Ray Mosbaugh wrote the All Fund Catalog which lists US fundraising seals issued for causes other than TB & Red Cross, and is divided into sections. The Pets, Plants & Wildlife section includes some very interesting seals. The entire All Fund Catalog is available on a computer CD in pdf files for $8.95 + $2 shipping and is available from me. I distribute all of the Christmas Seal & Charity Stamp Society literature.
#10 set of 6 1946-1952 National Cat Week, straight edge $1.75
pet dog week
Set of 16 National Dog Week poster stamps, 1930's thru 1950's $20.00
Set of 16 National Dog Week poster stamps, as above, but straight edge $10.00
National Dog Week Seals
perforated on all 4 sides, straight edge or no gum seals are abailable for half these prices
1933 $3.00
1934 no gum $3.00
1936 $1.50
1937 $3.00
1938 $2.00
1938 window label, enlarged seal design 7.00
1939 $1.00
1939 error horizontal strip of 3 imperforate vertically, hinged $8.00 - last one
1940 $2.00
1940 window label, enlarged seal design 10.00
1941 $1.00
1941 window label, enlarged seal design 3.50
1942 $1.50
1943 identical to 1942, this seal was used for 2 years
1944 $1.00
1945 $1.00
1946 $1.00
1947 $1.00
1948 $1.00
1949 $1.00
1950 $1.00
1951 $2.00
1952 SE $1.00
1953 $1.50
1954 $1.50
1955 faulty $3.00
1956 $1.50
1957 $1.50
set of 36 diff (and diff from above set) scarcer dog and vivisection seals $32.50
Set of 27 different Smokey Bear Poster Stamps 1945 (#2)/ 1966. 18 of the 27 are no gum
or glazed gum, but otherwise OK, satisfaction guaranteed $15.00
Smokey Bear Individual Issues
1944 $7.00
1945 5.00
1945 straight edge or no gum 2.50
1946 strip of 5, fresh, no gum $20.00
1946 strip of 4 only $12.50
1947 green $4.25
1947 green, no gum or straight edge $2.00
1948 perforated $2.00
1949 $3.50
1950 roulette 9.5 $2.00
1950 roulette 9.5, no gum $1.00
1950 roulette 9.5 x 3, no gum $3.50
1951 $1.00
1952 .75
1953 .75
1954 .75
1955 .50
1956 setenant pair .75
1957 setenant pair .75
1958 setenant pair .75
1959 setenant pair .75
1960 setenant pair .75
1961 setenant pair .75
1962 setenant pair .75
1963 setenant pair .75
1964 setenant pair .75
1965 setenant pair .75
1966 setenant block 1.50
matches pane of 4 1.00
fox, water lily, fish & butterfly, pane of 4 1.00
1984 Ohio Div of Forestry postcard featuring Smokey Bear 3.50
American Forestry Association
1939 Man & Boy in forrest, no gum $3.25
1940 Forest Fire 6.50
1940 Forest Fire, disturbed gum 3.25
Smokey Bear Sheets & Large Multiples
1945 sheet of 100 $367.50
1948 perforated block of 48 (partial sheet) $75.00
1957 sheet of 80 $24.95 (only a pair is illustrated)
1957 block of 40 (partial sheet), no gum $6.25
1958 block of 40 (partial sheet), no gum $6.25