Ray Mosbaugh wrote the All Fund Catalog which lists US fundraising seals issued for causes other than TB & Red Cross, and is divided into sections. The Ethnic section includes some very interesting seals. The entire All Fund Catalog is available on a computer CD in pdf files for $8.95 + $2 shipping and is available from me. I distribute all of the Christmas Seal & Charity Stamp Society literature.

Armenian General Benevolent Union of America
#410.10-.22 Armenian General Benevolent Union of America, some Straight Edge and or No Gum, Scarce $9.65
#420.01-.09 Armenian Welfare Association, NY, 9 different $6.00
Daughter's of Armenia, Armenian Refugees
#430.01 1920 Daughters of Armenia, pane of 10 $5.00 - illustrated
#430.01x3 1920 Daughters of Armenia, error pane of 10 without horizontal perforations, yielding 5 VPIB error pairs $25.00
#430.02-1 thru 4 1923 Daughters of Armenia, set of 4, red, orange, green & blue, Scarce $7.50
#430.02-4 1923 Daughters of Armenia, same design as 1920 in blue, sheet of 25, scarce $37.50
#430.02-1 thru 4 1923 Daughters of Armenia, set of 4 sheets of 25, red, orange, green & blue, Scarce $150.00
Home for the Armenian Aged
#440A.01-.12, 440B.01 Home for the Armenian Aged, Emerson, NJ & Los Angeles, CS, 13 different $10.00
Chechoslovakian Ethnic
23 Different US Chechoslovakian Ethnic seals, 19 are from the 1940's including WW2, 4 are from the 1950's and 60's $9.99
Chinese Ethnic
#1610, 1660, 1670, 1710 & 1720 China, set of 5 different $4.95
Syracuse Unit in China, Syracuse University, NY
#1710.10 1928 Chinese ethnic, Syracuse NY Unit in West China $7.50
ethnic 2030

Danish Home for the Aged, Croton, NY
#2430 Danish Home for the Aged, Croton, NY. 19 different beginning in 1953, Regular $10.00, for $5.95
#2430 Danish Home for the Aged, Croton, NY. As above, but straight edge, Regular $5.00 for $2.95

#2430 set of 20 different singles 1987/2012 (illustrated) with full sheet (all different) of 2013 $9.95
#2430 1987/2013 twenty-one different large sheets $79.95

Danish Home for the Aged, Metuchen, NJ
#2440.01-.07 plus 5 color proofs, Danish Home for the Aged, Metuchen, NJ $25.00
#2440.08 set of 14 color proofs, Danish Home for the Aged, Metuchen, NJ,$35.00
#2440.08-.36, less .31, Danish Home for the Aged, Metuchen, NJ, Regular $7.90 for $5.00 - illustrated above
#2440.08-.36, less .31, Danish Home for the Aged, Metuchen, NJ, Straight Edge with single replacing the strip of 5, Regular $3.90 for $2.90

Swedish Home for the Aged
#7630.01//.45 Swedish Home for the Aged, 46 different including listed color variety of 1939 .06, Regular $24.40 for $12.50
#7630.01-.45 Swedish Home for the Aged, Straight Edge, 46 different including listed color variety of 1939 .06, Regular $10.70 for $6.95