#2 1944 .35                                     #253 1949 .35


2 1944 head of Santa .35

2.p 1944 proof, imperf pair 10.00

2.p 1944 proof, imperf. pair, small fault 5.00

2.p 1944 imperf gutter pair, crease between seals 20.00

3 1946 Santa with pack .35

3.p 1946 imperf pair, small fault 5.00

3 1946 freak, green offset on back .60

4 1947 kangaroo .35

4.pcp 1947 set of 7 color proofs 2.50

5.1 1948 magpie bird, perf. 11 (State symbol) .35

5.2 1948 magpie bird, combinations of perf. 8, 8.5 & 9 (State symbol) .60

5.p 1948 proof, imperf. pair 1.50

5.pcp 1948 set of 7 imperf. pairs 4.50

6.1 1949 Santa on a kangaroo .35

6.2 1949 Santa on a kangaroo, perforation 11      .40

6.3 1949 Santa on a kangaroo, perf. 11 x roul. 7     .60

6.p 1949 proof, imperf. pair, NG 5.00

7 1950 koala bear, roulette 6 1/2 .35

7.p 1950 proof, imperf. pair (NG $1) 2.00

7.pcp 1950 set of 9 imperf. pairs 4.00

8.1 1951 map of Australia, lithographed on dull paper .30

8.2 1951 map of Australia, letterpress on glossy paper .35

8.a 1951 error, HPIB 5.00

8.p 1951 proof, imperf. pair 1.00

8.pcp 1951 set of 7 imperf. pairs 2.00

9 1952 Santa on a boomerang .25

9.p 1952 proof, imperf. pair 1.00

9.pcp 1952 set of 7 imperf. pairs 2.00

10 1953 ship .25

10.1 1953 error, VPIB 10.00

10.2 1953 error, HPIB 5.00

10.p 1053 proof, imperf. pair 1.00

10.pcp 1953 set of 7 imperf. pairs 2.00

11 1954 yellow flowers .25

11.p 1954 proof, imperf. pair 1.00

11.pcp 1954 set of 5 imperf. pairs, NG 2.00

12 1955 Lyrebird .25

12.p 1955 proof, imperf. pair 1.00

12.pcp 1955 set of 5 imperf. pairs 2.00

13 1956 koala bear dressed as Santa .25

13.p 1956 proof, imperf. pair 1.00

13.pcp 1956 set of 5 imperf. pairs 2.00

14 1957 Christmas trees, pair .30

15 1958 Santa on surfboard and in airplane, pair .30

15.pcp 1958 set of 5 imperf. pairs 1.50

16.1-.2 1959 Santa and aborigines carrying boomerang, and nativity, pair .35

16.1-.4 1959 set of 2 slogan corner blocks of 4 2.10

16pcp set of 7 imperf. pairs 3.00

16.pcp set of 2 slogan corner blocks of 4, in imperf. sets of 7=14 blocks 22.00

17 1960 Santa and children dancing, ship, and nativity, strip of 3 .35

17.p 1960 proof, imperf. strip of 3 1.50

17.pcp 1960 set of 5 imperf. strips of 3 3.00

18 1961 Santa and kangaroo, koala on map of Australia, pair .30

18.p1 1961 proof, imperf. pair 2.50

18.p2 1961 proof, imperf. pair, light green & dark red  10.00

18.pcp 1961 set of 4 imperf. pairs 3.00

19 1962 two angels .20

19 1962 ferak, red out of register .35

20 1963 angels and nativity, pair .30

20.pcp 1963 set of 5 imperf. pairs 2.00

21 1964 koala bear .20

22 1965 aborigine with spear and wisemen, pair .30

22A.1-.2 1965 aborigine with spear and wisemen, pair (Identical to #81, 144, 205 and 354) .30

22Ap 1965 imperf pair, 2 diff, #22A.1 same as 22.1, #22A.2 same as #81.2 - scarce 3.50

22.pcp 1965 set of 4 imperf. pairs, no complete design 3.00

23 1966 magpie bird .20

23 1966 gutter pair .35

24 1967 small animal in tree 1.00

unlisted, platypus swimming, design as #84, but "NAPTA" replaces "Australia" 1.00

51.1 1930 woman with flowers, 1d red 1.00

51.2 1930 woman with flowers, 1d black 1.00

51.4 1930 woman with flowers, 3d red 1.00

51.5 1930 woman with flowers, 3d black 1.00

51.6 1930 woman with flowers, 3d violet 1.00

51.7 1930 woman and flowers, no printing on back 1.00

52 1944 head of Santa (SE $1.00) 5.00

53.1-3 1948 boy by fireplace, ship, and Santa, strip of 3, US lookalikes for 1923, 1928, and 1930 .55

54.1-.4 1949 Santa, Santa with pack, and snowscene with cottage, strip of 4 .60

54 unlisted error strip of 4 with one missing vertical row of perfs $15.00

54.p 1949 proof, imperf. strip of 4 2.00

54.pcp 1949 set of 4 imperf. strips of 4, NG 2.50

55.1-.3 1950 Santa with pack, boy and dog, strip of 3 .60

55.pcp 1950 set of 6 imperf. strips of 3, (NG $1.75) 3.50

56.1a-c 1951 children and sand pail, strip of 3 .55

56.2a-c 1951 children with sand pail, strip of 3, coated paper 1.05

57 1952 mobile x-ray truck, all year country issue .20

58 1952 hospital, all year city issue .20

59.1-.3 1952 Santa with sleigh and reindeer, and doctor, strip of 3, Xmas issue 1.00

60 1963 mobile x-ray truck, all year issue .20

60.pcp 1953 set of 3 imperf color proofs, roulette complete design 1.00

61.1-.3 1953 Christmas tree, Santa, and shepherds, strip of 3, Christmas issue 1.00

61.pcp 1953 set of 5 imperf. strips of 5, disturbed gum 4.00

62 1954 man, woman, and child, all year issue .20

63.1-.3 1954 Santa, set of 3, jumbo, bigger, and window label size 2.50

63.1pcp 1954 set of 5 imperf. pairs 7.50

63.2pcp 1954 set of 5 color proofs, imperf. 7.50

64 1955 knight on horseback, all year issue .25

64.pcp 1955 set of 4 imperf. pairs (NG $1.50) 3.00

65 1955 Santa on horseback, Christmas issue .25

65 1955 advance sample, darker blue .35

65 1955 rejected color, lighter blue .60

65.pcp 1955 set of 4 imperf. pairs (NG $1.50) 3.00

66 1956 knight on horseback, all year issue .25

66.p 1956 proof, imperf. pair 1.00

66.pcp 1956 set of 3 imperf. pairs, NG 1.00

67 1956 Santa with letter, Christmas issue .20

67.pcp 1956 set of 5 imperf. pairs 5.00

68 1957 knight on horseback, all year issue .20

68.pcp 1957 set of 4 imperf. pairs, (NG $2.00) 4.00

69 1957 Santa, Christmas issue .20

69.pcp 1957 set of 3 imperf. pairs 5.00

70 1958 knight with shield and sword, "Free X-Ray", all year issue .20

71 1958 candle and wreath, Christmas issue .20

71.pcp 1958 set of 3 imperf. pairs, (NG 2.50) 5.00

72 1959 shield and sword, all year issue .20

73.1 1959 red flower (the Waratahs), Christmas issue, deep carmine .35

73.2 1959 red flower (the Waratahs), Xmas issue, red .20

73.pcp1 1959 set of 5 imperf. pairs (NG $2.50) 5.00

74 1960 map of New South Wales, all year issue .20

74.pcp 1960 set of 6 imperf. pairs 5.00

75.1-.3 1960 koala, white flowers, and platypus, Christmas issue, strip of 3 .60

76 1961 aborigine warrior and kangaroo, all year seal .20

76 1961 vert. gutter pair 2.00

76 1961 horiz. gutter pair, with crease thru gutter $1.00

77 1961 Sidney Opera House, Christmas issue .25

78 1962 angels and harp, design as #19, but "Australia" replaces "NAPTA" .20

78.p 1962 proof, imperf. pair 1.50

78.pcp 1962 set of 4 imperf. pairs 3.50

79.1-.2 1963 angels and nativity, pair, design as #20, but "Australia" .30

79.p 1963 proof, imperf. pair 1.50

79.pcp 1963 set of 5 Imperf. Pairs 3.00

80 1964 koala bear, design as #21, but "Australia" replaces "NAPTA" .20

81.1-.2 1965 aborigine with spear and wisemen, pair, design as #22, but ... .30

81.p 1965 proof, imperf. pair 1.50

82 1966 bird .20

82.pcp 1966 set of 7 color proofs, no gum .60

82.pcp 1966 set of 7 horiz. gutter pairs 2.00

82.pcp 1966 set of 7 vertical gutter pairs 2.00

83 1967 small animal in tree, design as #24, but "Australia" replaces "NAPTA" .20

83.p 1967 proof, imperf. pair .60

83.pcp 1967 set of 6 imperf. pairs 1.00

84 1968 platypus swimming .20

84.pcp 1968 set of 7 imperf. pairs 2.00

84.pcp 1968 set of 7 imperf. vert. gutter strips of 4 6.00

84.pcp 1968 set of 7 imperf. horiz. gutter strips of 4 6.00

85 1969 pine cones .20

85.pcp 1969 set of 3 imperf. pairs 2.00

86 1970 Captain Cook .20

87 1971 double barred cross .25

88 1972 star constellation, the southern cross .25

89 1973 Sidney Opera House .20

90 1974 snowflake .20

91 1975 butterfly and building, pair .60

92 1976 butterfly, camel, and parrot, strip of 3      .75

93 1977 butterflies and stained glass window, strip of 3      .75

93x 1977 sheet of 60 $9.50

94 1978 butterflies and religious icon, block of 4 1.00

95 1979 butterflies, religious mosaic and stained glass, block of 4 1.25

96 1980 butterflies, wisemen, and mosaic, block of 4 2.00

97 1981 butterflies, camels, and stained glass, 4 diff. 2.00

98 1982 butterfly, Dr. Koch, microscope, and nativity, block of 4 1.00

99 1983 butterfly, flowers, wisemen, and angel, block of 4 1.25

100 1984 butterfly, flowers, and nativity, 5 diff. 1.25

101 1985 angels and camels, block of 4 1.25

102 1986 bird, flowers, stained glass, and comet, 5 diff. 1.25

103 1987 angel, flowers, and camels, 5 diff. 1.25

104 1988 angel, Christmas tree and sun abstract sculpture, 4 diff. 1.50

105 1989 flowers, strip of 6 1.50

106 1990 flowers, strip of 8, 5 diff. 1.50

107 1991 flowers and butterflies, strip of 8, 6 diff. 1.50

108 1992 flowers and fruits, set of 5 1.00

126 1947 koala bear with flowers .60

126 1947 freak printing with red or blue offset ink on back, each 1.00

127 1948 postman, US 1944 lookalike .35

127 1948 postman, US 1944 lookalike, gutter pair $1.50

127.pcp 1948 set of 5 imperf. pairs 2.50

127.pcp 1948 set of 6 imperf. pairs, NG 2.50

129 1950 koala bear, as #7, but perf 11 .60

132 1953 flower (the Waratah) in wreath .35

133.1-.3 1954 puppet show, aborigine and kangaroo, strip of 3 .55

133 1954 freak printing, blue offset ink on back, strip of 3 1.00

133.pcp 1954 set of 2 imperf. strips of 3 2.00

134.1-.3 1955 winter scene, boomerang, and candle, strip of 3 .55

136.1-.2 1957 Christmas trees, pair, as #14, but "CTBL" replaces "NAPTA" .30

137.1-.2 1958 flowers and candle, pair .30

138.1-.2 1959 Santa and aborigines carrying boomerang, and nativity, pair, as #16 but "CTBL" replaces "NAPTA" (NG 50 cents) 1.00

139 1960 Santa and children dancing, and nativity, identical to #17.1 & 17.3, but there is no ship seal (#17.2), pair .30

139.pcp set of 5 imperf. pairs 2.50

140 1961 Santa and kangaroo, koala bear on map of Australia, pair, as #18, but text on back of sheet .60

141 1962 angels and harp, as #78, but diff. text on back, reverse B .35

142 1963 angels and nativity, pair, as #79, but diff. text on back, reverse B .60

143-148 1964-70 identical to #80-85, also identical to #204-209, see #204.x-209.x for sheet prices

149 1970 flowers and candle, pair, as #137, but without date .60

150 1971 flower (the Waratah) in wreath, as #132, but dated 1971 .35

151 1972 Santa .35

152.1-.4 1973 kookaburra, kangaroo, koala bear, and ostrich, set of 4 .50

153.1-.2 1974 Santa and ship, set of 2 .30

154 1975 Santa .30

155 1976 Santa .30

156 1977 Santa .30

157 1978 Santa .30

158 1979 double barred cross .30

202 1962 angels and harp, identical to #141 .35

203.x 1963 angels and nativity, pair, as #79 but diff. text on back, reverse C, sheet of 60 5.00

204.x-209.x 1964-70 identical to #80-85, and identical to 143-148, reverse C, sheets, each 5.00

210.x 1970 identical to #86, sheet of 25, reverse C 2.50

211 1971 identical to #87

251 1947 star constellation, southern cross, 1st printing, light blue .35

251 1947 star constellation, southern cross, 2nd printing, dark blue .60

251.pcp 1947 set of 5 imperf. pairs 10.00

252 1948 Grass Tree .35

252.2-3x 1948 sheet of 60, mixed roulette 7 & 14 $21.00

253 1949 crouching aborigine with spear .35

253.p1 1949 proof, imperf. pair, heavy coated paper 5.00

253.p2 1949 proof, imperf. pair, regular paper 5.00

253.pcp 1949 set of 5 imperf. pairs 10.00

258 1966 Magpie bird .35

259 1967 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 .75

260 1968 flowers, black swan, and rising sun, strip of 4 .75

261 1968 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 .75

262 1969 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 .75

263 1970 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 .75

264 1971 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 .75

265 1972 star constellation, southern cross .25

266 1973 double barred cross within rectangles .25

267 1974 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 1.00

268 1975 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 1.00

269 1976 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 1.00

270 1977 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 1.00

271 1978 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 1.00

272 1979 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 1.00

273 1980 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 1.00

274 1981 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 1.00

275 1982 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, and map, strip of 5 1.00

275.1x 1982 sheet of 30 with ovpt. of Doctor Koch 6.00

276x 1983 sheet of 18 (8 diff.), Xmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, & map 5.00

277x 1984 sheet of 18 (6 diff.), Santa with toys and nativity 5.00

278x 1985 sheet of 18 (6 diff.), Santa with toys and nativity 5.00

279x 1986 sheet of 18 (6 diff.), Santa with toys and nativity 5.00

280x 1987 sheet of 12 (4 diff.), Santa with toys and nativity 3.50

282 1989 Santa and toys, set of 2 .35

282x 1989 sheet of 22, 2 diff 3.50

283 1990 Santa and toys, set of 2 .35

284 1991 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant & map, strip of 13 1.75

285 1992 Christmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant & map, strip of 13 1.75

286 1993 houses and "card only" seals, set of 12 1.75

292 1926 knight with sword and shield on horse back, NG 3.75

351 1962 two angels, identical to #19 and #450 .20

355 1966 bird, as #82, but no printing on back .35

356.x 1967 small animal in tree, as #83, but with printing on back, reverse D, sheet of 60 5.00

357.x 1968 platypus swimming, as #84, but with printing on back, reverse D, sheet of 60 7.50

358.x 1969 pine cones, as #85, but printing on back, reverse D, sheet of 30 3.75

359.x 1970 Captain Cook, as #86, but printing on back, reverse D, sheet of 30 5.00

360 1971 double barred cross on map of Australia .35

361x 1972 sheet of 30, identical to #265 $5.00

362x 1973 sheet of 30, identical to #266 $5.00

363 1974 double barred cross and rectangles, green .35

363x 1974 sheet of 30 $5.00

364 1975 double barred cross .35

365 1976 double barred cross and rectangles, light blue .35

366 1977 double barred cross and rectangles, orange .35

367 1978 map, dark blue .35

368 1979 map, green .35

369 1980 map and flowers .35

370 1981 flowers .35

373 1984 butterfly, flowers, and nativity, set of 5 2.00

374 1985 angels, flowers, and camels, set of 5 2.00

375 1986 koala bear, kangaroos, wisemen on camels, and Santa, set of 5 2.00

376 1987 Xmas tree, Santa & reindeer, shepherds with sheep & angel, set of 5 1.25

377 1988 flowers, strip of 6 1.25

378 1989 flower paintings, block of 4 1.50

379 1990 kid art, platypus, koala, kangaroo, and birds, strip of 6 1.75

380 1991 Santa, Xmas tree, bells, holly, and star, set of 14 2.50

381 1992 Santa in parade with floats, set of 14 3.75

400 1965 wreath and double barred cross .35

400.p 1965 proof, imperf. pair 5.00

401 1966 Magpie bird, as #23, but "SATBA..." replaces NAPTA" .25

402 1967 small animal in tree, as #83, but "SATBA..." replaces "NAPTA" .20

403 1968 cog wheel .20

404 1969 cog wheel .20

405 1970 cog wheel .20

406 1971 man walking across suspension bridge .20

407 1972 man walking across suspension bridge .20

408 1973 man sitting on cog wheel/ wheelchair .25

409 1974 man sitting on cog wheel/ wheelchair .25

410 1975 man sitting on cog wheel/ wheelchair .25

411 1976 child in wheelchair operating typewriter by mouth .25

412 1977 child in wheelchair operating typewriter by mouth .25

413 1978 two hands reaching, triangle .25

414 1979 man sitting on cog wheel/ wheelchair .25

415 1980 man sitting on cog wheel/ wheelchair, triangle .30

416 1981 occupations, block of 15 diff. 2.50

418 1982 occupations, block of 15 diff. 2.50

419 1983 butterfly, birds, wisemen, and flight to Egypt, set of 5 1.25

420 1984 butterfly, flowers, and nativity, set of 5 1.25

421 1985 angels, flowers, and camels, set of 5 1.25

422 1986 koala bear, kangaroos, wisemen on camels, and Santa, set of 5 1.25

423 1987 Xmas tree, Santa & reindeer, shepherds with sheep & angel, set of 5 1.25

424 1988 flowers, strip of 6 1.25

425 1989 flower paintings, block of 4 1.00

426 1990 kid art, platypus, koala, kangaroo, and birds, strip of 6 1.25

427 1991 Santa, Xmas tree, bells, holly, and star, set of 14 2.50

428 1992 Parade Floats, strip of 7 + 7 diff "Card Only" seals, no gum 2.50

429 1993 Architecture, set of 4 + Card Only seal 1.50

450 1962 two angels, identical to #19 &351 .20

462.x 1974 sheet of 30, double barred cross in rectangles, "Tasmania" on back 5.00

465 1977 double barred cross in rectangles, "Tasmania" on each seal .35

466 1978 double barred cross in rectangles, "Tasmania" on each seal .35

1979 double barred cross in rectangles, "Tasmania" on each seal .60

1980 double barred cross in rectangles, "Tasmania" on each seal, uncoated paper .60

1981 double barred cross in rectangles, "Tasmania" on each seal .35

561.1-.8 1951 poinsettias, wattle flowers, kookaburra, sanitarium, magpie, black emu, and black kangaroo, block of 8 2.00

562 1952 girl with candle .35

566 1968 platypus swimming, as #84, but "NAPTA" replaces "Greetings 1968" .30

567.x 1969 two pine cones, sheet of 30, no printing on back 5.00

568.x 1970 Captain Cook, sheet of 30, no printing on back 7.50

569.x 1971 double barred cross, sheet of 40, no printing on back 10.00

570.x 1972 star constellation, the Southern Cross, sheet of 30, "Queensland" on back 5.00

571.x 1973 double barred cross in rectangles, sheet of 30, "Queensland" on back 5.00

572.x 1974 double barred cross in rectangles, sheet of 30, "Queensland" on back 5.00

573 1975 #567 with ovpt., date obliterated .35

574 1976 holly sprig .35

575 1977 holly sprig .35

576 1978 Christmas tree .35

577 1979 map of Australia .35

578 1980 "The Queensland Division..." .35

579 1981 double barred cross, "Queensland" .35

580 1982 butterfly, microscope, Dr. Koch, & nativity, block of 4 1.25

580a 1983 butterfly, flowers, angel, and wisemen, block of 4 1.25

580c 1985 angels, flowers, and camels, set of 5 2.00

580d 1986 koala bear, kangaroos, wisemen on camels, and Santa, set of 5 2.00

583 1926 children dancing around Christmas tree (NG $5.00) 10.00


Australia Christmas Seal Collection, Fresh Never Hinged Australian Christmas Seal Collection, Green's Catalog #2-23, 51.1, 51.4, 51.7, 52- 90, 126-7, 129, 132-4, 136-7, 139-41, 251-3,260-2, 356-7, 400-405, 561.1-.8, 562. Issued by The South Australia Tuberculosis Association, Australian TB Association, and the National Association for the Prevention of TB in Australia, Adelaide; Anti TB Association of NSW, SIdney; Citizens TB League of NSW, Rozelle; TB Association of Western Australia, Perth; Victorian TB Association; Bedford Industries Rehab Centre, Panorama; TB Sailor's, Soldier's, and Airmen's Association of Queensland, Brisbane; TB Soldier's Aide Society, Adelaide. Green's Catalog value $36.00 for $25.00


Australia TB Sheets

2x 1944 sheet of 50 $13.00

3x 1946 sheet of 50 $13.00

4x 1947 sheet of 60 $15.75

5.1x 1948 sheet of 60, perf. 11 $15.75

5.2x 1948 sheet of 60, combinations of perf. 8, 8.5 & 9 $27.00

6.1x 1949 sheet of 60, roulette $15.75

6.2x 1949 sheet of 60, perforated $18.00

6.3x 1949 sheet of 60, perf x roul, no gum  $13.50

7x 1950 sheet of 60 $15.75

8.1x 1951 sheet of 60 $13.50

8.2x 1931 sheet of 60, glossy paper $15.75

9x 1952 sheet of 60 $11.25

10x 1953 sheet of 60 $11.25

11x 1954 sheet of 60 $11.25

12x 1955 sheet of 60 $9.00

13x 1956 sheet of 60 $11.25

14x 1957 sheet of 60 $12.00

15x 1958 sheet of 60 $9.00

16x 1959 sheet of 60 $11.25

17x 1960 sheet of 60 7.00

18x 1961 sheet of 60 $9.00

19x 1962 sheet of 60 $9.00

20x 1963 sheet of 60 $9.00

21x 1964 sheet of 60 $9.00

22x 1965 sheet of 60 $9.00

23x 1966 sheet of 60 $9.00

24x 1967 sheet of 60  $35.00

51.1x 1930 pane of 30, 1d red rubber stamped on back 22.50

51.2x 1930 pane of 30, 1d black rubber stamped on back 30.00

51.4x 1930 pane of 30, 3d red rubber stamped on back 22.50

51.5x 1930 pane of 30, 3d black rubber stamped on back 30.00

51.6x 1930 pane of 30, 3d violet rubber stamped on back 30.00

51.7x 1930 pane of 30, No rubber stamped on back 22.50

53x1 1948 pane of 12 with wide perf. margin at left with inscription 1.80

53x2 1948 sheet of 120 $16.50

54x1 1949 pane of 10 $3.50

54x2 1949 sheet of 120 $13.50

55x1 1950 pane of 12 with wide perf. margin at left with inscription 1.80

55x2 1950 sheet of 60 $9.00

56.1x1 1951 pane of 10, ordinary paper $5.00

56.1x2 1951 pane of 30, ordinary paper $5.00

56.2x2 1951 pane of 30, coated paper $5.00

56.2x2 1951 pane of 30, glossy paper $7.50

57x 1952 country, pane of 20 $3.50

58x 1952 city, pane of 20 $3.50

59x 1952 Christmas, pane of 20 $3.50

60x 1953 all year, pane of 20 $3.50

61x 1953 Christmas, pane of 20 $3.50

62x 1954 all year, pane of 10 $1.75

63.1x 1954 sheet of 24 $7.50

63.2x 1954 sheet of 6 $3.00

63.3x 1954 sheet of 3 $4.50

65x 1955 pane of 20 $4.00

66x 1956 pane of 30 $5.50

67x 1956 pane of 30 $4.50

68x 1957 pane of 30 $4.50

69x 1957 pane of 30 $4.50

70x 1958 pane of 30 $4.50

71x 1958 pane of 30 $4.50

72x 1959 pane of 30 $4.50

73x 1959 pane of 18 #3.50

74x 1960 all year, pane of 8 $3.50

75x 1960 Christmas, pane of 18 $3.50

76x 1961 all year, pane of 9 $1.75

77x 1961 Christmas, pane of 8 $1.75

78x 1962 sheet of 60 $9.00

79x 1963 sheet of 60 $9.00

80x 1964 sheet of 60 $9.00

81x 1965 sheet of 60 $9.00

81.p 1965 proof, imperf. pair 1.50

82x 1966 sheet of 60 $9.00

83x 1967 sheet of 60 $9.00

84x 1968 sheet of 60 $9.00

85x 1969 sheet of 30 $5.00

86x 1970 sheet of 25 $5.00

87x 1971 pane of 8 $1.75

88x 1972 pane of 8 $1.75

89x 1973 pane of 12 $2.25

90x 1974 pane of 12 $2.25

91x 1975 pane of 9 $2.50

92x 1976 sheet of 60 $9.50

93x 1977 sheet of 60 $9.50

94x 1978 sheet of 42 $7.50

95x 1979 sheet of 42 $7.50

96x 1980 sheet of 42 $7.50

97x 1981 sheet of 42 $7.50

98x 1982 sheet of 42 7.50

99x 1983 sheet of 42 $7.50

100x 1984 sheet of 42 $7.50

101x 1985 sheet of 42 $7.50

102x 1986 sheet of 35 $7.50

103x 1987 sheet of 35 $7.50

104x 1988 sheet of 30 $7.50

105x 1989 sheet of 42 $7.50

106x 1990 sheet of 56 $7.50

107x 1991 sheet of 56 $7.50

108x 1992 sheet of 36 + 40 "Card Only" labels $7.50

126x 1947 sheet of 50 $22.50

127x 1948 sheet of 80 uncut booklets with horizontal and vertical gutter $27.50

127x 1948 sheet of 160 uncut booklets with horizontal and vertical gutter $55.00

129x 1950 sheet of 60 $24.50

132x 1953 sheet of 60 $15.75

133x 1954 sheet of 60 $11.00

134x 1955 sheet of 60 $11.00

136x 1957 sheet of 60 $9.00

137x 1958 sheet of 60 $9.00

139x 1960 sheet of 60 $9.00

140x1 1961 sheet of 60 $13.50

140x2 1961 sheet of 60, text arranged differently on back $18.00

141x 1962 sheet of 60 $15.75

149x 1970 sheet of 60 $9.50

150x 1971 sheet of 60 $9.50

151x 1972 sheet of 24 $8.00

152x 1973 sheet of 60 $7.50

153x 1974 sheet of 60 $7.50

154x 1975 sheet of 24 $7.00

155x 1976 sheet of 24 $7.00

156x 1977 sheet of 24 $7.00

157x 1978 sheet of 24 $7.00

158x 1979 sheet of 24 $5.00

203.x 1963 angels and nativity, pair, as #79 but diff. text on back, reverse C, sheet of 60 5.00

204.x-209.x 1964-70 identical to #80-85, and identical to 143-148, reverse C, sheets, each 5.00

210.x 1970 identical to #86, sheet of 25, reverse C 2.50

251x1 1947 sheet of 60, light blue $15.75

252.1x 1948 sheet of 60, roulette 7 $15.75

252.2-3x 1948 sheet of 60, mixed roulette 7 & 14 $21.00

253x 1949 sheet of 60 $12.50

258x 1966 sheet of 30 $7.50

259x1 1967 sheet of 30 $4.50

261x 1968 sheet of 30 $4.50

262x 1969 sheet of 30 $4.50

263x 1970 sheet of 30 $4.50

264x 1971 sheet of 30 $4.50

265x 1972 sheet of 30 $6.00

266x 1973 sheet of 30 $6.00

267x 1974 sheet of 30 $6.00

268x 1975 sheet of 30 $6.00

269x 1976 sheet of 30 $6.00

275.1x 1982 sheet of 30 with ovpt. of Doctor Koch 6.00

276x 1983 sheet of 18 (8 diff.), Xmas tree, black swan, kangaroo law plant, & map 5.00

277x 1984 sheet of 18 (6 diff.), Santa with toys and nativity 5.00

278x 1985 sheet of 18 (6 diff.), Santa with toys and nativity 5.00

279x 1986 sheet of 18 (6 diff.), Santa with toys and nativity 5.00

280x 1987 sheet of 12 (4 diff.), Santa with toys and nativity 3.50

282x 1989 sheet of 22, 2 diff 3.50

283x 1990 sheet of 22, 2 diff 3.50

284x 1991 sheet of 26, 5 diff 3.50

285x 1992 sheet of 26, 5 diff 3.50

286x 1993 sheet of 48 $7.00

354.x 1965 design as #81, but no printing on back, sheet of 60 10.00

356.x 1967 small animal in tree, as #83, but with printing on back, reverse D, sheet of 60 5.00

357.x 1968 platypus swimming, as #84, but with printing on back, reverse D, sheet of 60 7.50

358.x 1969 pine cones, as #85, but printing on back, reverse D, sheet of 30 3.75

359.x 1970 Captain Cook, as #86, but printing on back, reverse D, sheet of 30 5.00

361x 1972 sheet of 30, identical to #265 $5.00

362x 1973 sheet of 30, identical to #266 $5.00

363x 1974 sheet of 30 $5.00

364x 1975 sheet of 30 $5.00

365x 1976 sheet of 30 $5.00

366x 1977 sheet of 30 $7.50

367x 1978 sheet of 30 $7.50

368x 1979 sheet of 30 $5.00

369x 1980 sheet of 30 $7.50

370x 1981 sheet of 30 $6.00

371x 1982 sheet of 42 $8.50 - same as #580x

373x 1984 sheet of 35 $9.00

375x 1986 sheet of 35 $9.00

376x 1987 sheet of 35 $9.00

377x 1988 sheet of 42 $9.00

378x 1989 sheet of 42 $9.00

379x 1990 sheet of 42 $9.00

380x 1991 sheet of 28 $5.00

381x 1992 sheet of 56 $6.00

402x1 1967 sheet of 60 $9.00

408x 1973 sheet of 30 $5.00

409x 1974 sheet of 30 $5.00

410x 1975 sheet of 30 $5.00

411x 1976 sheet of 30 $5.00

412x 1977 sheet of 30 $5.00

413x 1978 sheet of 32 $5.00

414x 1979 sheet of 30 $5.00

415x 1980 sheet of 32 $5.00

416x 1981 sheet of 30, margin removed $5.00

418x 1982 sheet of 30 $5.00

419x 1983 sheet of 20 $5.00

420x 1984 sheet of 35 $6.00

421x 1985 sheet of 35 $6.00

422x 1986 sheet of 35 $6.00

423x 1987 sheet of 35 $6.00

424x 1988 sheet of 42 $6.00

425x 1989 sheet of 42 $6.00

426x 1990 sheet of 42 $6.00

428x 1992 sheet of 42 (14 + 28 card only), no gum $5.00

429x 1993 sheet of 36 + 32 "Card Only" labels on 3 sides $10.00

461.x 1973 sheet of 30, double barred cross in rectangles, "Tasmania" on back 5.00

462.x 1974 sheet of 30, double barred cross in rectangles, "Tasmania" on back 5.00

561x 1951 sheet of 80 $15.00

562x 1955 sheet of 40 $10.00

566x 1968 sheet of 60 $10.00

567.x 1969 two pine cones, sheet of 30, no printing on back 5.00

568.x 1970 Captain Cook, sheet of 30, no printing on back 7.50

569.x 1971 double barred cross, sheet of 40, no printing on back 10.00

570.x 1972 star constellation, the Southern Cross, sheet of 30, "Queensland" on back 5.00

571.x 1973 double barred cross in rectangles, sheet of 30, "Queensland" on back 5.00

572.x 1974 double barred cross in rectangles, sheet of 30, "Queensland" on back 5.00

573x 1973 pane of 15 $3.00

574x 1976 sheet of 18 $4.00

575x 1977 sheet of 18 $4.00

576x 1978 sheet of 18 $4.00

577x 1979 sheet of 18 $4.00

578x 1980 sheet of 18 $4.00

579x 1981 sheet of 36 $8.50

580x 1982 sheet of 42 $8.50 - same as #371x

580a 1983 sheet of 42 $8.50

Australia TB Sheets - Imperforate Proofs & Progressive Color Proofs (pcp)

5px 1948  imperforate sheet $37.50

5pcpx 1948 seven imperforate sheets 

7pcpx 1950 nine imperforate sheets $75.00

8pcpx 1951 seven imperforate sheets $50.00

9px 1952 imperforate sheet $22.50

9pcpx 1952 seven imperforate sheets $40.00

10px 1953 imperforate sheet $25.00

10pcpx 1953 seven imperforate sheets $50.00

11pcpx 1954 five imperforate sheets $50.00

12pcpx 1955 five imperforate sheets $50.00

13pcpx 1956 five imperforate sheets $50.00

15pcpx 1958 five imperforate sheets $40.00

16px 1959 imperforate sheet $25.00

16pcpx 1959 seven imperforate sheets  $50.00

17px 1930 imperforate sheet $25.00

17pcpx 1960 five imperforate sheets $50.00

18p1x 1961 imperforate sheet without printing on back $25.00

18pcpx 1961 four imperforate sheets $50.00

20pcpx 1962 five imperforate sheets $40.00

22pcpx 1965 four imperforate sheets, no complete design $40.00

54px 1949 imperforate sheet of 120 $45.00

61pcpx 1953 five imperforate blocks of 40, no gum $25.00

63.1pcp 1962 five imperforate blocks of 12 (half sheets) $45.00

65pcpx 1955 four sheets of 40 with vertical gutter $50.00

66pcpx 1955 three imperforate sheets, no gum $25.00

71pcpx 1958 three imperforate sheets of 30 in booklet $45.00

72pcpx 1959 five imperforate sheets $50.00

78pcpx 1962 four imperforate sheets $50.00

79px 1962 imperforate sheet 25.00

79pcpx 1963 five imperforate sheets $50.00

79px 1963 imperforate sheet 25.00

81px 1965 imperforate sheet $25.00

82pcpx 1966 seven roulette sheets, no gum $25.00

139pcpx2 1960 seven imperforate sheets $50.00

253p1x 1949 imperforate sheet, heavy coated paper $50.00

259pcpx 1967 three roulette sheets $25.00

262pcpx 1969 three imperforate sheets $25.00

400px 1965 imperforate sheet $35.00