After being kicked out of Korea by the Japanese occupational govt, Korean Christmas Seal founder, Sherwood Hall began Christmas Seals in India (1941-52) and Christmas Seals in Pakistan (1949-51)

1932 original, with small "D" in "AND",  Rare $40.00 

1932 ('37 reprint), with larger "D" in "AND") $3.50 - 1,000x more common than the original seal.

1933 3.00

1934 3.00

1934 Korean TB Christmas Seal folder

1934 folder $100.00

1935 type 1, fulcrum has no definite blue outline 3.00

Korea 1935 type 1 Christmas Seal Sheet

1935 type 1, fulcrum outline is pale, bright green borders, sheet of 25 $85.00

Korea 1935 type 2 Christmas Seal Pane

1935 type 2, fulcrum outline in stronger blue, dull green borders, pane of 9 $15.00

1935 type 1, imperf single 3.00

Korean TB 1935 Pamphlet

1935 pamphlet, The President Writes a Letter, Haiju, Korea, Elsie Ball, 12 pages $100.00

1936 1.50

1936 pane of 10 with margin removed 15.00

1936 Korean TB Christmas Seal Booklet

1936 unexploded booklet of 50 $75.00

1936 postcard - WANTED

1936 sheet of 25 $50.00

1936 sheet of 25, with separation $45.00

1937 3.00

1938 3.00

1937 souvenir pane $60.00

1937 Korean TB Christmas Seal Sheet

1937 sheet of 25 85.00

1938 imperforate sheet of 25, torn and repaired, 7 seals damaged $45.00

1938 postcard - WANTED

1939 3.00

1939 Korean TB Christmas seal proof

1939 from x8 proof sheet of 18, where every other seal is tete beche, and every other seal is a map seal

1939 Block of 9 from x8 proof sheet of 18, missing one horizontal row of rouletting, and one vertical column $75.00

1939 proof, block of 6, imperf horiz and vert, with vert gutter (positions 1-6) $60.00

1939 proof, strip of 3 with vert gutter and missing vert row of rouletting (positions 7-9) 22.50

1939 proof, HPIB (positions 8-9) $15.00

1939 imperforate sheet with 4 folds, fresh appearance $50.00

Ninth Year (undated 1940) 3.00

Ninth Year (undated 1940) sheet of 25, without hole effecting one seal  80.00

Ninth Year (undated 1940) sheet of 25, with hole effecting one seal  75.00

1988 block of 10 different 3.75

2015 sheet of 10, soccer with cartoon characters 7.50

2015 metal soccer bookmark with original packaging 3.50