciscan Monastery, Paterson, NJ
270.1 1923
270.1x 1923 booklet pane of 10, no gum 3.75
270.2a 1924 St. Anthony, "SAG", perforation 12 .30
270.2ax 1924 booklet pane of 10 2.75
270.2b 1924 St. Anthony, "SAG", perforation 14x12 .75
270.2bx 1924 booklet pane of 10 6.75
270.3a 1925 St. Anthony, "SAG", perforation 12 .30
270.3ax 1925 booklet pane of 10 2.75
270.3b 1925 St. Anthony, "SAG", perforation 14x12 .75
270.4 1926 St. Anthony, "SAG", perforation 12 .30
270.4x 1926 booklet pane of 10 2.75
270.5 1927 St. Anthony, "SAG", perforation 12 .30
270.5x 1927 booklet pane of 10 2.75
270.6 1928 St. Anthony, "SAG", perforation 12 .30
270.6x 1928 booklet pane of 10 2.75
270.7 1929 St. Anthony, "SAG", perforation 12 .25
270.7x 1929 booklet pane of 10 2.25
270.8 1930 St. Anthony, "SAG", perforation 12 .25
270.8x 1930 booklet pane of 10 2.25
270.9 1931 St. Anthony, "SAG", perforation 12 .25
270.9x 1931 booklet pane of 10 2.25
270.10 1932 St. Anthony, "SAG", perforation 12 .25
270.10x 1932 booklet pane of 10 2.25
270.11 1933 St. Anthony, "SAG", perforation 12 .25
270.11x 1933 booklet pane of 10 2.25
St. Anthony's Guild Office Seals
271.5 1928 coil, "RR", no gum 5.00
271.6 1929 coil .50
271.7 1930 coil .50
271.8 1931 coil .50
271.9 1932 coil .50
271.10 1933 coil .50
271.11 1934 coil .50
St. Anthony Messenger, 1615 Republic St., Cincinnati, OH
274.1 1926 St. Anthony holding Christ 2.25
St. Anthony Guard
280.3 ( ) St. Anthony and Christ 5.00
Unlisted set of 2 gold foil, die cut embossed, mary with "Little Flower of
Jesus intercede for us.", and other, with Saint, both with "Germany" 2.50
SAG Seals - information not known on these
282.1 ( ) St. Anthony, no gum 1.50
282.3 ( ) St. Anthony 1.50
282.5 ( ) St. Anthony, no gum 5.00
282.6 ( ) St. Anthony, no gum 5.00
282.7 ( ) St. Anthony, no gum 5.00
282.8 ( ) St. Anthony, no gum 5.00
282.9 ( ) St. Anthony, no gum 5.00
282.10 ( ) St. Anthony Praying 5.00
Sacred Heart Southern Missions, Walls, MS
286.1a-e 1958 (5) Sacred Heart Auto League 2.00
286.2a-e 1959 (5) Sacred Heart Auto League 2.00
St. Ann Indian School, Belcourt, ND
288.1 1968 St. Ann Indian School .75
288.1a-b 1968 block of 9 with center seal 8.25
St. Augustine Colored Missions, Louisville, KY
290.1a 1938 Christ blessing colored children, red .75
290.1ax 1938 pane of 10 5.00
290.1b 1938 Christ blessing colored children, green .75
290.1bx 1938 pane of 10 5.00
St. Basil's Orphanage, Garrison, NY
294.1 1952 St. Basil's Academy .75
294.2 1953 St. Basil 5.00
294.2 1953 St. Basil, faulty 1.25
294.3 1954 St. Basil .35
294.4 1955 St. Basil .25
294.5 1956 St. Basil .35
294.5p 1956 imperf pair 5.00
St. Cabrini Home, Highland, NY
296.1 1968 Nun with children 1.50
296.2 1969 Nun with children 1.50
St. Christopher's Inn, Graymoor, NY
298.1 1930 St. Christopher's Inn, 5 different die cut metalic seals 7.50
298.2 1931 15 different die cut metallic seals 22.50
298.3 1932 10 different die cut metallic seals 15.00
298.4a ( ) 4 different rainbow seals .90
298.5 1975 4 different rainbow seals .90
St. Francis Monastery, Toretto, PA 15940
304.1 1971 shepherd and star of Bethlehem 1.50
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini
306.1 ( ) Mother Cabrini .75
St. Joseph's Children's Home, Torrington, WY
310.1 1973 Child & Christmas Tree .75
310.2 1974 Children & Christmas Table .75
310.3 1975 three antelopes .75
1976 Mrs. Klaus with jar of cookies .50
1977 12 days of Christmas, set of 12 5.00
1978 4 different, 2 are jumbo, sheet of 30 10.00
1979 4 different, 2 are jumbo, sheet of 30 10.00
1980 4 different, 2 are jumbo, sheet of 30 10.00
1982 6 different, 3 are jumbo, sheet of 27 10.00
St. Joseph Seminary
318.1 1930 Christ with cross, "Merry Christmas" 3.75
318.2a (193_) St. Anthony holding Christ, perf 11,
similar to 282.5, but "SAG" on ornate brown panel 1.50
318.2b (193_) St. Anthony holding Christ, perf 11 1/2
similar to 282.5, but "SAG" on ornate brown panel 1.50
St. Joseph's Hospital
320.1 1922 St. Joseph 2.25
St. Joseph National Shrine, St. Joseph's Guild, Holy Trinity Hill, Sterling, NJ
322.1 1919 St. Joseph and Christ child 2.25
322.1x 1919 pane of 10 20.00
St. Joseph's School, Holy Trinity, AL
324.1 1929 circle with triangle 1.25
324.1x 1929 pane of 10 10.00
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
325.1 ( ) Hospital, perforated (SE .75) 1.50
325.2 ( ) Hospital, roulette (SE .50) 1.00
325.5 1965 (2) hospital and Danny Thomas .45
325.8 1968 (4) Danny Thomas, hospital, etc .90
325.9 1969 sheet of 26 with Danny Thomas, 7 different 6.00
325.11 ( ) sheet of 35 with Danny Thomas, 7 different 6.00
325.12 ( ) sheet of 35 with Danny Thomas, 7 different 6.00
325.13 ( ) sheet of 40 with Danny Thomas, 4 different 2.00
St. Jude Shrine, 512 W. Saratoga St., Baltimore, MD 21201
326.1 1966 statue of St. Jude .75
326.2a 1969 praying hands .25
326.3 1976 "Hope" .30
St. Mary's Hospital, Derby Kansas
328A 1955-68 St. Mary's Credit Union .15
328Ax 1955-68 sheet of 100 5.00
St. Meinrad Abbey, St. Meinrad, IN
338.1 1941 St. Benedict, large seal 1.25
338.2 1943 Brother Meinrad .75
St. Michael's College, Winooski, VT
341.1( ) school, "St. Michael's College" 1.50
St. Michael's Indian Mission, St. Michael, ND
342.1 1956 angel guarding native American children .35
343.1 1957 St. Patrick Scholarship Fund .35
St. Paul's Catholic Indian Mission, Marty, SD
346.1 1924 Native American Girl, "Help the Indian Missions" 2.50
346.1x 1924 pane of 10 $20.00
St. Procopius Abbey and Slav Mission, Lisle, IL
350.1a 1935 heads of 2 saints 10.00
350.1b 1935 heads of 2 saints 5.00
350.1c 1935 heads of 2 saints 5.00
350.1e 1935 heads of 2 saints 3.00
350.1f 1935 heads of 2 saints 3.00
350.1g 1935 heads of 2 saints 3.00
350.1h 1935 heads of 2 saints 5.00
350.1i 1935 heads of 2 saints 3.00
350.1j 1935 heads of 2 saints 3.00
350.1jp 1935 proof, block of 6, with 4 imperf 25.00
350.2a-b 1935 (2) November issue, 2 seals, heads of 2 saints 1.50
350.2a-b 1935 (2) November issue, setenant pair, heads of 2 saints 3.75
350.2pa-b 1935 imperforate setenant strip of 4 20.00
350.3 1938 heads of 2 saints .35
350.3p 1938 imperfoarte pair 10.00
St. Teresa's Home, 213 Majestic Blvd., Ft. Worth, TX
358.1 1937 Nun 3.50
358.2 1938 Nun 3.50
358.3 1939 Nun 3.50
358.4 1940 Nun 3.50
358.5 1941 Nun 2.00
358.6 1942 Nun 1.50
358.7 1943 Nun 1.50
358.8 1944 Nun .75
358.9 1945 Nun 1.50
358.10 1946 Nun .45
358.11 1947 Nun .45
358.12 1948 Nun .45
358.13 1949 Nun .45
358.14 1950 Nun .35
358.15 1951 Nun .35
358.16 1952 Nun .35
358.17 1953 Nun .35
358.18 1954 Holy Family .60
358.19 1956 Holy Family .25
358.20 1957 Holy Family .25
358.21 1958 Holy Family .25
358.22 1959 Holy Family .25
358.23 1960 Holy Family .25
358.24 1961 Holy Family .25
358.25 1962 Holy Family .25
358.26 1963 Holy Family .25
358.27 1964 Holy Family .25
358.28 1965 Holy Family .25
358.29 1966 Holy Family .25
358.30 1967 Holy Family .25
358.31 1968 Holy Family .25
Set of 31, complete, regular $29 for $20
St. Tikhon Monastery
unlisted, Christ is Born, Glorify Him 2.00
Servants of the Holy Ghost, Techny, IL
362.1 1929 angels and Christ .75
Servants of Mary, Berwyn, IL
364.1x 1973 sheet of 22 American flags 8.25
Shrine of the Nativity, Bethlehem, SD
Unlisted 371 ( ) strip of 5 religious figures 2.50
Shrine of Our Lady Discalced Carmelite Fathers Holy Hill, Hubertus, WI
375.1 ( ) Shrine, die cut and embossed 3.00
Sisters of the Atonement
376.1 1930 Our Lady of Atonement, Mary & Christ stained glass window, same as 144.1 1.50
Sisters of St. Joseph of Newark
381.1 ( ) two nuns and cross .75
Society of the Divine Savior, Salvatorian Seminary, Holstein, WI (formerly St. Nazianz, WI)
382.1a 1925 Christ, green 1.50
382.1ax pane of 10 13.50
382.1b 1925 Christ, violet 1.50
382.1bx pane of 10 13.50
382.1c 1925 Christ, blue 1.50
382.1cx pane of 10 13.50
382.1d 1925 Christ, orange 1.50
382.1dx pane of 10 13.50
382.2a 1926 Christ, green .75
382.2ax pane of 10 6.75
382.2b 1926 Christ, violet .75
382.2bx pane of 10 6.75
382.2c 1926 Christ, blue .75
382.2cx pane of 10 6.75
382.2d 1926 Christ, orange .75
382.2dx pane of 10 6.75
382.3a 1927 Christ, black .45
382.3ax pane of 10 4.00
382.3b 1927 Christ, red .45
382.3bx pane of 10 4.00
382.3c 1927 Christ, blue .45
382.3cx pane of 10 4.00
382.4a 1928 Christ, green and blue .30
382.4a.1 1928 "RR" 15.00
382.4ax pane of 10 2.75
382.4b 1928 Christ, orange and purple .30
382.4b.1 1928 "RR" 15.00
382.4bx pane of 10 2.75
382.4c 1928 Christ, lavender and pink .30
382.4c.1 1928 "RR" 15.00
382.4cx pane of 10 2.75
382.4d 1928 Christ, yellow and carmine .30
382.4dx pane of 10 2.75
382.4e 1928 Christ, orange and green .30
382.4ex pane of 10 2.75
382.5a 1928 type 2, Christ, orange and purple .35
382.5ax pane of 10 3.25
382.5b 1928 type 2, Christ, green and blue .35
382.5bx pane of 10 3.25
382.5c 1928 type 2, Christ, lavender and purple .35
382.5cx pane of 10 3.25
382.6a 1928 type 3, Christ, lavender and green .35
382.6ax pane of 10 3.25
382.6b 1928 type 3, Christ, green and purple .35
382.6bx pane of 10 3.25
382.6c 1928 type 3, Christ, lavender and carmine .35
382.6cx pane of 10 3.25
382.6d 1928 type 3, Christ, green and red .35
382.6dx pane of 10 3.25
382.6e 1928 type 3, Christ, yellow-orange and purple .35
382.6ex pane of 10 3.25
382.7a 1929, group of 7 Holy figures, red and brown .25
382.7a.1 1929 "RR", perforation 12 1/2 x 12 13.50
382.7ax pane of 10 2.25
382.7b 1929, group of 7 Holy figures, green and brown .25
382.7b.1 1929 "RR", perforation 12 1/2 x 12 13.50
382.7bx pane of 10 2.25
382.7c 1929, group of 3 Holy figures, red and brown .25
382.7c.1 1929 "RR", perforation 12 1/2 x 12 13.50
382.7cx pane of 10 2.25
382.7d 1929, group of 3 Holy figures, green and brown .25
382.7d.1 1929 "RR", perforation 12 1/2 x 12 13.50
382.7dx pane of 10 2.25
382.7e 1929, Mary leaning over Christ child, red and brown .25
382.7e.1 1929 "RR", perforation 12 1/2 x 12 13.50
382.7ex pane of 10 2.25
382.7f 1929, Mary leaning over Christ child, green and brown .25
382.7f.1 1929 "RR", perforation 12 1/2 x 12 13.50
382.7fx pane of 10 2.25
382.7g 1929, Christ standing, red and brown .25
382.7g.1 1929 "RR", perforation 12 1/2 x 12 13.50
382.7gx pane of 10 2.25
382.7h 1929, Christ standing, green and brown .25
382.7h.1 1929 "RR", perforation 12 1/2 x 12 13.50
382.7hx pane of 10 2.25
382.7i 1929, Mary holding Christ, red and brown .25
382.7i.1 1929 "RR", perforation 12 1/2 x 12 13.50
382.7ix pane of 10 2.25
382.7j 1929, Mary holding Christ, green and brown .25
382.7j.1 1929 "RR", perforation 12 1/2 x 12 13.50
382.7jx pane of 10 2.25
382.8a-e 1930 (5) same 5 designs as 382.7, with extra frame line added, red and black 1.25
382.8x1 1930 pane of 10, 5 different 2.25
382.8f-j 1930 (5) same 5 designs as 382.7, with extra frame line added, green and black 1.25
382.8x2 1930 pane of 10, 5 different 2.25
382.9a-e 1930 type 2 (5) same 5 designs as 382.7, with extra frame line added, red and green 1.25
382.9x1 1930 pane of 10, 5 different 2.25
382.9f-j 1930 type 2 (5) same 5 designs as 382.7, with extra frame line added, green and red 1.25
382.9x2 1930 pane of 10, 5 different 2.25
382.9px2 1930 imperforate strip of 5 different 15.00
382.10x1 1931 pane of 10 different multi colored, Christmas themes including sailing ship, door and church 2.25
382.10x1 1931 pane of 10 different, scarce unlisted perforation 12:00 x 12 15.00
382.10x2 1931 pane of 10 different black on gold, Christmas themes 2.25
382.10x3 1931 pane of 10 different blue on silver, Christmas themes 2.25
382.11x1 1931 type 2, new designs, pane of 10 different multi colored, Christmas themes 2.25
382.11x2 1931 type 2, new designs, pane of 10 different black on gold, Christmas themes 2.25
382.11x3 1931 type 2, new designs, pane of 10 different blue on silver, Christmas themes 2.25
382.12 1931 type 3, new designs, set of 5 different multi colored, Christmas themes 1.50
382.12p 1931 type 3, imperforate block of 4 9.00
382.13x1 1932 pane of 10 different Christmas Themes, multi colored 2.25
382.13x1 1932 unlisted pane of 10 imperforate horizontally, so 5 vertical pairs imperforate between, from uncut booklet 11.25
382.13x1 1932 unlisted imperforate pane of 10, red and yellow only 11.25
382.13x2 1932 pane of 10 different Christmas Themes, multi colored 2.25
382.13x2 1932 unlisted pane of 10 imperforate horizontally, so 5 vertical pairs imperforate between, from uncut booklet 11.25
382.13x2 1932 unlisted imperforate pane of 10, red and yellow only 11.25
382.13x3 1932 pane of 10 different Christmas Themes, blue on silver 2.25
382.13x3 1932 unlisted pane of 10 imperforate horizontally, so 5 vertical pairs imperforate between, from uncut booklet 11.25
382.13x3 1932 unlisted imperforate pane of 10 11.25
382.13x4 1932 pane of 10 different Christmas Themes, pink on gold 2.25
382.14 1933 type 1, complete set of 5 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 50 diff seals 7.50
382.15 1933 type 2, complete set of 6 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 60 diff seals 9.00
382.16 1933 type 3, complete set of 8 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 80 diff seals 18.00
382.16 1933 type 3, unlisted color proof imperforate pair 3.00
382.16 1933 type 3, unlisted color proofs of 14 imperf panes of 10 (140 imperf seals), some red only, some yellow only, some complete design 150.00
382.17 1934 type 1, 3 panes .1, .2, .4, with bklt covers 8.00
382.21 1935 complete set of 4 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 40 diff seals, with bklt covers 10.50
382.23 1936 complete set of 5 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 50 diff seals, with bklt covers 11.25
382.25 1937 complete set of 5 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 50 diff seals, with bklt covers 11.25
382.27 1938 complete set of 3 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 30 diff seals 6.75
382.28 1939 complete set of 5 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 50 diff seals, with bklt covers 11.25
382.30 1941 complete set of 4 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 40 diff seals, with bklt covers 9.00
382.31 1942 complete set of 4 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 40 diff seals, with bklt covers 9.00
382.33 1943 complete set of 5 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 50 diff seals, with bklt covers 11.25
382.34 1944 complete set of 5 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 50 diff seals, with bklt covers 11.25
382.35 1945 complete set of 4 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 40 diff seals, with bklt covers 9.00
382.36 1946 complete set of 4 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 40 diff seals, with bklt covers 9.00
382.38 1948 complete set of 4 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 40 diff seals, with bklt covers 9.00
382.39 1949 complete set of 4 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 40 diff seals, with bklt covers 9.00
382.40 1950 complete set of 4 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 40 diff seals, with bklt covers 9.00
382.41 1951 complete set of 4 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 40 diff seals, with bklt covers 9.00
382.42 1952 3 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 30 diff seals, with bklt covers 6.75
382.43 1953 complete set of 4 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 40 diff seals, with bklt covers 9.00
382.46 1956 complete set of 4 diff bklt panes of 10 diff each= 40 diff seals, with bklt covers 9.00
382.48 1958 two diff mailing label panes 1.50
SVD (Societas Verbi Divini, or Society of the Divine Word) Catholic Universities
316 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL
386.1 1952 candle with pale drip of wax and holly 2.50
386.1 1952 candle with pale drip of wax and holly, no gum 1.25
386.2 1953 candle with strong drip of wax and holly, no gum 1.50
386.3 1954 Mary on a cloud .50
386.4 1954 Queenship of Mary .50
386.5 1955 Queenship of Mary .50
386.6 1955 choir boy, no gum .25
386.7 1956 Christ child .50
386.8 1957 Lady of Fatima .35
386.9 1957 Jesus .35
386.10 1957 Infant of Good Health .35
386.11 1958 Queenship of Mary .35
386.12 1959 Queenship of Mary .35
386.13 1959 Lady of Fatima .35
386.14 ( ) setenant pair .45
386.15 ( ) God Bless You .25
386.16 ( ) little letter message .25
386.17 1967 Pray for Peace .25
Unlisted set #1, 4 different panes of 10, red on silver, gold, blue on silver, gold $20.00
Unlisted set #1, 4 different panes of 10, red on silver, gold, blue on silver, gold, no gum $10.00
Unlisted set #2, 4 different panes of 10, red on silver, gold, blue on silver, god, no gum 10.00
Society of the Divine Word, Techny, IL
390.1 1922 Christ, faulty 10.00
390.2 1922 globe of the Earth 1.00
390.2x 1922 pane of 10 7.50
390.3 1923 Christ 1.50
390.3x 1923 pane of 15 15.00
390.5a 1926 Christ .75
390.5ax 1926 pane of 15 7.50
390.5b 1926 Christ 1.00
390.5bx 1926 pane of 15 10.00
390.6a 1928 Infant, perf 12 .75
390.6b 1928 Infant, perf 12 1/2 2.25
390.6c 1928 Infant, perf 12 1/2 x 12 2.25
390.7a 1928 Globe of the Earth 1.25
390.7ax 1928 pane of 10 11.25
390.7b 1928 Globe of the Earth 2.25
390.7bx 1928 pane of 10 22.50
390.8 1930 Mary and Christ child .50
390.8x 1930 pane of 10 3.50
390.9 1931 Mary and Christ child 1.00
390.9x 1931 pane of 10 7.50
Society of the Little Flower, 6401-6413 Dante Ave., Chicago 37, IL
394.1 1927 bust of St. Therese 1.00
394.2 1952 St. Therese .75
Society of Our Lady, St. Louis, MO
398.1 1939 Mary, "1914-1939" 2.50
Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco, AR
402.2 ( ) burning building 1.50
402.3 ( ) ruins .75
402.4 ruins ( ) .75
Supreme Council SPRSI, Oakland, CA
406.1 1936 Queen St. Isabel of Portugal 2.25
Third Order of St. Francis, Franciscan Missionary Union, Chicago, IL
410.1 1921 St. Francis 3.75
410.2 1925 two arms and "T" cross 1.25
Third Order Regular St. Francis, Washington, DC
414.1b 1960 angel .35
414.2a-b 1961 (2) Risen Christ & Lilies .75
414.3 ( ) He is Risen .25
414.5 ( ) Praying Hands .25
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, New York City
418.1 1926 church, one penny, no gum 2.50
Viatorian Seminary Aid Association, Arlington Heights, IL
422.1 1960 three wise men on camels .75
Zuni Mission
426 1965 short set of 3 different jumbo size 1.50
Unidentified Catholic Seals
430.1 ( ) St. Theresa 1.00
430.5 2.50
430.6 ( ) St. Theresa 2.50
433.2 ( ) Christ in Manger 1.50
435.1 1958, same as 128.1 Apparition of Mary .50
438.1 ( ) Mary and Jesus .50
439.1 ( ) Mary on Cloud .50
439.2 ( ) Mary on Cloud .50
439.4 ( ) Mary on Could .40