El Salvador #1 TB Christmas Seal

1.1 1939 nurse and infant, white paper 1.00

1.2 1939 nurse and infant, cream paper 1.50

El Salvador #2 TB Christmas Seal

2 1940 man, woman, and child 1.00

El Salvador #21 TB Christmas Seal

21 1940 man in surf 5.00

El Salvador #22 TB Christmas Seal

22 1941 #21 with ovpt 5.00

El Salvador #23 TB Christmas Seal

23 1942 nurse and child 5.00

El Salvador #24 TB Christmas Seal

24 1943 #23 with ovpt 5.00

El Salvador #25 TB Christmas Seal

25 1953 mother and child 1.50

El Salvador #26 TB Christmas Seal

26.1 1954 boy's head, with "Cinco Centavos 1954" overprint 1.00

26w 1954 window label 3.50

El Salvador #27 TB Christmas Seal

27 1956 hands and child 1.50

El Salvador #28 TB Christmas Seal

28 1958 child .75

El Salvador #29 TB Christmas Seal

29 1960 map and child .35

El Salvador #30 TB Christmas Seal

30 1961 map and child 1.00

El Salvador #31 TB Christmas Seal

31 1962 child and balloon .35

El Salvador #32 TB Christmas Seal

32 1963 map and child .35

El Salvador #33 TB Christmas Seal

33 1964 school children .60

El Salvador #34 TB Christmas Seal

34 1965 open book and torch .60

El Salvador #35 TB Christmas Seal

35 1966 mother and child .60

El Salvador #36 TB Christmas Seal

36 1967 hammer and nail .60

El Salvador #37 TB Christmas Seal

37.1 1968 child and shadow .60

El Salvador #38 TB Christmas Seal

38 1969 child and toy .60

El Salvador #39 TB Christmas Seal

39 1970 boy's head .35

El Salvador #40 TB Christmas Seal

40 1971 boy's head .60

El Salvador #41 TB Christmas Seal

41 1972 child and flower .60

El Salvador #42 TB Christmas Seal

42 1973 balloon .60

El Salvador #43TB Christmas Seal

43 1974 child and steps 1.00

El Salvador #44 TB Christmas Seal

44 1975 children and corn .60

El Salvador #45 TB Christmas Seal

45 1976 children .60

46 1977 family .60

El Salvador #46 TB Christmas Seal

47 1979 child crawling up steps .60

El Salvador #51.1 TB Christmas Seal

51.1 1953 Hospital with large Double Barred Cross 10.00

El Salvador #51.2 TB Christmas Seal

51.2 1953 Hospital with large Double Barred Cross 5.00

52.1-.3 1954 map and cross, set of 3 4.50

El Salvador #53 TB Christmas Seal

53 1955 woman and children 1.00

53w 1955 window label, a bit faulty 2.50

53wp 1955 window label proof 5.00

54 1956 man .35

54p 1956 proof, imperf pair 2.50

El Salvador #54w TB Christmas Seal

54w 1956 window label 2.50

El Salvador #55 TB Christmas Seal

55 1957 children .25

55.3 1957 error, horiz pair imperf between 2.50

55.4 error, vertical pair imperforate between 5.00

55p 1957 proof, imperf pair 1.00

55w 1957 window label 2.50

El Salvador #56 TB Christmas Seal

56 1958 doctor and child .30

56.3 1958 error, horiz pair imperf horiz 1.00

56 unlisted error vert pair imperf horiz 2.50

El Salvador #57 TB Christmas Seal

57 1959 man and child .30

57.4 1959 error, vertical pair imperforate between 1.00

57.5 error, horizontal pair imperforate between 5.00

57w 1959 window label 2.50

El Salvador #58 TB Christmas Seal

58 1960 people on hand 1.00

58p 1960 proof, imperf pair 5.00

El Salvador #59 TB Christmas Seal

59 1961 man and cross .60

59.3 1961 error, brown invert 2.50

59w 1961 window label 2.00

El Salvador #60 TB Christmas Seal

60 1962 child .25

60w 1962 window label 1.50

1962 7 x 16" heavy fabric pennant, child's face with "III Congreso Nacional Del Nino 18-22 Nov. 1963", Child's face $15.00

El Salvador #61 TB Christmas Seal

61 1963 nurse and babies .25

61.1 1963 error vert pair imperf between 1.50

61w 1961 window label 1.50

El Salvador #62 TB Christmas Seal

62 1964 man, woman, and child .25

62w 1964 window label 1.50

El Salvador #63 TB Christmas Seal

63 1965 nude man .25

63w 1965 window label 1.50

El Salvador #64 TB Christmas Seal

64 1966 boy and girl .25

64.1 1966 error, horiz pair imperf between 1.00

64w 1966 window label 1.50

El Salvador #65 TB Christmas Seal

65 1967 two Macaws .25

65 1967 freak, misperforated 1.00

65 1967 freak, double perforations 1.00

65w 1967 window label 1.50

1967 unlisted TB (BCG) cloth pennant, 6 3/8 x 13" with 3 children 7.50

El Salvador #66 TB Christmas Seal

66 1968 W. T. Deininger .25

66 1968 freak, double perforations 1.00

66.1 1968 error, red & brown omitted 2.50

66w 1968 window label 1.50

1968 unlisted TB cloth pennant, 7 x 13 3/8" with 2 musicians 7.50

El Salvador #67w TB Christmas Seal

67 1969 coffee berries .25

67.1 HPIB 2.50

67 1969 freak, misperforated 1.00

67 1969 freak, double perforations 1.00

67w 1969 window label 1.50

El Salvador #68 TB Christmas Seal

68 1970 ears of corn .25

68.1 1970 error, HPIV or VPIB 2.50

68.2 1970 error, colors omitted .75

68.3 1970 error, colors missing .75

68.4 black omitted freak perf pair 2.50

68.5 black & yellow only freak perf pair 2.50

68w 1970 window label 5.00

68w1 1970 error 1, window label with black omitted 5.00

68w1 1970 error 2, window label with black omitted, blue printed on back 5.00

68 1970 odd perf pair 2.50

68 1970 freak, black out of register 1.00

El Salvador #69 TB Christmas Seal

69 1971 artifacts .25

69 1971 freak, misperf .35

69 four varieties of printer's waste, 4 pairs 10.00

El Salvador #70 TB Christmas Seal

70 1972 flowers .25

70p 1972 proof, imperf pair 2.50

70p 1972 proof, imperf pair, black printing on back (not offset) 2.50

70p1 1972 proof, imperf pair, red and yellow only 2.50

70 freak, extra horizontal perfs cutting into side .50

70 freak, extra column of vertical perforations .75

El Salvador #71 TB Christmas Seal

71 1973 man in cane field .30

71p 1973 imperforate pair 5.00

71w 1973 window label 2.50

El Salvador #72 TB Christmas Seal

72 1974 flowering bush .30

72 1974 freak, red and green out of register .60

72w 1974 window label 1.50

El Salvador #73 TB Christmas Seal

73 1975 man tapping sugar maple .30

73 1975 error pink sky, imperforate pair 5.00

73 freak, mis roulette .60

El Salvador #74 TB Christmas Seal

74 1976 artisan and map .30

74w 1976 window label 2.00

El Salvador #75 TB Christmas Seal

75 1977 women with pottery .30

75w 1977 window label 2.00

El Salvador #76 TB Christmas Seal

76 1978 25th anniversary .30

76w 1978 window label 2.00

El Salvador #77 TB Christmas Seal

77 1979 woman weaving .30

77w 1979 window label 2.00

El Salvador #79 TB Christmas Seal

79 1982 Doctor Koch and microscope .35

1985 kids at rocky beach .35

1987 leafy plant .35

Salvador TB Seal Collection

#1.1, 2, 21, 23, 25-29, 31-41, 43, 51.2, 53-63 $27.50

Salvador Sheets and large multiples

1x 1939 sheet of 120 $90.00

2x 1940 sheet of 130 97.50

21 1940 block of 82 307.50

21 1940 block of 28 105.00

23 1942 block of 50, corner seal damaged, some separation 183.75

24 1943 block of 16 60.00

25x 1953 sheet of 50 56.25

26x 1954 sheet of 50 37.50

27x 1956 sheet of 50 56.25

28x 1958 sheet of 50 28.12

29x 1960 sheet of 50 13.12

31x 1962 sheet of 50 13.12

32x 1963 sheet of 50 13.12

33 1964 block of 50 22.50

34x 1965 sheet of 100 45.00

35 1966 block of 50 22.50

36 1967 block of 50 22.50

37x 1968 sheet of 40 22.50

37x 1968 sheet of 50 22.50

38x 1969 sheet of 100 45.00

38 1969 block of 50 22.50

39x 1970 sheet of 100 26.25

40x 1971 sheet of 50 with large separation 22.50

41x 1972 sheet of 50 22.50

43 1974 block of 50 37.50

44 1975 block of 56 with separation 25.20

45 1976 block of 50 22.50

46x 1977 sheet of 100 45.00

51.1 1953 block of 25 187.50

51.2 1953 block of 25 93.75

53x 1955 sheet of 100 75.00

54x 1956 sheet of 100 26.25

55x 1957 sheet of 100 18.75

56x 1958 sheet of 100 22.50

56 1958 block of 100 (sheet with right and left margins removed) 22.50

57x 1959 sheet of 100 22.50

58x 1960 sheet of 100 with a few damaged seals and damaged margin 75.00

61x 1963 sheet of 100 18.75

62 1964 block of 50 9.37

64 1966 block of 50 9.37

65x 1967 sheet of 100 18.75

66x 1968 sheet of 100 18.75

66 1968 block of 50 9.37

67x 1969 sheet of 100 18.75

68x 1970 sheet of 100 18.75

70x 1972 sheet of 100 18.75

72x 1974 sheet of 100 22.50

76x 1978 sheet of 100 22.50

77x 1979 sheet of 100 22.50

77 1979 block of 50 11.25

79x 1982 sheet of 100 26.25

80x 1982 sheet of 50 with red control number 13.12

81x 1982 (used '83-4) with blue control number 13.12

1985 sheet of 50 13.12

Salvador Booklets- made from sheets of seals

separated into blocks (usually of 10) with margins stapled into colorful printed covers with a price written on depending on the number of seals in the booklet.

56xx 1958 booklet of 50, with printed cover $15.00

56xx 1958 booklet of 50, seals stuck to lining paper, with printed cover 7.50

57xx 1959 bklt of 80 with printed cover 24.00

57xx 1959 bklt of 60 with printed cover 18.00

57 1959 pane of 10 and printed cover 5.50

58xx 1960 bklt of 70 with several panes removed, with printed cover 62.50

58xx 1960 bklt of 100, disturbed gum, rusty staple, printed cover 40.00

58 1960 pane of 10 and printed cover 12.50

59xx 1961bklt of 100 with printed cover 60.00

59xx 1961 bklt of 70 with printed cover 40.00

59 1961 pane of 10 with printed cover 8.50

60xx 1962 bklt of 100 with printed cover 22.50

61xx 1963 bklt of 100 with printed cover 22.50

61xx 1963 bklt of 50 with printed cover 12.50

61 1963 pane of 10 with printed cover 5.00

62xx 1964 bklt of 100 with printed cover 22.50

62xx 1964 bklt of 50 with printed cover 12.50

62 1964 pane of 10 with printed cover 5.00

63xx 1965 bklt of 100 with printed cover 22.50

63 1965 pane of 10 with printed cover 5.00

64xx 1966 bklt of 90 with printed cover 20.00

64xx 1966 bklt of 50 with printed cover 12.50

64 1966 pane of 10 with printed cover 5.00

65xx 1967 bklt of 100 with printed cover 22.50

66xx 1968 bklt of 100 with printed cover 22.50

67xx 1969 bklt of 100 with printed cover 22.50

68xx 1970 bklt of 100 with printed cover 22.50

69xx 1971 bklt of 100 with printed cover 22.50

70xx 1972 bklt of 100 with printed cover 22.50

71xx 1973 bklt of 100 with printed cover 27.00

71xx 1973 bklt of 200 with printed cover 54.00

72xx 1974 bklt of 100 with printed cover 27.00

73xx 1975 bklt of 100 with printed cover 27.00

74xx 1976 bklt of 100 with printed cover 27.00

75xx 1977 bklt of 100 with printed cover 27.00

Salvador collection - #1, 2, 21, 23, 24, 53, 53w, 54, 54w, 55, 56, 56.3, 57, 58, 59 Green's Catalog value $26.70 16.95